He was being kicked out by adam right then and there,
might have been subject to assault charges and
could have been spending his day in a police precinct, being kicked out by campus security,
because adam runs the show.
Jenny practically saves him by standing up to adam when the dean could not.
Remember Mc is a lonesome heart who is put in a situation where he is not employed, knows no one but his childhood friend who has no notion of the total lack of future MC has: he needs a job, like yesterday.
MC jumps at the opportunity, because he has been a care taker for his old man for years, so
shores around the house, keeping things tidy when living with a grumpy guy sure prepared him.
Also, on a farm, what others might find demeaning or awful tasks, like scraping and cleaning,
those are mundane daily tasks MC is used to.
So yeah, it is not far fetched, MC has nothing going 4 him.
MC is alone, literally, he has no future with anyone, has no connection to anyone,
the fact he is close to ash and he meets her friends means nothing is he cannot support himself.
Adam is insurmountable. It does not mean MC could not stand up to that dude,
but MC has no notion of how things are going in an institution where the owners shit on the dean - literally.
The one person you thought was a support, trust, respect figgure, the dean,
is drop dea gorgeous and literally pummeled into oblivion by some bratty assholes your age.
How easy would you feel in there? Of course MC feels he has to do whatever it takes to not
screw up his old mans dream of having a tuition and making something 4 himself.
Yeah, MC could be this hard fella, but he is not.
This is the game - a bit immature in the heads of our babes and MC alike.
because of this blackmail bullshit the leave the acadamy bad end is still my canon playthrough
even after the dev backpaddled and softened the dialoge and the interactions in the house i still semm like it was a setup from her side damn what a strange coincidence that he is there the moment the mc arrives at the college and oh suprise she walks in just as a fight (which had to happen with his behaviour) broke out... but loved her reaction if you are not greateful and ignre her flirting in that scene had negative points with her until i got some mandatory relationship points.
ok i may not be the the most emphatic guy but damn he had a hard time with his fathers sickness and finally death why the hell (exept a drama filled story) would be his benefit to play caretaker and maid for some girls he dosnt know...
i stick still with it cause the overal game is not so bad and the story slightly interesting but the whole jenny gang... could not care less vicky may be interesting (even if she seems to be afflicted with the gang or more precise i think her brother is and she had to do some jobs for him) and sung ji (i think i wrote it wrong but you should know who i mean) especialy after her comment on ashleys ugly tattoo^^ still hope for a choice to comment on it in the beginning and ask how high she was to get such a ugly thing
i think even if the dev had reworked the initial jenny scene and introduction to her gang the whole blackmail shit is still in my mind and possible lowers my opinion on them too much (ok also you may see it from my ashley comment i hate tattoos and so 3 Li´s are already out

) i still hope valerys tat´s are just henna art and part of her disguse and will fade over time but i think im out of luck i like her design but that damn giant disfiguring tattoos ruin her for me (personal taste i know)
yeah - this
i really like this game
great renders animations
its just - not a logical move with this job in my eyes
( can call it blackmail yeah - like the "event" thing)
Game oN!