Nothing changes with the new game, I will make a separate thread for it and post it myself in a couple of weeks. I just need to prioritize the supporters for now as they are the reason this is even possible. (Not that I don't appreciate the supportive comments and feedback in here as well, because I very much do.)
Oh. I don't wanna turn down the mood but usually when devs do side games it's not a good sign for their main one.
I hope i'm wrong
I won't deny that. but one release every year isn't a viable strategy. the game is just too big in scope for a part time project, and I might be too stubborn here, but I don't like to cut corners and half ass my work.
Smaller game that are updated more regularly are just generally better received.
And it goes beyond just the monetary side of things, as a creator, it doesn't feel good to work on something in silence for a long time without anyone seeing the results, and even worse when people start denying its existence altogether (which I don't blame them for, a year+ of waiting is more than enough reason to be skeptical).
And finally even when the big release eventually happens, the interest dies down shortly after because there isn't much to talk about anymore.