
Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2021
Marisa was introduced in Episode 2 but I didn't get much feedback on her then, so I assumed most people didn't care about her. Now that I know that she has some fans, it makes it easier going forward with the plans I have for her.
Yes, please excuse, unfortunately I didn't discover the game until chapter 5 was published, otherwise I would have praised Marisa much earlier. :LOL:
I sincerely hope that she will still get a place in the harem as main LI.:love:

I can make some changes about the course and trajectory
Unlike you, we have no idea about Vanessa, but I think that's the way she (still) is now, which makes her mysterious and interesting, although I have to admit that I can also hardly wait to look deeper behind her unapproachable shell.


Jun 4, 2017
For Vanessa, I have her entire story planned out all the way to the ending. I know what happens to her, who she is, and why she does the things she does, including why she's always wearing her glasses. I can make some changes about the course and trajectory of her story but I can't change the fundamental foundation of what I'm building on.
Vanessa is my favorite right now.

All I hope for is that when we inevitably sleep with her, she wakes up the next morning and wears the monkey t-shirt.

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Jun 4, 2017
Has Venus waltz started working on episode 7?
There's a poll on Patreon right now for which color Vanessa will wear in it (no pictures as he said the outfit is a spoiler).

He says he knows which scenes will happen, so he has at least got the outline for episode 7 done.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2021
That's the problem.
There is no information about what kind of clothes we are even talking about.

I honestly don't understand how you can vote white for Vanessa.
Vanessa is pale, white clothes never really look great there.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2021
An die deutschsprachigen Spieler, die meine Übersetzung benutzen.
Es steht eine überarbeitete Version zum download bereit.
Es wurden einige kleinere Fehler behoben und manche Szenen umgeschrieben, sowie die nicht übersetzte Auswahloption beim Dinner mit Kate nun übersetzt.

Falls ihr noch was findet lasst es mich bitte wissen.


To the German speaking players who use my translation.
A revised version is available for download.

Some minor bugs have been fixed and some scenes have been rewritten, as well as the untranslated selection option for dinner with Kate has now been translated.

If you find anything else please let me know.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
Ah. This is what I play porn games for. The character interaction and the humor
Seriously though, having a blast playing this. Can't stop snickering.
Hence Vanessa being my favorite
Last edited:


Jun 4, 2017
What is latest progress update?
From Jan 21
Episode 6 Progress Update #7

From the opening sequence to the final ending scene, renders are finished. I might have to go back and touch up some renders but nothing major.

Animations are nearly finished. They don't take that long because I can let them render overnight. Rendering does take hours and hours though. Doing post-work on them will take a few hours but not nearly as long as it takes to render them. The long work is just letting them render.

I've started writing. It's early in the process but going through scenes is fairly quick compared to the renders. It won't take me months to write and edit scenes.

I'm messing around with the code for some new things and managed to knock some things out. Everything is pretty much set up for me to just write. I don't anticipate any major coding I have to add.

Just to reiterate, there are a couple of empty-looking black progress bars up there but I'm planning on filling them up as fast as I can. That doesn't mean I wouldn't try to do a thorough job. But the long work is done.

Hmm... I wonder what's on Harlow's mind.


I'm looking forward to finishing Episode 6. Episode 6 is big in terms of the plot and it does end on somewhat of a cliffhanger. I know what happens in Episode 7, so I'm already planning it in my head. Once Episode 6 is done, I can get right into rendering Episode 7. But I won't get ahead of myself.

Thank you all for your support. I couldn't do this without you. Any comments or questions, just let me know. See you all next week. Take care.


Jan 7, 2022
Hey Venus waltz can you please tell us in which week of February you're planning to release episode 6?
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