Reading the description, I thought, "hey, this sounds like it might be fun", but then the "prologue" just drug on and on and on. I didn't even try to read all of the pointless babble. Working from home as a transcript editor, I see alot of stories come and go and the one thing I have learned is this.....
When you open a story the way you just did, you are basically telling the readers that this is how the story is going to go. While long and drawn out dialog might work for a book or short story, it does NOT work in an Adult VN where keeping the readers engaged is important. All you managed to do in my opinion is tell your readers not to expect anything more than click after click of pointless dialog that really goes nowhere. You also managed to kill your whole story in your prologue. You have left nothing for the readers to look forward to because you spent a hundred clicks telling them everything the wife wants to do and will as we know, get. You then gave us a cast of characters and their bios that when combined with the detailed explanation of how the story is going to go, will tell us who is going to do what and how.
In literature their are "rules" that make a great story what it is. You pretty much broke them all. Good Job!!