
Apr 11, 2023
I feel like the first one is Nicole, and the second one is MC's mother
You have a good eye. The second picture, I'm going to agree that it is MC's mom. Judging by the attire, it looks like MC's mom is wearing the same sleveless white top. Also judging by the second picture and in recent interactions between Marilyn and MC's mom in the recent Parts in the game. It could be possible that Marilyn could develop a crush on MC's mom.

As for the first picture, I don't think it's Nicole. Because just by looking at the girls body next to MC it doesn't look exactly like Nicoles. So I'm still guessing it could be either, Chloe, MC's female office mates or the girl office mate, (I forgot her name) the one we're trying to become allies with before she tried to threaten us to John. But I can't distinguised on which female character is next to MC in the first photo.


Engaged Member
Dec 7, 2018

Hey everyone! Here are two more WIP's from the developments of A Mother's Love Part 12.

Thank you all for your patience and as usual, see you soon :)
Although the dialogue between Nicole and MC that is glimpsed in that screenshot is worrying, I think it is another of John's mind games, who will probably know that MC is eavesdropping on them and the player will have to make a choice regarding how MC will react to that moment, since in the later blurred content the code seems to show content coming from a choice. The question is whether it is due to a choice at that moment or a previous one.

Also, I still believe that after that cliffhanger nothing will have happened between Nicole and John, but perhaps we will only find out with a flashback, leaving us with the great uncertainty of what happened then until Nicole tells the truth to MC, similar to how we learned what happened when she returned of her jogging and because she did not accompany her husband to that business dinner (being replaced by Silvia), a moment that she took advantage of to go to MC's house and thus enjoy that dinner with him (although this flashback only occurs if you choose the option Mention John during their dinner).

Obviously he doesn't care, he says as much when Silvia first points out the coincidences with MC and Nicole, but he dismisses the idea of anyone being interested in her if he's not. It's the second time she points it out, during the business trip, and MC's reaction in the office, that he begins to consider the possibility, and starts the tests.

What I don't get is what is John's end goal. He seems to be grooming MC to become "heir to his empire," which would kind of make sense if he saw him as a future son-in-law, but he definitely seems to believe Chloe and MC will never marry, regardless of player's choices, so why keep him on? Furthermore, he suspects the affair, trying to find ways to expose the smoking gun, rather than just firing MC, forbidding or sabotaging the MC-Chloe relationship, demanding the house key back, and thus removing any excuses for MC to ever go to the house and be with Nicole. Obviously him offering Silvia up to the MC was a test, but I wonder what he would have done if we players had the option to accept (stealing two women from John would have been glorious, missed opportunity). So clearly he's not trying to stop the MC-Nicole relationship. My only guess would be he's a puppeteer, so as long as it doesn't lose him money, he lives for the joy of manipulating people, and watching people squirm, thus the affair offers him two new toys to play with: MC and Nicole. His lack of interest in her, therefore, probably is less to do with her looks, but actually due to her having lost her will years ago due to his manipulation, whereas Silvia, despite being completely submissive towards him, holds onto her will through her dream of Malcolm, thus his "searching" to keep her motivated. Thus an affair has rekindled a fire in Nicole's spirit, which is the plaything that John sadistically craves.
For John, the ideal would have been to have a son of his, but I think that since Nicole has not been able to give him the son he wanted, he sees in MC the closest thing to having one of his own, since he is a young man who is entering adulthood and believes that can mold him enough as he would have wanted to do with his own son.

However, another possibility would be that John has known for a long time about the affair between MC and his wife and he consents to it, hoping that Nicole will become pregnant with MC's child, who would carry the surname of John in order to continue the family name (something that I assume is very important for someone who has researched their own ancestors for many years), since John seems unaware of the existence of Mrs. Blues' son.

On the other hand, he enjoys manipulating people, taking that trait to unusual extremes, "convincing" women who are married or "engaged" to other men to become sexually intimate with him. He apparently has no interest in his female subordinates beyond Silvia (whose heart remains devoted to the missing Malcolm, despite all indications that he has probably been dead since his disappearance), although he "convinces" them to use their sexual charms on future clients.

If there isn't some kind of challenge, John's libido doesn't seem to work; so the fact of knowing that his wife has resumed sex thanks to MC would pose the challenge of winning back his own wife, whom he has despised on so many previous occasions.

Thank you Raminita for sharing these! :love:

Hmmmm. By reading the dialogues in the first picture, it's either two scenarios can happen:

1. Nicole and John may have had sex together. Which I still hope that doesn't happen. That will just break MC (Us) heart.
2. Nicole and John didn't have sex. With the dialogue in the first picture, he could just be toying with MC (Us) just to get us to be angry and make a scene.

If your ask what scenario I'm hoping for, I'm going with scenario #2. Here's what I believe Part 12 will play out, if Nicole didn't have sex with John. MC (Us) believes Johns mind tricks and dialogue and he will be pissed and will start to ignore Nicole. Nicole will comfort MC alone and he will ask Nicole what happened last night between her and John. She will say the truth, but in vague and little details, that nothing happened between her and John when she arrived home. But MC (Us) won't believe her and both will get into an arguement. At the end, the arguement will not be resolved and both will leave with broken hearts.

Towards the end, Nicole will call MC (Us) and ask us to meet her. Perhaps the park near the end of town. MC will agree and starts to head over there. Once MC arrives he can see Nicole sitting at the same bench where they were sitting when they kissed after the dinner (where MC's parents were invited) (you will only get that scene if you didn't fool with Nicole in the kitchen) and where he massage the jogging lady. MC sits beside her and Nicole starts with cute and flirtatious dialogue. Both will exchange dialogue and MC will ask again what happened between her and John last night. Eventually, Nicole will tell every detail what happened, that she didn't sleep with John and John was trying to seduce Nicole but at the end she didn't sleep with him and MC will believe her this time.

MC (Us) will come to ask on why she didn't have sex with her husband, even though she was trying so hard to get John's manhood up ever since. Nicole will give vague excuses about her feelings. But MC moves a lot closer to Nicole and just looks at her. Eventually, she will say, "I love you." to MC and they will share a fiery kiss. After that kiss, MC looks at Nicole's expression and by looks of her face she wants MC. So it's either Nicole grabs MC's arm or MC grabs Nicole's arm and they both immediately find a place to make love.

Now I don't know where MC and Nicole will make love but I can safely say it won't be Nicole's home or MC's bedroom, unless those two places are not occupied. But I'm guessing they book either a hotel or motel room. I want to have their sex scene in a hotel or motel room so both characters can be comfortable and Nicole can moan her hearts out since she can't handle her love noise when MC (Us) is treating her right. Also I want to have another fiery sex session like their night time sex session at Little Big Pond and their first sex session at Nicole's home at the beginning of Part 11.

For the second picture, MC (Us) and Nicole could be having another cute and sweet moment together.
Interesting prediction. It is quite likely that it happens like this or in a similar way, but as I have already said, I think we will not really know what happened until we see a flashback of it, while Nicole narrates in detail to MC what really happened on the night of the Day 20 of the game.

In this way Orb will increase our tension with the cliffhanger that he left us at the end of Part 11.

Hey everyone! Here are two more WIP's from the developments of A Mother's Love Part 12.

Thank you all for your patience and as usual, see you soon :)
Regarding the latest previews, in the first one I think we see MC with one of her co-workers, while in the second Marilyn is hugging MC's mother. Perhaps MC's mother was the first MILF Marilyn noticed romantically, so she decided to distance herself from MC and her family (before the game, Marilyn mentions some estrangement between her and her friend) to accept her own sexual inclinations and psychic powers.
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Apr 11, 2023
Interesting prediction. It is quite likely that it happens like this or in a similar way, but as I have already said, I think we will not really know what happened until we see a flashback of it, while Nicole narrates in detail to MC what really happened on the night of the Day 20 of the game.

In this way Orb will increase our tension with the cliffhanger that he left us at the end of Part 11.
Thank you for liking and agreeing with my prediction. Also, I agree with your added details. Most likely, we'll get a more depth explanation along with some flashback sequences while Nicole narrates to MC (Us) explaining on what happen on the night of the cliffhanger of Part 11. Most likely, it would be similar on how Nicole explained to MC that she was Nicole Starr. And by the end of Nicole's explanation with added flashbacks. MC and Nicole will have another sweet moment, have a candy like kiss and end up having another great sex session.

Regarding the latest previews, in the first one I think we see MC with one of her co-workers, while in the second Marilyn is hugging MC's mother. Perhaps MC's mother was the first MILF Marilyn noticed romantically, so she decided to distance herself from MC and her family (before the game, Marilyn mentions some estrangement between her and her friend) to accept her own sexual inclinations and psychic powers.
I agree as well, in the first picture, that MC (Us) is with one of his co-workers but I can't disinguisehd on which one. I'm betting it's the girl we're trying to be allies with (I forgot her name) before she tried to threaten us to John. As for Marilyn, I like your theory but I also have a feeling she's starting to have develop feelings for MC's mom. Since in the recents Parts and the way Marilyn interacts with MC's mom. Marilyn seems to take interest in MC's mom.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017

Hey everyone! Here are two more WIP's from the developments of A Mother's Love Part 12.

Thank you all for your patience and as usual, see you soon :)
I think that I would quite like to see Marilyn mess around with the MCs mom in the Marilyn as an enemy path. There have to be some consequences to treating her like shit.


Apr 11, 2023
I think that I would quite like to see Marilyn mess around with the MCs mom in the Marilyn as an enemy path. There have to be some consequences to treating her like shit.
Ooooohhhh, that sounds interesting. It's a good thing I treated her right and as a friend ever since I met her in my playthrough. Because we're going to need some allies if we're going up against Beeman or John someday.


Aug 9, 2021
For John, the ideal would have been to have a son of his, but I think that since Nicole has not been able to give him the son he wanted, he sees in MC the closest thing to having one of his own, since he is a young man who is entering adulthood and believes that can mold him enough as he would have wanted to do with his own son.
Clearly, but now that MC is no longer just a naive boy that can be easily molded in John's image, instead quickly becoming a competitor or rival to John himself, what then does John want? He tips his hand to the knowledge of the affair with the dress and dinner, although MC is too dumb to realize it, yet his behavior towards MC the following day in the office and at lunch is neither threatening or even disapproving, and he makes no efforts to try to keep MC away from Nicole. The other logical course would be to fire MC, but again his words and actions show that he wants to KEEP MC in the company, and even continue his upward momentum therein. So what is the current end goal? Give Nicole and MC enough rope to hang themselves and be caught red-handed? Unlikely, as Nicole has no assets to give to John in a divorce (quite the opposite), and he seems to genuinely care about Chloe, and regardless of MC's relationship with her, MC's affair with her mother becoming a public spectacle would ruin her.

However, another possibility would be that John has known for a long time about the affair between MC and his wife
I don't see the evidence corroborating that. John is utterly shocked and dismissive when Silvia first suggests the coincidence of the pair not being available, and while he may have had some whispers in his head from then until Little Big Pond, he paid them no heed until the trip. Only then has he been acting in ways to "innocently" confront Nicole and MC on the affair, for the gleeful pleasure of watching them both squirm under their respective covers.

and he consents to it, hoping that Nicole will become pregnant with MC's child, who would carry the surname of John in order to continue the family name (something that I assume is very important for someone who has researched their own ancestors for many years), since John seems unaware of the existence of Mrs. Blues' son.
Hmm, I've never thought about that, and actually it surprisingly makes sense. Blues' son would be publicly known as illegitimate, however a boy born from Nicole would be naturally assumed to be John's son, especially if he could time it right so that he would have sex with Nicole "close enough" to her conceiving by the MC's seed. If Nicole wished to keep her affair a secret, then she will willingly uphold the claim that her baby boy is John's, thus motivating John to not expose the couple, but he can't help himself from torturing them in the process. My thought-process with John wanting to remove his competitor was to protect his company/legacy, but if John does want MC to provide him with a legal male heir to the Heavens' name, then elevating MC to take over the company once John retires/dies makes since as MC would be motivated to keep the company running for the boy, whom the MC knows to be his own true son, once he becomes an adult. Furthermore, John built his empire through ruthlessness and cunning, thus he is now putting MC's "feet to the fire" concerning the affair to train/test that ruthlessness and cunning in the MC, to not only take over, but to in turn train the next "Mr. Heavens" in John's methods, as John cannot guarantee he will be alive long enough to train the heir himself. In the first business deal MC witnessed, John revealed that he sets it up so that he wins regardless of his target's actions, thus his offering Silvia was not only to see MC squirm concerning staying loyal to Nicole/Chloe, but also wanting to train him to take the prize, as John would.

For credence to this possibility, there have been several refences to Nicole not being on birth control, along with opportunities to ignore her warnings/protests regarding said issue. Also, before the hiatus, Orb posted a patron still of John, and (I believe) MC in the Heavens' bathroom with Nicole hunched over the towel bowel with the camera looking into her concerned/embarrassed face, strongly inferring morning sickness and thus the men learning that she's pregnant. Now since this was just a patron post, it's canonicity is unknown.

Inversely, I don't recall if there's a point where the game forces the MC to cum inside Nicole, thus someone might have a playthrough where it was impossible to knock her up.

If there isn't some kind of challenge, John's libido doesn't seem to work; so the fact of knowing that his wife has resumed sex thanks to MC would pose the challenge of winning back his own wife, whom he has despised on so many previous occasions.
John's libido has never been lacking. He knows that while Nicole may not be discerning or intelligent (as he's been able to hide all his affairs) she's not brainless, and thus knows "men have needs" and therefore would begin to ask why he no longer has sex with her. He therefore claims to be impotent, and the first time we players see this claim is WHILE he is having an erection while watching Silvia struggle to keep silent with a vibrating dildo up her vagina. His "miraculous" erection at the end of Ch 11 isn't natural, it's certainly Viagra, again with the purpose of watching Nicole squirm over the affair, and possibly to time their sex close enough to an MC-Nicole conception to breed uncertainty in the couple as to who the father is, and provide John grounds to convince Nicole to keep the baby rather than aborting it out of fear her husband would discover the affair via a pregnancy he did not consumate.


Engaged Member
Dec 7, 2018
Inversely, I don't recall if there's a point where the game forces the MC to cum inside Nicole, thus someone might have a playthrough where it was impossible to knock her up.
There is a moment in the game concurrent with all the possible routes in the game where there is never the option for MC to cum out of Nicole's pussy: during the great night on Day 9 after their first date, where we can only choose two choices about how to start the night: the Missionary option and the Cowgirl option.

After that, we then see little animations showing them making love in different positions and places in MC's bedroom, where in each one of them it seems that MC came inside her.

If I'm not mistaken, on other sex scenes between MC and Nicole there is indeed the option where the player can choose to have MC cum out of her pussy.

John's libido has never been lacking. He knows that while Nicole may not be discerning or intelligent (as he's been able to hide all his affairs) she's not brainless, and thus knows "men have needs" and therefore would begin to ask why he no longer has sex with her. He therefore claims to be impotent, and the first time we players see this claim is WHILE he is having an erection while watching Silvia struggle to keep silent with a vibrating dildo up her vagina. His "miraculous" erection at the end of Ch 11 isn't natural, it's certainly Viagra, again with the purpose of watching Nicole squirm over the affair, and possibly to time their sex close enough to an MC-Nicole conception to breed uncertainty in the couple as to who the father is, and provide John grounds to convince Nicole to keep the baby rather than aborting it out of fear her husband would discover the affair via a pregnancy he did not consumate.
You're right that John's libido has never been lacking, but only a deep disgust for his own wife could be the reason why he doesn't react at all when she tries to turn him on with a handjob preparatory to a blowjob that doesn't happen, and when she notices that there is no hardening (which is a simple and logical physiological reaction to that kind of physical stimulation), she sits on top of him to rub her crotch on his cock, and nothing happens either.

On the other hand, the fact that you mention Viagra has given me the idea of being able to explain the change of sheets mentioned in the blurred screenshot: Nicole, for whatever reason (whether due to a timely call from the missing Silvia or due to a categorical refusal from Nicole, citing not feeling like it right now or the danger of being overheard by Chloe), refuses to have sex with her husband, and he is forced to relieve himself, staining their bed in such a way that it needs that change of sheets.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2022
His "miraculous" erection at the end of Ch 11 isn't natural, it's certainly Viagra
While it could be Viagra, it's certainly a possibility, I still really like the theory that he just doesn't get excited by women's looks alone anymore and that what truly get's him going is taking other men's women for himself. Kinda how he's pursing Silvia and also that other woman (forgot her name) that both have men that they are/were together with. With Nicole, he had already stolen her from someone a long time ago, but after she became fully his, he no longer gets excited by her, but now that it has come full circle and the MC has stolen Nicole from him, the idea of stealing her back is why he was able to get excited again.

Obviously that is just a theory and yeah it could easily just be that he took Viagra, but I've always thought that theory was interesting, and it would make sense, considering all his sex partners he has been hooking up with behind Nicole's back, were already in relationships. Also, now that he found out about Nicole and the MC, all of a sudden he has an interest in his Wife again. I suppose it could be both, that he enjoys taking women away from other men, but has to use Viagra as a means to do so, but anyways I guess we will have to wait and see.

I do think it will be interesting to see about the heir thing as well, that definitely could be a motivation as to why he had his eyes on the MC to work for him in the first place, and the reason he has basically taken him under his wing, and offered him Silvia, etc., and could also be the reason he will likely want to keep him around even if he has basically stolen his wife. Though this somewhat contradicts with the other theory, cause then why would John bother trying to take his wife back in that case. (he never really seemed to care about her in the first place anyways, and is clearly a selfishly motivated person)


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
There is a moment in the game concurrent with all the possible routes in the game where there is never the option for MC to cum out of Nicole's pussy: during the great night on Day 9 after their first date, where we can only choose two choices about how to start the night: the Missionary option and the Cowgirl option.

After that, we then see little animations showing them making love in different positions and places in MC's bedroom, where in each one of them it seems that MC came inside her.

If I'm not mistaken, on other sex scenes between MC and Nicole there is indeed the option where the player can choose to have MC cum out of her pussy.

You're right that John's libido has never been lacking, but only a deep disgust for his own wife could be the reason why he doesn't react at all when she tries to turn him on with a handjob preparatory to a blowjob that doesn't happen, and when she notices that there is no hardening (which is a simple and logical physiological reaction to that kind of physical stimulation), she sits on top of him to rub her crotch on his cock, and nothing happens either.

On the other hand, the fact that you mention Viagra has given me the idea of being able to explain the change of sheets mentioned in the blurred screenshot: Nicole, for whatever reason (whether due to a timely call from the missing Silvia or due to a categorical refusal from Nicole, citing not feeling like it right now or the danger of being overheard by Chloe), refuses to have sex with her husband, and he is forced to relieve himself, staining their bed in such a way that it needs that change of sheets.
Remember that John said Nicole smelled bad, to hurt her or just because he rly is not attracted to her anymore.
That is what make John a good villain he do shit to hurt slowly but sure, corrupting Nicole self-esteem.
kinda brilliant move tbh. And now about fucking Nicole is most about power.
Maybe he suspects she is having an affair, So lets fuck her and make her miserable.


Engaged Member
Dec 7, 2018
For credence to this possibility, there have been several refences to Nicole not being on birth control, along with opportunities to ignore her warnings/protests regarding said issue. Also, before the hiatus, Orb posted a patron still of John, and (I believe) MC in the Heavens' bathroom with Nicole hunched over the towel bowel with the camera looking into her concerned/embarrassed face, strongly inferring morning sickness and thus the men learning that she's pregnant. Now since this was just a patron post, it's canonicity is unknown.
I forgot to put it in my previous post, but the screenshot you were referring to that Orb put in a Patreon post was an April Fool's joke from 2021. However, I think it was also a kind of advertising collaboration for another dev's game called "Who is the father?"

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Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
well mc has cum inside nic so many times that she could be preggo.


Apr 11, 2023
Inversely, I don't recall if there's a point where the game forces the MC to cum inside Nicole, thus someone might have a playthrough where it was impossible to knock her up.
I believe majority of the sex scene that MC (Us) has with Nicole you have two options, "Cum inside Nicole or Don't cum inside her." But I believe majority of us chose to force to cum inside Nicole.

There have been sex scenes where Nicole wants MC to cum inside her. In Day 9 after their first date, Nicole wanted MC to cum inside her. After that they have multiple sex sessions or rounds in different positions and I'm assuming in each of those rounds MC has cum inside her. The Night time LBP beach (I believe you can only get this scene if your Nicole corrruption points are high), Library sex scene in Part 10, are other sex scenes in which Nicole wanted MC to cum inside her.

They're other sex scenes where if you did cum inside Nicole she didn't mind and judging by her body language, ogasm and facial expression she wanted MC to cum inside her, whether you have the option to cum inside or don't cum inside Nicole. Does sex scenes are, the School Dance, Bikini Try, the hotel sex scene at LBP, Massage shower at LBP, the bathroom sex scene in Part 9 and the first sex scene we have with Nicole in Part 11 (if you're on the love path with her).

provide John grounds to convince Nicole to keep the baby rather than aborting it out of fear her husband would discover the affair via a pregnancy he did not consumate.
If the game is heading towards for a pregnant Nicole and to have MC's baby. I don't think it will take a lot of ground to convince Nicole to keep the baby. Or which I believe she will instantly decide to keep MC's baby. This is how I imagine it will play out.

Once Nicole discovers that she is pregnant with MC's baby she will first have her doubts but she will definitely and immediately decide to keep and carry MC's child. How do I know this? Throughout the game it has been showing us already that Nicole is a loving mother and would do anything for her child. If we're on the route towards Nicole saying the words, "I love you" to MC (Us). These two evidence are the reason why she will keep MC's baby.

Also the name of the game can be mention again if Nicole reveals that she is pregnant to MC and also telling him that she will keep his child. MC will ask why or what changed her mind but Nicole may reply with, "this is what A Mother's Love is." and she will end it with the phrase, "And because.... I love you."

On the other hand, the fact that you mention Viagra has given me the idea of being able to explain the change of sheets mentioned in the blurred screenshot: Nicole, for whatever reason (whether due to a timely call from the missing Silvia or due to a categorical refusal from Nicole, citing not feeling like it right now or the danger of being overheard by Chloe), refuses to have sex with her husband, and he is forced to relieve himself, staining their bed in such a way that it needs that change of sheets.
I love this theory and this would explain the change of bed sheets.

I suppose it could be both, that he enjoys taking women away from other men, but has to use Viagra as a means to do so, but anyways I guess we will have to wait and see.
It is a possibility that these two theories can happen. John may only be attracted to women who are in relationships or in deeply in love with another partner but he may need Viagra to help keep his manhood up.
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Active Member
Jun 11, 2018
I just wish the devs still plans to finish the game. It has one of the best stories out there.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2022
I believe majority of the sex scene that MC (Us) has with Nicole you have two options, "Cum inside Nicole or Don't cum inside her." But I believe majority of us chose to force to cum inside Nicole.

There have been sex scenes where Nicole wants MC to cum inside her. In Day 9 after their first date, Nicole wanted MC to cum inside her. After that they have multiple sex sessions or rounds in different positions and I'm assuming in each of those rounds MC has cum inside her. The Night time LBP beach (I believe you can only get this scene if your Nicole corrruption points are high), Library sex scene in Part 10, are other sex scenes in which Nicole wanted MC to cum inside her.

They're other sex scenes where if you did cum inside Nicole she didn't mind and judging by her body language, ogasm and facial expression she wanted MC to cum inside her, whether you have the option to cum inside or don't cum inside Nicole. Does sex scenes are, the School Dance, Bikini Try, the hotel sex scene at LBP, Massage shower at LBP, the bathroom sex scene in Part 9 and the first sex scene we have with Nicole in Part 11 (if you're on the love path with her).

If the game is heading towards for a pregnant Nicole and to have MC's baby. I don't think it will take a lot of ground to convince Nicole to keep the baby. Or which I believe she will instantly decide to keep MC's baby. This is how I imagine it will play out.

Once Nicole discovers that she is pregnant with MC's baby she will first have her doubts but she will definitely and immediately decide to keep and carry MC's child. How do I know this? Throughout the game it has been showing us already that Nicole is a loving mother and would do anything for her child. If we're on the route towards Nicole saying the words, "I love you" to MC (Us). These two evidence are the reason why she will keep MC's baby.

Also the name of the game can be mention again if Nicole reveals that she is pregnant to MC and also telling him that she will keep his child. MC will ask why or what changed her mind but Nicole may reply with, "this is what A Mother's Love is." and she will end it with the phrase, "And because.... I love you."

I love this theory and this would explain the change of bed sheets.

It is a possibility that these two theories can happen. John may only be attracted to women who are in relationships or in deeply in love with another partner but he may need Viagra to help keep his manhood up.
Nice read, I'm behind you on most takes, John probably need to cuck someone feelings to be aroused.

And the possibility that John is Mc father is that possible yet? Can't remember this from my last replay. And if Mc could put a bun into Nicole is cool.

Sadly John needs to die to a happy ending like that or be your father.
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