Saw the Renders, saw the tags and decided to read the comments.
Its always nice to know that the comments in the forum are always better then the game itself and I dont regret reading every single one, but it seems some comments got deleted ?
TBH, once I checked the renders and then I saw the NTR tag I wanted to ignore it and move one (Im one of these people who dont like NTR) but the 23-long-site comments persuaded me to join the carnival.
So what I got from this game without even playing it:
(Before someone ask me why I critic a game before I even tried it -> I dont need to shoot myself to know what will happen)
It seems that for some reasons, the game had simply or intentionally forgotten to add the Tag "NTR" and later added but then removed the other tag "Harem" which pissed people off because not only they get tricked with the NTR scene with the sister x dad scene but also get fooled with the "Harem" tag since its just "NTR" route which just "Skips" the scene but dont remove or add any scenes or/and dialog to make it clear nothing on is happening between them, which it seems is still the case in the current build (0.4). Thats the reason people seems to be butthurt since you still get NTR in a Harem path.
Perhaps Dev is damage controlling it and he didnt had the "time?/money/motivating(probably he likes NTR self?)" to fix or improve it but some comments here already told how easy and fast you can change that.
Perhaps he is doing it on purpose so like this one guy said it, to play both side safe so he can get the highest support possible but in reality he aims for a single route, the NTR route and tries to please the other site by throwing them a bone.
From what I get what the Dev is trying to do is your typical "South Korean" Fuckfest of a Porn "Story" with some typical South Korean Spice.
Aka everybody fucks everybody expect MC only is like a side character only so we could have more sex scenes with them.
Once that is done, MC get all the chicks. Whats so hard to impliment a single warning that during the story you have to compete with your own father but in the end they all will be under MC control ?
But it seems Dev fucked it up and now it seems its clear with the removed "Harem" Tag and the remaining "NTR" Tag the story will continue be a NTR focused Story in the first place and the "Harem" option will give you far less content but still hinting about the NTR which happend behind the scenes.
In all, if the game turns out to be a REAL Harem game I would even support it, but since its not the chase I gonna stay far away from it and I hope others who dont like NTR gonna do that too...expect you want to continue the war about NTR/No NTR so I have more to read