5090 is twice the speed of 4090.....and 5070 will be equivalent to 4090 ....that's what the company's CEO said ...what can I do lol..it's on video during launch day...watch it on YT when he compared new RTX performance and it's price, dont blame me lol.
5090 is not 2x 4090, and 5070 is not a 4090 equivalent. They are taking MFG (multi-frame generation) into account.
5090 is about 30% faster than the 4090 in raw performance. In the same video you reference, they show the 5090 getting ~30 fps and the 4090 getting ~23 fps in native rasterization.
The 5080 is about 12% faster than the 4080S in raw performance; applying this metric to the 5070, I would say it might be 4070S level or, at best, 4070 Ti level.
The 2x performance is with AI and not true raw performance. I hope you did not buy a 5090 thinking it is actually 2x 4090.
Please do not rely on the manufacturer's benchmarks; they are skewed to appear better. Watch the many reviews now available.