I didn't play this update, but until now the lewd scenes in this adult game are quite rare and short, and not very erotic. Overall not much eroticism in this, the renders are dull, the women's sexiness is not well showcased.
The psychology plot is a pretext to start the story and kinda boring. The café plot is nice but ingenuous. I like the PG plot but again lack something special, more violence or tension.
Not a bad game, there is a lot of worse games, but also lots of better ones.
at the end it all depends on personal tastes...for example those two games you have in your signatures (and most probably hold them in high regards) are worse than this one youre finding quite average. yet thats just my opinion/taste.
and i have no intention to make from it some "im holding the ultimate knowledge/taste, what i am saying is an ultimate truth.." or similar as you are doing there
ofc the support one dev is getting depends on more things than just simple game quality, yet thats the life, sometimes fair, more often very unfair, and completeyl diff topic.
back to (strictly) the game topics.
congrats dev, one of the best episodes so far

the ice queen is melting, slowly yet steadily

, things with riley are heating up (and taking their sweet time), while the scene with kate is one of the hottest around...perhaps there are/were more scenes with other chicks, yet those few are those im interested in
So the dev dude says he's adding more to the story before going back to "fix stuff." I would suggest going back first and fixing more than just "stuff." FIX ALL THIS: Every single fucking sex scene, every single animation, and every single orgasm, and juicing up the story before moving forward with anything else at all! HINT: Venus Waltz should look at some of the fucking in Long Road Home or My Dorm. They're done right, almost every single time! And the women are hot as fuck! And there are sex vocalizations, male AND female, in Long Road Home, which really boosts the realism!
god, no, yet another one "im holding the ultimate power/knowledge" dude

from where are you spawning these days?

If you are using such classics, Im gonna pull out one classic as well - why dont you try to make a game for yourself,? or go to those (imo) less than avearge game threads and cherish and brag how great they are, freely and full time?

probably the worst and the most unnecessary thing in adult vns , like, ever...
or perhaps even better, i should go there and point a few (or more) not-so-great things out (aka my opinion as universal truth/pov)...wondering how it will end, im sure community there is as friendly as this one (devs included)