I have largely completed the new character Leigh for the game, some scenes need reworking some dialogues, but otherwise fully working
I was revising a pregnant edit and tried using Stable Diffusion and in general it is doing better edits than I can for these sort of changes. You always have to do some post process editing and resizing as it runs at a lowish resolution. You almost always have to remove a hand from the belly for pregnant edits (or multiple hands) as the source images it was trained from must almost all have them cradling their belly. The edit below is for the alternate model for Carol, Summer Brielle.
I need now to finish the submitted new Principal for the school, all images edited and scenes largely submitted.
In parallel I am doing a full play through of the game, tweaking and adding some more information or hints, and fix any bugs I see.
There is also a new SMS option to ask a person to send a selfie, by default you get one of their poledancing images, but can be configured with an arbitrary number or re-use some existing images. So every so often I am adding some images for this. I am not staying consistent here with existing image sets, I assume they have existing images they send or dress-up (or down) as they want. Most cases I am adding 3 images, but I may re-used some more, this is quite simple, no 'real' coding needed, just editing a json/object.