4.10 star(s) 103 Votes


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
The problem is that yall still stuck in the "appearances" level of understanding human interactions. Humans are animals. Yes we evolved language to communicate valid information on the one hand but also to manipulate others on the other hand. And I'm not saying that's right. I hate language manipulation since I was a kid. But it's real and it happens everyday, everyone lies, for multiple reasons and sometimes no reason at all. Often, people lie naturally without thinking about it. But what is real then? Natural instincts and factual information.

However, human societies are so complex nowadays that there are multiple levels of deceptions to keep appearances. Propaganda, religion, pretending we are the good guys and can do no wrong while the other side is the bad guys and can only do evil, etc. What I'm getting at is the surface level communication we use by talking to each other often hide people's true intentions, but all of you reacting to me are still stuck in this "surface level" mode of thinking. Evolution posits that females try to get the best genes for their offspring, that's not me saying that, it's Darwin, and it's a FACT. They also try to get a man that protects them and will stay with them for multiple years, while she is pregnant and the children are small, to protect against predators and other humans. People will then reply to me "GEEZ WE STILL LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE WE AFRAID OF LIONS AND NEXT DOOR TRIBE KIDNAPPING OUR WOMEN LULUL LOOKATHISGUY" but that doesnt mean shit because we still have those INSTINCTS that havent been bred out yet because evolution doesnt work that fast. Evolution literally takes tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years to change a species more than superficially.

And I've already talked at great lengths about the game, but let's just end with this. If humans have kinks, they don't come out of nowhere. They come from the deepest recesses of our brains, where evolutionary instincts are the strongest. And this game clearly is based on those instincts. The MC didnt listen to his bitch who warned him clearly in the smoking scene just before the blackmail. And yes stockholm syndrome is real, plenty of cases of kidnapped women falling in love with kidnappers, and historical example of the "rape of the Sabines"(Where romans kidnapped Sabine women when the men were away, and when the Sabine men came to take them back, the Sabine women told them "Please don't kill our husbands!"). Obviously kidnapping is wrong and I'm not condoning it AT ALL, if you think I'm condoning it frankly it's because you're trying to MANIPULATE the conversation against me.

Thanks for listening to my TED talk.
The fact that you're using a story like "the rape of the Sabines" as proof for your convoluted thinking, while mangling the facts of the story while also ignoring the fact that it's not historically proven and that it's more myth than fact and very likely Roman propaganda... Says a LOT... You do realize that in that story, outside of one woman, every single one was supposed to be an unmarried virgin, and that when those women supposedly interfered with the conflict, it was to save their fathers and brothers as much as it was to save their new husbands? Even if you ignore how unreliable it is, or the fact that it's highly likely that it's Roman bullshit written by the victors to make themselves look better... it's hardly proof of anything.

It's definitely not proof that NTR is realistic, or that Laura's character is a realistic representation of female instincts or whatever weirdness is going on in that head of yours...

Bringing up Stockholm Syndrome, another controversial concept that's been debated all over the world, is not helping your case either. This thing has hardly been proven to exist, what cases there are have been inconsistent at best, and more than a few of those cases had less to do with weird sympathy to kidnapers and more to do with law enforcement fucking up and basically treating hostages as expendable. That's leaving aside the fact that what's happening to Laura doesn't really fall under the conditions necessary for something like that to happen...

Look, you have an... interesting take on this VN...

However, you seem to be forgetting that none of these people are real. All of them behave the way they do for the sake of enabling porn to happen. HSelf is not a holder of some kind of psychology doctorate to my knowledge, or evolutionary theory, or anything like that. Basically, there's nothing realistic in here. People like these could sort of exist, and some events in this particular direction could potentially happen if you squint and ignore the plot-holes... but you're still reading way too much into it.

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to prove here? Aside from a weird understanding of what the word "fact" means.


May 9, 2020
Soulmask , your assertion of projection is the first manipulative tactic you’ve employed here, and it’s insulting. You are not in a position to dictate what someone thinks or understands. Let’s discuss your points about women, strong genetics, and evolution. Your knowledge in this area appears limited. Over the last 4,000 years, women didn’t always choose their spouses, and in many societies today, they still don’t have that autonomy. Historical evidence doesn’t universally support your claims. Additionally, comparing human behavior to animals oversimplifies a complex topic. Did you know that in most apes, females mate with multiple males, and it’s the males who compete to keep others away? Only in the avian world do females consistently choose their mates.

Regarding Stockholm syndrome, I presented evidence that it’s not what you’re suggesting but rather a psychological mechanism to cope with trauma. Unfortunately, you chose to ignore or dismiss it. Your lack of clarity in assessing right from wrong is concerning. Lastly, your self-victimization seems to be another manipulation technique. Remember, we don’t know you personally, and our disagreement lies solely in the exchange of ideas. Your words shape how others perceive you.
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Apr 2, 2020
I was comparing stockholm syndrome with Laura's story, not female choice. Laura doenst have a choice. But she does sense that things might go wrong before anything happens. And Laura's descent until she finally gives in to Luca is pretty much stockholm syndrome.

Again you attacking my morals like I advocate for stockholm syndrome or something, trust me if I was some kind of god that made human beings I wouldnt have put in stockholm syndrome.


Apr 2, 2020
The conversation over the last couple of pages was some of the weirdest shit I've read in a while.

It's fascinating to see how people see this story and what impressions they get... but man, that one Soulmask dude had some really wild takes over there. Made me wonder if I'd accidentally wandered into some weird social media group on tumblr or twitter or something. The main thing I got from all that is that he thinks that all people are scum on some level, and the way to happiness is to be the biggest piece of scum possible.

Though seeing anyone claim that anything with the "netorare" label on it could be realistic made me laugh rather loudly. Which is bad, it's night over here and the walls aren't that thick.

APBLU is better than most netorare VNs in covering for the holes of the genre... but it's still a NTR VN and hardly realistic... Though I suppose guys wish it was that easy to make a woman cum buckets and that dick size was the most important thing ever and yada yada.
Well I do believe that people are way more scummy than most people think. And I find it kinda tragic. Also I believe that because I've seen multiple cases of cheating from girls most people would not suspect(and guys do plenty of bad stuff too so it's not like I only blame women either)... I mean it's sad, but I still think there's genuine people out there that make happy families. I stay optimistic despite everything.


May 26, 2019
TBH half of the talking points fall back on 'no, I won't expend my labor for something that is not from my blood or mine', humans/men, perhaps, only developed monogany because they didn't want to raise the kids of the ones women did choose to have the kids.

TBH I can see why. You probably hate the guy, why the hell would you raise their kids? To hell with said kids.

Hm...that is the whole 'cuck' fear really. Well, my tip is...you can die and you can destroy your own wealth and leave none for whatever cheating wife you had. All she would do is to cry at your spitefulness. Principally if it involves a house, I guess.


May 9, 2020
Attacking morals? I am attacking your words and ONLY those you literaly said
Stockholm Syndrome switch because it's proven in historical texts and it makes sense on an evolutionary POV too. Rape of the Sabines, pre-colonial America, colonization, there's so many examples of this it's not even a debate honestly.
there are people out there that are traumatized that are living those traumatic eperieces that are getting abused day and night from domestic violence and they think they deserve it. To reduce that to evolution without solid proof and made unscietific statements " not even a debate honestly" is outrageous. In a strawman argument Is the same you accept marriege with children because in some societies they've done it and for centuries, and in some still.

Elias Zav

New Member
Feb 27, 2024
Guys, please, maybe someone wrote explanations of all endings and their plot? I mean like a brief retelling of the story and all routes.

Because I really don't want to spend so much time reading this huge amount of text in a hentai game, especially since english is not my native language and I get tired of reading. But I also want to know the plot, because during the time I played I already got into the story a little bit and I became interested in how the transformation of the personages characters and the overall plot would end.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Guys, please, maybe someone wrote explanations of all endings and their plot? I mean like a brief retelling of the story and all routes.

Because I really don't want to spend so much time reading this huge amount of text in a hentai game, especially since english is not my native language and I get tired of reading. But I also want to know the plot, because during the time I played I already got into the story a little bit and I became interested in how the transformation of the personages characters and the overall plot would end.
You want someone else to summarize the overall story and the many endings of this VN because you're too lazy to read it all? Why should anyone bother putting in the work to type all that out? Any kind of genuinely useful summary like what you want would result in a pretty massive wall of text that someone would have to type out. Pretty sure most people have better things to do with their time.

Oh well. I wish you luck finding someone with nothing better to do with their time I guess. Even if I don't get what kind of enjoyment you can get out of something like this. Especially since this is a VN, you can just read it over multiple sittings over an extended period of time. It's not going anywhere after all. It also doesn't matter if you read it in a day or read it over a whole month or something...


Sep 13, 2021
Guys, please, maybe someone wrote explanations of all endings and their plot? I mean like a brief retelling of the story and all routes.

Because I really don't want to spend so much time reading this huge amount of text in a hentai game, especially since english is not my native language and I get tired of reading. But I also want to know the plot, because during the time I played I already got into the story a little bit and I became interested in how the transformation of the personages characters and the overall plot would end.
Just skim through it.
No need to read every single word. Just through visuals you'll get the gist of what characters are going through.

I myself didn't play through all the endings - cos the more I play, the more unpleasant it is to be around Laura.
But the story is well crafted - one of the best on this site. So I'd still recommend it.
Especially if you're already interested.

Elias Zav

New Member
Feb 27, 2024
You want someone else to summarize the overall story and the many endings of this VN because you're too lazy to read it all? Why should anyone bother putting in the work to type all that out? Any kind of genuinely useful summary like what you want would result in a pretty massive wall of text that someone would have to type out. Pretty sure most people have better things to do with their time.

Oh well. I wish you luck finding someone with nothing better to do with their time I guess. Even if I don't get what kind of enjoyment you can get out of something like this. Especially since this is a VN, you can just read it over multiple sittings over an extended period of time. It's not going anywhere after all. It also doesn't matter if you read it in a day or read it over a whole month or something...
Bruh... I didn’t expect that there would be any strange complaints against me.

Firstly, I meant that maybe someone has ALREADY written a digest of the entire game, which is quite possible, and I asked if anyone had written it.

Secondly, even if someone wanted to answer me, I am sure that a brief description of the plot would not take several hours, but roughly ~30 minutes, which isn't a lot. Considering you already spend a lot of time discussing the game and its plot. And honestly the fact of going through such a large hentai novel with a high probability indicates that you really have enough time. Nevertheless, a plot summary is a really useful thing to do, as I'm sure I'm not the only one interested in the story but too lazy to go through the whole game (really I spend 5! hours just to get first sex scene with Luka and Laura), and someone writing such a digest would do a great thing. Yes, a large number of people won't appreciate it as it's a pretty specific jenre of entertaining, although a wiki page likeness would be marvellous.

But again, I didn't expect someone to write me all the routes of the story in as much detail as possible, I just hoped that there was already some super brief description that could be written even in the modest ~20 minutes.

In general, I’m not forcing anyone, I just asked. It would be kinder if you wrote to me, at least just ignore it, not reproach.

Elias Zav

New Member
Feb 27, 2024
Just skim through it.
No need to read every single word. Just through visuals you'll get the gist of what characters are going through.

I myself didn't play through all the endings - cos the more I play, the more unpleasant it is to be around Laura.
But the story is well crafted - one of the best on this site. So I'd still recommend it.
Especially if you're already interested.
So it's a point that it's hard to go through the game and see all the endings even skipping all the text (not to mention the fact that I'll barely understand a damn thing). And I'm always very curious in games with different ways to know all the options.

But in general thanks for the answer, because the previous commenter made me feel awkward, as if I asked about something wild.
  • Red Heart
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May 9, 2020
So it's a point that it's hard to go through the game and see all the endings even skipping all the text (not to mention the fact that I'll barely understand a damn thing). And I'm always very curious in games with different ways to know all the options.

But in general thanks for the answer, because the previous commenter made me feel awkward, as if I asked about something wild.
There is nothing to feel bad man you just asked. I would answer but I hadn't finished the game either. I am fun of the writer as he made some marvellous works before. But that game lucks the aspects that i enjoyed. So I dropped it. Maybe i will continue it if I find sometime in the future.
  • Red Heart
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May 26, 2019
Well I do believe that people are way more scummy than most people think. And I find it kinda tragic. Also I believe that because I've seen multiple cases of cheating from girls most people would not suspect(and guys do plenty of bad stuff too so it's not like I only blame women either)... I mean it's sad, but I still think there's genuine people out there that make happy families. I stay optimistic despite everything.
If you were to ask me, my only gripe with your arguments is that you mention evolutionary tendencies...but you also put them as hard facts that can't be changed. Sure, a man a girl finds 'attractive' could be a 'he is good genes' in a deeper, genetic level...or so her brain chemistry poses.

The problem? That all hinges on genes carried from thousands of years in the past and miss technology.

Look, we humans managed to clone people, we know we can edit genes. That does posit an issue for your explanation of 'facts'. Honestly all what you can say is 'those are facts until we change Human DNA.'


May 9, 2020
If you were to ask me, my only gripe with your arguments is that you mention evolutionary tendencies...but you also put them as hard facts that can't be changed. Sure, a man a girl finds 'attractive' could be a 'he is good genes' in a deeper, genetic level...or so her brain chemistry poses.

The problem? That all hinges on genes carried from thousands of years in the past and miss technology.

Look, we humans managed to clone people, we know we can edit genes. That does posit an issue for your explanation of 'facts'. Honestly all what you can say is 'those are facts until we change Human DNA.'
You know what is funny that the males has obsession with the genes not females i don't known who started that but is totally wrong. In almost all mammal kingdom the female sleep around the males compete all the time.. You know another gene fun fact. That the genes that are going to extinct are that that mammals tent to prefer. All that argument is totally wrong. Is self-affirmation argument. Don't try to make someone understand you can't.


May 26, 2019
You know what is funny that the males has obsession with the genes not females i don't known who started that but is totally wrong. In almost all mammal kingdom the female sleep around the males compete all the time...
That is nature. Genetic Engineering is looking nature/natural evolution in the eye and saying "Nah miss, we DEFINE 'evolution' now, God is dead and Human is now a God." You don't even need to see whether females choose X or Y. All what matters is what she will carry. If it is an fertilized ovulum with a proper set of genes (that MIIIIGHT define a person...MIGHT), who cares if males are competing for females or not?

You can as well reshape things so, dunno, male libido is lower so a greater preference for artificial development of new generations becomes more likely. Or make that females have higher chances (HIGHER CHANCES, possibility, that is what genetics will define) of prefering a certain type of male...anything is possible!

It is just bad for 'nature' types, but those people are in the way of progress.

You know another gene fun fact. That the genes that are going to extinct are that that mammals tent to prefer. All that argument is totally wrong. Is self-affirmation argument. Don't try to make someone understand you can't.
That depends. Evolution's postulate is mainly about 'which genes get to be passed forward' as far as natural pressure goes (which...fails as humans control their enviroment...), for our redpill friend, the argument would be 'well, women prefer Alphas? Why don't you look into genetic engineering? What about crafting a new humanity where Alphas do not exist? I mean, at that point you are playing God, none is above that.'

My issue is, they never consider how many people want to reshape human DNA and create something new. All arguments above evolution. None consider the future possibility of artificial make ups.


May 9, 2020
That is nature. Genetic Engineering is looking nature/natural evolution in the eye and saying "Nah miss, we DEFINE 'evolution' now, God is dead and Human is now a God." You don't even need to see whether females choose X or Y. All what matters is what she will carry. If it is an fertilized ovulum with a proper set of genes (that MIIIIGHT define a person...MIGHT), who cares if males are competing for females or not?

You can as well reshape things so, dunno, male libido is lower so a greater preference for artificial development of new generations becomes more likely. Or make that females have higher chances (HIGHER CHANCES, possibility, that is what genetics will define) of prefering a certain type of male...anything is possible!

It is just bad for 'nature' types, but those people are in the way of progress.

That depends. Evolution's postulate is mainly about 'which genes get to be passed forward' as far as natural pressure goes (which...fails as humans control their enviroment...), for our redpill friend, the argument would be 'well, women prefer Alphas? Why don't you look into genetic engineering? What about crafting a new humanity where Alphas do not exist? I mean, at that point you are playing God, none is above that.'

My issue is, they never consider how many people want to reshape human DNA and create something new. All arguments above evolution. None consider the future possibility of artificial make ups.
Genetic engineering in humans is an interesting topic and But in many aspects it reminds eugenics and that is a sensitive topic. Also that is why we are making so little progress in that science. Iwas referring more to a combination of negative frequency - dependent selection and dynamics of population (for those that knows the topic) sure there is natural selection and social structures etc the overall gene make up of the population etc
4.10 star(s) 103 Votes