Hello! Its your friendly neighborhood anonymous programmer ipreg with an update! As someone who likes automating stuff I figured I should try to let the code handle as much as possible and try to keep track of as few of things as possible without resorting to global variables and if/elif. This of course required a lot of infrastructure, which is why the actual coded plot at this point is maybe 2 rooms long. But I have a bunch of shiny features to show off
- Conversations are dynamically created and triggered
- Characters are dynamically created and automatically populate themselves with images associated with them
- Characters have states! This means if we set the state of a character, this state will persist throughout any conversation they might have and the code will select the appropriate images based on the states of the character. This means we only need to worry about changing the state of a character with conversations and dialog without having to think about it (currently there are three possible states to set: emotion, clothing, and talking)
- The code tracks which conversations have happened and where they should take place
- Individual map buttons can be set to be on and off, with a custom message for each
These changes are mostly for myself to make things easier to create, on the user end you probably won't see a difference (which is a plus) just thought I would update.
EDIT: I didn't like how I worded it, I felt that I was unfair to the team at GeeSeki. One reason I am doing this is because I like their game and I like the challenge of forcing renpy to do something it really has trouble with.