
Mar 27, 2018
Vanessa makes you promise sketchy shit and proceeds to act sketchy as shit when she takes you home.


She about to create some big drama to increase her social profile, isn't she?


Forum Fanatic
Sep 1, 2023
Vanessa makes you promise sketchy shit and proceeds to act sketchy as shit when she takes you home.

View attachment 3742431

She about to create some big drama to increase her social profile, isn't she?
So, what's wrong with that?

It's not for fucking, in theory I play this game precisely because of Vanessa and its plot looks almost like a real story. at the moment it’s a business and as the plot progresses, she slowly feels something for Mc, the promise is more important for her for now, just like the business, then we’ll see how the story unfolds


Twins Basil! Twins!
Jul 26, 2023
Vanessa makes you promise sketchy shit and proceeds to act sketchy as shit when she takes you home.

View attachment 3742431

She about to create some big drama to increase her social profile, isn't she?

I think you've seen something I haven't. Care to explain?

The only thing she made MC promise was the same thing she has asked me to promise every single time they've met.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 7, 2022
Erika for me ..... and Lori but sh's only a side chick sadly.

I did like Riley originally but there is a limit to how many times I can read "i've had a crush on you since high school" before it starts to sound a bit creepy and stalkerish.
I play this game for them all. But, Erika really takes 1st place. She has a personality that would fit a freckled redhead, that's all I'll say about it.

But, really, I love them all. It's the MC that makes this a difficult game to play. I really can't get him. He's way too cold, way too abrasive, way too extroverted, way too horny, way too... everything at the same time. I don't know... I can't figure it out.

Still, I play. For the girls.

Peace :)


Forum Fanatic
Sep 1, 2023
Erika for me ..... and Lori but sh's only a side chick sadly.

I did like Riley originally but there is a limit to how many times I can read "i've had a crush on you since high school" before it starts to sound a bit creepy and stalkerish.
Erika? why not! I started the game with Erika and she was the first girl for me, especially her behavior and strengths and how she supports Mc of any difficulty. but I like Vanessa for a different reason, I would say there is a hidden interest in her, just like in Erika.

and they both have difficult pasts, but of course Erika has a more difficult past. but I think you understand what I mean. In theory, I like all the girls here for different reasons. but these two are still taller than others


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
It's the MC that makes this a difficult game to play. I really can't get him. He's way too cold, way too abrasive, way too extroverted, way too horny, way too... everything at the same time. I don't know... I can't figure it out.
I agree with this, usually when he's around Vanessa. He just doesn't know when to shut up.

I generally really enjoy the game but there are a few times things have ..... irked me.

The chemistry between MC and Erika is great, same with Harlow and Marisa. Soph it's okay but her screen time is limited so don't see them interact much. Kate I had in friend mode. As much as I like her as a character I don't think she would give the MC the time of day in any sort of relationship setting. I don't see her wanting to be intimate with someone her sons age. That and despite what the game says, I don't see the MC as mature enough to handle What Kate was offering.

Vanessa I like as a character. I love how she's so deadpan and how she casually dismisses Luke. I have to suspend a LOT of disbelief when it comes to her as a love interest. Their personalities do not gel and you know if that was a real interaction she'd have ghosted him after a few days when she realised he aint shutting his mouth.

I genuinely find some of the attempts at flirting with Riley to a be a bit weird. He's constantly bringing up high school but not in a reminiscant way. More like a "hey, would have banged you in high school, shame you got older".

That vast majority of the game is great but certain things don't work for me personally. The whole thing with Vanessa, to me, looks like he compensates for lack of game with constant chatter and attempts at jokes.

Like, him and Erika has the same energy. They match pretty well, same with Marisa and Jordan to a lesser degree. I do enjoy his interactions with Harlow, they are adorable together.

The problem is, with the characters that have their shit together, he just seems out of place with them.

Part of that is his severe lack of rizz. For instance I think Lori is a great character and their scene fit. However the next time he gets chance to flirt with her he's bringing up choke fucking her right next to a guy that's been like a brother to her since they were kids. I don't know about anyone else with sibling here but I don't want to hear someone discussing my sisters sex life.

I know my sister never has sex. People lied and told me she was carrying a child but all I remember is one day she was fat, next day the stork has brought her a child. Also she looked like she'd had a massive shit to lose the giant gut she had earlier that day.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2022
Erika for me
I did like Riley originally but there is a limit to how many times I can read "i've had a crush on you since high school" before it starts to sound a bit creepy and stalkerish.
For me it's the fact that the MC sees her as an idealized version of the perfect woman,
it almost seems like every time Riley talks about the present the MC always goes back to his imaginary Riley from the past.


Aug 20, 2020
Just found this game a week ago and completed it yesterday. Looking at the banner, the girls that interested me before starting the game were Marissa, Harlow and Riley (since she looked similar to another VN girl i liked) Then i read the tags and saw it was harem, so i just went with everybody since usually in those, your fuckboy magical big dick always pull all the girls in.

Overall, i liked the game a lot, even tough a lot of the LI's lost points throughout the progression of the game and some even becoming unlikable, the cringeness and out of place of a lot of the flirty replies as well as the agressive decisions being almost always stupid, like pulling your dick out at the fashion show. It's like, WHY?.

For the characters, i went from liking most of them to now only liking Marissa and Harlow.

Erika was nice at first. Every VN's always have one easy sex LI so the player can have sex scenes without dreams of flashback sequences, and she's it. Then, the more you play, the more it look you both get attached, the less she gives you sex, mostly always refusing you and later on, you find out she still was lying to you all that time. When she finally reveals everything to you, she basically said she lured you with easy sex so you would stick to her. Then, when she felt you were reeled in, she just stop, don't tell you the reasons or anything. She even make you sleep on the couch while you stay with her. I grew to like her up to midway, then she became annoying. I also was tired of her always calling us slick. I know for her it means she like us a LOT since it was the same nickname she used for her brother which means she will be loyal to us 'till the end, but i found the word "slick" just unappealing, similar to the "King" nickname and the whole "bend the knee" schtick. Uptown maniac would have been a great nickname for the MC and also for a reveal of his underground career if photos for both would have started to appear on the social media (to boost even more the followers).

Harlow. She's the sweet inexperienced nerd virgin girl with no friends trope. She was writen sweetly and i did like the progression. I had fun getting her used to having a good time hanging out.

Kate. The 40's professor that say no to a series of cringefest lines, but still get attarcted to the MC's dick like a fly on honey. I didn't like her model too much. Still was going through the motions, then i picked the wrong choice and stayed friendly with her. I realised a bit later what i did, but i didn't think it was worth the effort to save scum and reload and left her in the friendzone. I now mostly pick blue replies with sometime a green if it's not stupid and i'm fine with it.

Riley. I started trying to work on her like all the other girls to realise, chapter after chapter, that it was just an annoyingly lame waste of time. 90% of the interactions they have is the MC trying to make a pass on her with some highschool line or recap, and her saying no, it's not gonna happen, and the MC rudely consistently pushing the point too far everytime. In the later chapters, i decided, like Kate that it was not worth my time on her. I now mostly pick blue or business related choices with her, and will mostly say no or avoid her when she inevitably fall for the MC stupid lines or see his magical dick. Now, i'm finding myself having a hard time reading her segments and like with Billy, i often just skim through the main lines and tab the rest, as i know it's gonna be the same bullshit again. Just let her go dude.

Vanessa. What an un-enjoyable and badly written LI. I understand the schtick of the emotionless elite girl that is supposed to slowly warm up to you, but the execution is horrible. She never really warm up to you, except with the dead mothers talk. She consistently tells you to fuck off and shut up, and the MC never stops yapping is mouth still. It even annoys myself and i wished the MC would just shut up. And i swear, most flirt line with her are horrible and makes the MC look really bad. I'd stay away from him if i was Vanessa. Then, out of the blue, you begin kissing with her. She still tells you to shut up, don't tell you to stop. The magical dick trap is set. Her attitude might not change, but the dev needs sex scenes for more than 5 girls in those 14 chapters. Introduce the worst implemented sex scenes i think in my AVN's history. She don't want to celebrate, then she takes you to her room, then randomly decide you'd like sex so why not and still appears unhappy about it, like she "had" to, to secure you. Even worst, for me, it felt like she was giving her virginity. If my hunch is true, it's even worst. Looked to me half the time she wanted to just cry. It's like from 0 to 60 in 2 chapters after it was 0 to 0 in the 12 before. Didn't feel satisfying at all.

All the other girls i assume are only side girls since they don't have a useless recap panel at the end of every chapter, so i'll put all of them here. The detective. Just wow. What was that. Plaster face just like Vanessa, then she takes you on a ride just to later ride your dick just before you made 2 or 3 remarks you'd fuck her. And she's investigating you. What a fuck up she is. It doesn't make any sense. Free sex scenes for the plebs i guess. Jordan. Another model that's in a lot of AVN's, but this time she's 56. Boring old had to shag. Just like the detective. Free scenes to boost the scenes number. Sophia. Too little too late. Boring middle of the pack randomly inserted student. She's basically a way to give more reasons to have scenes with Kate. Meh for me. Marissa. I loved Marissa. The stripper to get players free sex scenes while the LI's were in character developpment. For a character with the choices of: do you wanna fuck, yes/no, she was charming and interesting. She has a nice small side story and pop just enough for you not to forget her. I wish she will be in an ending, i'd probably pick her if the game was solo LI. I liked the dynamic. Lorelei, another weird random scenes. Goes randomly from fuck you to fuck me in like a chapter. Then you can cringe tell you'd sex choke her again in front of the other guy. What a class act champion the MC is. Grace is the same thing. You speak to her once, randomly tells the mega celeb, wanna fuck? and magical dick trap again! SHe's seduced and in the bed. A lot of these scenes with this girls could have been removed. They are forced and there just to pump the number of scenes per chapters, and i dislike this practice. Just make good character development and make shit happen between the main LI's and you won't have to create so many random sexual interactions. As for Billy, it was ok to establish some background to the MC at first, but now it is just obnoxious and i find myself skipping most of the Billy segments. Theres only so much "it's the best coffee" i can take every chapter. Just drop the job and move on.

I liked the fighting angle. I don't care that it's scripted and you win regardless without choices, but i liked having the fights instead of just a chat bubble recap of what happened. The only annoyance is Erika, every single fight telling you she made money (in the tens of thiousand and more) like never before and that she'll pay Jack and move from the slums, only to find, every single time that she didn't and that she's always betting 100% of what she has. We all know after some shenanigans that the MC will win. Diablo doesn't seem too much. Heat got puched like 35 times and was still mostly good to go, so we know he don't have a 1 hit punch and that when the MC's about to loose, they will figure out his gimmick. Then what? I assume after we win the tournament, that guy that think all the fighters aren't worth his time gonna challenge the MC to setup a big fight main event in the future. We need more of the Goku training arc! The power levels need to rise! Can't wait for the LI's to find out he's fighting, only to be swayed by the power of the magical dick and not be able to resist showing up to encourage him.

Even if i ended up not enjoying too much the LI's it is still a very enjoyable game that i will look to play when the updates are done. I'd just like that the MC wouldn't just every other scene just always blurt: wanna fuck? to every girl he comes across. That's creepy and not a turn on at all.
  • Angry
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Jan 6, 2023
Well why don't you really tell us how you feel about this game so I can understand a little better...


Aug 20, 2020
Well why don't you really tell us how you feel about this game so I can understand a little better...
That's what i just did. Interesting story, subpar LI's, too many forced sex scenes, cool fighting segments, feels like it was written by a 16 years old. A good 6.5/10 for me, but enjoyable nonetheless.

This is a discussion forum. I discussed my opinion on a game i just found and am curious how my opinions ressemble or differ from other people playing this game for a while.

Not everyone type a reply to just say: incest with mom when? Random npc touched a LI's hand, NTR crusade!! or to make a tierlist.
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Twins Basil! Twins!
Jul 26, 2023
That's what i just did. Interesting story, subpar LI's, too many forced sex scenes, cool fighting segments, feels like it was written by a 16 years old. A good 6.5/10 for me, but enjoyable nonetheless.

This is a discussion forum. I discussed my opinion on a game i just found and am curious how my opinions ressemble or differ from other people playing this game for a while.

Not everyone type a reply to just say: incest with mom when? Random npc touched a LI's hand, NTR crusade!! or to make a tierlist.
There's lots of forced flirting & drooling, but I didn't get a single forced sex scene.

But I agree on the Slick - that bugged the crap out of me too.


Devoted Member
Nov 20, 2018
That's what i just did. Interesting story, subpar LI's, too many forced sex scenes, cool fighting segments, feels like it was written by a 16 years old. A good 6.5/10 for me, but enjoyable nonetheless.

This is a discussion forum. I discussed my opinion on a game i just found and am curious how my opinions ressemble or differ from other people playing this game for a while.

Not everyone type a reply to just say: incest with mom when? Random npc touched a LI's hand, NTR crusade!! or to make a tierlist.
You missed the sarcasm. That post was saying that you were verbose in going over every aspect of the game. Just FYI.

As for the "forced sex", there actually isn't any. If you make choices (the white ones) that lead you down the path resulting in sex, that's your own decision. But you have choices to accept LIs or not. These decisions take you down the path to pursuing an LI (or side girl), which eventually results in sex with them. If you don't want sex with said girl, don't choose to pursue her (don't kiss her, don't say the MC has a crush on her, don't say the MC is fighting for her, don't choose sex after a lap dance, etc.). It's pretty straightforward IMO; you even have text like "(No sex)" or similar to tell you what the outcome of a choice will be. I can't understand how you might have gotten surprised by any sex scenes, TBH.


Aug 20, 2020
You missed the sarcasm. That post was saying that you were verbose in going over every aspect of the game. Just FYI.
I admit i missed it. Harder to gauge sarcasm in an online post than irl with itonations and such, i'm sorry.

As for the "forced sex", there actually isn't any. If you make choices (the white ones) that lead you down the path resulting in sex, that's your own decision. But you have choices to accept LIs or not.
i didn't meant forced sex scenes as "unavoidables" scenes without a choice. I know you can skip them. I just meant that that i felt many scenes were so out of place (for example the one with Seo, the one with Lorelei, the random Jordan scenes), and were just added to pad the number of sex scenes per chapter and did not fit at all. Personally, if the dev's goal was 4 scenes per chapter for example, i would have preferred to try and fit 2 scenes with the same "main-ish" girls than a random very low-tier npc. Not to say a one night stand with a total stranger can't work, but you have to at least bring it in a somewhat believable fashion.

And as to why i usually click yes on almost everyone in harem games is because if not, most of the time you are missing a lot more content as it is made for you to get 'em all. The only characters i always avoid in harem or in general (unless i make a mistake in a choice) are gay, futa, trans or with animal-like type ones. Not my things.

For me, i prefer scenes that flow and fit with what is happening, rather than force the situations, even if it means few scenes in total. But i also understand it's a porn game and some people just want lots of it regardless of what happens. And to be fair, i prefer it happening this way in a harem game rather than a more solo girl oriented game.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Sep 8, 2020
That's what i just did. Interesting story, subpar LI's, too many forced sex scenes, cool fighting segments, feels like it was written by a 16 years old. A good 6.5/10 for me, but enjoyable nonetheless.

This is a discussion forum. I discussed my opinion on a game i just found and am curious how my opinions ressemble or differ from other people playing this game for a while.

Not everyone type a reply to just say: incest with mom when? Random npc touched a LI's hand, NTR crusade!! or to make a tierlist.
I am enjoying this AVN even if I think you are not giving the creator much credit for writing style/story (written by a 16 year old is harsh but you are entitled to your opinion).

The title means, IMO, a Man for All - so a harem game.

This requires a significant departure from RL - suspension of belief - to be enjoyed for what it is.

Within the boundaries of the story being told, I think this is well written and rendered.

There are a variety of women - the All part of the title - and some appeal to me more than others (Harlow, Kate, Riley, Vanessa).

I also appreciate women like Erica, even if I would not choose to date them myself.

She looks worse now than she did 3 releases ago, for example (looks worse in terms of her motivation and interactions with the MC).

We still have more story to tell so I am not going to judge any of the women until AMFA is completed, including any epilogue moments.

Erica is, for all we know, a single mother who lost her child due to marrying a manipulative asshat who is preventing her from seeing her baby.

Her story could be that she will do almost Anything to find a way to be reunited with her child and that includes lies/manipulation of the MC so she can make $ to move to a better part of town and hire a good lawyer to get her child back.

In this scenario - if I was the MC, I would not appreciate the lies and manipulation, But I would understand the motivation.

At this stage - we just don't know.

While the creator is not going to win a Pulitzer for his writing, I feel like it is top third or better for the AVNs I've tried and enjoyed (something like 200+ so far - and I admit that I am happy to give new creators a shot by spending my time trying to immerse myself in their stories).

I'm looking forward to the next rev and what feels like a significant evolution in the MC/Riley relationship.

Cheers!! :coffee:


Apr 20, 2021
like all the LI but its erika all the way.....bbbbuuutttt I really like the prof even though i cant remember her name....great game dev and keep up the good work :)
4.20 star(s) 95 Votes