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Fan Art A Wife And Mother Fan Art

4.60 star(s) 11 Votes


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
View attachment 616760

Growing up and becoming a beautiful woman....
Who will be on this side of the door?
Bummer you cut the feet :p
Specially if she's wearing the shoes I think she's wearing hehe

Volunteers at a hospital, Sofia with more experience teaches Jill how to relieve quarantined patients...

View attachment 618224

View attachment 618225

Volunteers at a hospital, Sofia with more experience teaches Jill how to relieve quarantined patients...

View attachment 618229

View attachment 618230

"Stay safe you too"
Amazing nurses!!
That boob grope!
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Reactions: cubero


Mar 10, 2018
Aiden: Oh Mrs. Parker tempting us with these slutty outfits you wear. I can't take it anymore, I am going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to stand for a week.
Sophia Thinking: 'Oh God this can't be happening, Why am i not trying to fight him off. Do i want him to do it, to take me this way?'
View attachment 616283
Or is this a dream, no longer having nightmares, perhaps her darker side is finally coming to light. Hope you all like.

Told you it would take a while. Its a bit long, and again completely raw. Let me know what you think.

Adventure Knight

Sophia didn't see Aiden waiting for her, and that worried her. 'He almost always meets me at the door. He's usually here before me.'

Then she saw it sitting on her desk: a little plastic knight figurine on her desk. It was there, a knight in plate with sword and shield, sitting next to a bottle of that noxious energy drink he made her drink.

Her heart stopped for a second, then kicked into high gear, because she knew it meant more than it seemed.

'It means that Aiden is taking me for an adventure tonight whether I want to go or not.'

Sophia had been on two other "adventures." The first time Aiden had her flashing in a nearby park. The other was a trip to a local arcade. She had to play "dance-dance revolution" without underwear, and some of his friends took the opportunity to feel up her ass.

The last time she was late home to change, and Ellie had looked at her funny as she rushed into the house to change into something more modest.

She mentally reviewed the schedule for tonight.

'Ellie is staying over her girlfriend's house tonight, and Dylan...He's at the function for soccer that Aiden set up to make him feel more integrated. Probably set that up on purpose...and Liam is going to be late again like usual...'

She wouldn't have the excuse of "I need to get home before everyone else" to stop Aiden tonight. She shivered a little at that thought, though whether from fear or desire she didn't know.

She picked up the energy drink and looked at it speculatively. Shrugging, she opened it and downed it.

'I'm probably going to need this before the night is over.'

The day went torturously slowly, despite Aiden doing nothing beyond giving her a knowing smile and winking. That's not to say the day was without its trials. The skirt they gave her to wear was short and loose, and if it weren't for her belt, she might have tugged it right off her hips trying to get it to cover more.

The anticipation and fear left her jittery most of the day. She had a hard time eating lunch much less concentrating on lessons. All the different possibilities that her imagination could come up with besieged her attention, and she found, much to her frustration and denial, that she was getting increasingly horny as the day progressed. To add to it, all the boys were watching her like a hawk, wanting and waiting for her to give them a show.

She did flash a couple of times on purpose, and she adhered to the dress rules Aiden set down, since that is what she had been trained to do for weeks now. She didn't want to get punished for disobedience, especially now that Dylan was finally making gains socially, but it was especially hard to keep her composure while doing so today.

She took her energy drink again at noon, handed to her silently by a smirking Aiden, and then gritted her teeth through the second half of the day.

When they at last came to collect her, it was almost a relief.

'Here you go, Mrs P." Jennifer handed her another bottle of energy drink. "Bottoms up and then let's go. Lucas brought the Wii, Aiden has the drinks and we've got a place reserved."

Taking the drink in puzzlement, Sophia gave Jennifer and Lucas a raised eyebrow. Lucas responded by opening his backpack to reveal a Nintendo Wii and controllers. Sophia tentatively drank the bottle as Jennifer went on.

"Hope you're good with games. I'm OK, but Andre here is killer with the Rabbids."

"The what?"

"You know...the Rabbids. Raving Rabbids. The TV one, not the other ones, 'cause the TV one is the best, you know?"

Jennifer grabbed her arm and lead her off, describing the some sort of moose-tobbogan/suction-cup-shooting/dancing game in a verbal torrent that washed over Sophia, leaving her somewhat confused as to how it all fit together.

She let Jennifer lead her in peace, but did stumble when she steered her towards the entrance to a respectable hotel in the downtown area about 15 minutes away from the school. It hadn't been for Aiden grabbing her other arm and Lucas crowding up behind her, she probably would have bolted right then and there.

"'Cmon Mrs. P. The game's fun!" Jennifer chided.

'Oh God. Why am I doing this?' Sophia could feel her heart in her mouth, half expecting to be gangbanged the instant she got into the room. 'I'm letting my students lead me to a hotel room for games.' She probably could have broken free and run for it if she had given her all, but the traitorous feeling of warmth radiating up from her loins wouldn't let her do that.

The room was on the third floor, and was a standard Malliot suite, with the ubiquitous Malliot colors. Lucas headed straight for the TV and started setting up the game, using a pair of wire snips to bypass the connection guard and splice right into the TV itself. The other boys dragged over a sofa while Jennifer set out a line of shot glasses and a few bottles schnapps and Jagger, and other mildly hard alcohol.

"OK, ground rules. There's five of us, so bottom 2 losers get to drink." Aiden stated once it was all settled. Sophia found herself on the sofa wedged between Aiden and Andre. "The noob gets spotted points for the first 2 of her games, for each type of game we play. After that she's on her own."

They explained the controller to her, and Sophia set up her ridiculous cartoon bunny, "Bwah".

The first game was riding a wildebeast or something down "Mt. Kushytush". Sophia kicked off her heels and sat on the board for it, panicking a little as the cold air washed over her sex. The way she had to sit exposed her. It wasn't like they hadn't seen it before, but this was more than a glimpse.

Thing was, no one came around to ogle her. They cheered for her, and jeered, but no one walked around like they did for Jennifer. She jeered right back and stuck out her tounge and spread her legs when they said they could see up her skirt, and they laughed and looked, but it wasn't the same for her.

Sophia couldn't figure it out. She was pretty good looking for her age...

'Maybe they just like ogling Jennifer better? She's so much younger...'

The third game she finally lost despite the points they spotted her. Dancing to ABC was easy, but doing it to the timing in the game was tricky. Jennifer brought over shot.

"Here ya go, Mrs P. Drink that down. It'll help you loosen up a bit."

"I'm trying not to get too loose." Sophia replied succinctly.

"Yeah, we can tell. you're a bit prickly. But, well, how about playing the game and having some fun with it? Be more cocky. Like, you're kinda quiet. Go give'em hell. I don't want to be the only girl busting chops."


"I mean, give back what you get. You're all quiet, so the boys are standoffish. I give 'em a bit of a show and they all laugh. You've got hips, swing 'em. And you've got ginormous boobies. Mine are firm, but small. Are yours smooshy or firm?"

"Hey, Mrs Parker." Aiden called back "Drink your drink and get over here. Its your turn to play again."

With a confused sigh, Sophia drank her shot and came forward to shoot suction cup arrows at rabbits in chicken suits.

'Is that what it is? She's getting them to relax by being cocky and teasing them back? I'm not sure playing along is safe for me, but it feels weird being the odd woman out." Sophia wasn't used to being anything but the center of attention, and as the alcohol worked its way into her, she could feel a bit of jealousy worming its way into her heart.

She lost again, this time second to last to Aiden, so they drank shots together. As the alcohol burned its way down her throat, Aiden shot her a crooked grin, which she returned briefly until she suppressed it with a twinge of guilt and confusion.

'I shouldn't be having fun like this...but I must admit it feels good to burn some energy on the game...I've got to be careful...I've been rip-roaringly horny all day.'

Sophia paused in her musings to consider.

'I've been getting hornier for weeks, showing off like I am, and I haven't gotten laid in a long while...and its starting to show.'

She wiped her brow off, her body heating from both alcohol and arousal. She watched Lucas dancing topless to another song and shuffled a little in place, rubbing her thighs together as she watched his muscles play under his pale skin.

'I really shouldn't, but it should be ok to play just a little.' The thought crept up on her and she found herself lacking the willpower to fully resist.

"C'mon, Mrs Parker. You're up. Ready to get your ass kicked?" Aiden called.

Sophia sauntered up to the Wii board, putting a swing in her hips. "Stop staring at my ass, you naughty boy." She wiggled it for good measure.

The Wii instructed her to stop squirming and she shot back "I'm not squirming! I'm wiggling!"

Everyone laughed at that one, and the boys cat-called and told her to "shake that ass".

This time when Sophia danced, she didn't worry about the pace or timing, she just danced. The bouncing and swaying seemed to be a crowd pleaser, and they shouted encouragement and Andre drifted in front of her for a better look.

She didn't win, of course.

'But it felt good to move like that.' she giggled to herself as she took her penalty shot. 'And the attention feels great.'

After that the event got a lot more fun as the alcohol kept her from guilt and worry to a great extent.

She got a thrill out of spreading her legs a bit wider when she was sitting on the board, reveling in the fact that their eyes were on her and she could see the bulges in their crotches growing.

They awarded her the "sexiest bottom to ride Mt. Kushytush" award and Aiden tickled her bottom to make her jump.

After her sixth (seventh?) shot, when Aiden kissed Jennifer as a reward for winning, she blurted out "What, are you going to kiss all the winners? Even Andre?"

"I'll tell you what, I'll handle it on a case by case basis." Aiden replied, laughing. Sophia just blushed, realizing what she had implicitly asked for.

The next round Sophia led off. It was the plunger-gun game again, shooting chickens in a zombie invasion...thing. She found herself drunk enough that she was having trouble coordinating both hands.

"Here, I'll help." Aiden's voice came right into her ear, giving her the shivers, as he stepped up behind her and plucked the nunchuck from her left hand. "You shoot the chickens" his right arm came around her, hand resting low on her tummy and pulling her into him "and I'll handle reloading."

"Reloading, huh?" Sophia's tone was comicly dubious.

"That's right. Shoot the chickens Mrs Parker! That's right." his hand tugged out the hem of her blouse and then slipped inside to rest against her skin right above her skirt. "Reloading. When you are empty, I'll put more things in. Chickens!"

Sophia looked back to the screen with wide, excited eyes and shot another chicken. "Think you're good at reloading?"

"Tell you what." Aiden whispered into her ear as his hand slid down under the waistband of her skirt, seeking through her pubic hairs to find her slit. "I'll handle the controller with the little nub and you" Sophia gasped as his other hand took hers and laid it on the bulge in his crotch "handle the long thick controller. Chickens Mrs Parker! Shoot them!"

"Yeah, shoot the chickens, Mrs Parker!" Lucas chimed in.

"Get 'em, Mrs P!"

Sophia's vision swam from the pleasure, making her shots a bit uncertain as she squirmed against Aiden.

'Without my shoes, Aiden is taller than me...and his cock is really warm..." shot idly through her mind.

She felt frustration almost palpably when the game ended before she came, but the boys did let her rest across their laps.

Jennifer came over and caught her face in her hands, capturing her attention.

"See, Mrs P? I told you you'd have fun if you just loosened up a bit. I was right, wasn't I? Huh?" As Sophia dazedly nodded, Aiden undid the last few buttons on her blouse while Andre loosened her belt 3 notches and undid its snap. Sophia, currently distracted by a hyper Jennifer, didn't even notice.

"See, I was right. I got more advice too, if you want. Do you want?"

"Yeah, sure..."



"Yeah, I had trouble loosening up at first too, then vibrators. Wear one and it works wonders. You get all loose fast, ya' know?


"Promise me you'll try one, 'K? Promise now?"

"O-ok, I guess..."

"Cool! Ah! New round! I'm doin' this one topless! Hee-hee. 'Cause I can." With a giant grin Jennifer pealed off her top and shed her bra and bounced over to the Wii board for another dance.

"Wait!" Aiden stood, along with Andre, forcing Sophia to her feet. "Who won last round?"

"Mrs Parker. I have to drink." Lucas looked at her with the grin of someone who just lost on purpose. "So get with the kissing Aiden."

"If I must." Aiden put his arm around Sophia's waist and spun her towards him.

"No, wait, I..." Sophia began, then Aiden kissed her on 'I'. His hands slid down to the hem of her skirt then up again, drawing it upwards as he cupped her ass with both hands and drew her into his body.

Sophia batted at him ineffectually a couple times as his tongue invaded her mouth, then grabbed at his hair, only to finally settle for resting one hand on the back of his neck and slding the fingers of the other into his hair.

"You shouldn't do that, I'm a married woman." Sophia protested when Aiden finally released her a bit, the words sounding silly even to her ears.

"We'll make do somehow I think." Aiden replied with a laugh.

"Its a plus for me, honestly. C'mere." Lucas said, pulling her into his embrace.

Sophia barely had time for a "Wha-" before another tounge was invading her mouth. This time one arm held her close while the other brushed away her blouse and toyed with her nipples. Lucas was rougher and briefer than Aiden, but no less exciting.

"Don't forget me." Andre's quiet voice chimed in. This time the kiss was gentle and exploratory. Andre caught her thigh and picked up her leg to wrap around him. Sophia wrapped both arms around his neck and hung on.

"Or me! MMMMMMWaaaah!" Jennifer gave her a big, wet bugs bunny kiss that sent the boys rolling in laughter. "OK, now quick while they are distracted! Get dancing!" Jennifer bundled her up onto the wii board and started the round. "Wait, wait, wait! Put these one first." Sophia's heels were put back on her feet.

The resulting dancing consisted more of sensual swaying and lewd gyrations than actual moves, but Sophia, riding high on alcohol, arousal and attention, lost herself to the music and lust. Her breast swayed back and forth, peeking out from behind her open blouse, the skirt, which was sitting low on her hips, eventually gave up the struggle and slid down her legs.

Instead of stopping, she caught it on one foot and, standing wobbling on the other, kicked it to Aiden, then continued on. By the time she was done, she had wandered off the board entirely, but the only ones booing her performance were the little electronic bunnies.

At the end she plopped between Aiden and Lucas on the sofa, and the boys took her arms and put them around their necks, holding her hands there with one of theirs while their other idly roamed her body.

The boys rotated out as they took their turns but Sophia just sat there, eyes closed and head back, giggling softly.

Sophia was a bit out of it after that, the alcohol finally catching up to her and making her sleepy. Aiden made sure to give her a good bit of water, adding what he said was vitamin drops to it so that it would help prevent a hangover in the morning.

Sophia let them lead her back home, first getting a car back to the school and then Aiden drove them home.

Jennifer said she felt like a pirate when she took Sofia's keys, and Lucas led them in a rousing rendition of "Yo ho, ho yo! Its a slutty wife for me!" as he fondled her tits.

They took her inside, changed her into her sleepware and poured her into bed. Each of them in turn kissed her good night.

She spent the night dreaming of being teased sexually.

***** ***** *****

Sophia woke to the alarm frustrated.

'I was just about to finally orgasm and the damn alarm wakes me up. Perfect.'

She rolled over and found Liam already gone to work.

She rolled out of bed and scrubbed her hands through her hair. She felt anxious, antsy and frustrated. Bits of her felt like they were buzzing with a need she could amost taste.

The alarm was also set late, adding to the feeling by being too rushed to "fix" anything.

The shower washed away most of her fatigue, but left her just as horny as before, the flow of water over her skin reminding her what it was like to be touched.

Toweling off quickly, she opened the drawer with her work outfits to find a care package.

Inside she found one of her own skirts, looking like it had been shortened by at least an inch, a blouse that was missing all but a few buttons that was maybe a size too small for her bust, a small remote egg vibrator, a large bottle of the energy drink, a tube of lube and a pair of black, platform high heels with locks on them instead of buckles.

Atop it all was a heavy envelope.

She opened it and her froze as pictures spilled out. A picture of her dancing in nothing but an open blouse and heels. A picture of her kissing Aiden, and Lucas, and Andre. A picture of her sitting between Aiden and Lucas blissfully being felt up.

There was a note too, and she opened it with hands shaking in shock.


Good morning Mrs. Parker. I trust you slept well.

I'm very pleased that you had as much fun last night as you did.

Trust me when I say that we enjoyed it as much as you did.

You may not remember but you made a promise to Jennifer last night,

so we have included a little something egg-shaped from her for you

to use today. In addition, we have left you a "lesson plan" in your

desk to follow during class.

You will also note that the shoes we left you have little locks on

them instead of buckles. Bring another set of shoes to school today,

wear them in if you want, but for class today you have to put these

shoes on your feet and lock them. All you have to do is ask me at the

end of class to unlock your lock with my key. Unless of course you intend

to wear them to bed tonight for your husband.


Your students.


'I'm so screwed.' she thought, flushing in shame.

She picked up the contents of the package and sat at her dressing table. She prodded the vibrator and it rolled about innocently.

'This...is going to be difficult to endure in class.'

She held the blouse up, then checked the skirt to see where the hem would fall.

'And these clothes just scream "exhibitionist", but the shoes...'

She picked one up and toyed with the little golden lock.

'These are symbolic. They want me to ask to be fucked...to request my lock to be opened...to take away my restraints and drive me wild...'

Sophia squirmed a bit as pieces of her clamored that this was a good idea. Other parts of her fought for her dignity, while others drove home the shame of thinking of this while being married.

Sofia stared into the mirror, eying her reflection flushing in shame and arousal as guilt warred with lust in her eyes.

'God help me, but I'm not sure I can say no.'

***** ***** *****

The little golden locks on her shoes chimed against the other metalic bangles as she walked down the hall towards her classroom.

Her skirt was short, barely clearing her ass and if she bent over it would probably ride up over her asscheeks.

Her blouse was tight, and displayed a generous amount of cleavage. Her rock-hard nipples were clearly visible pressing against the thin fabric.

She could feel the round hard shape of the vibrator shifting around inside of her as she walked, sending tingles of pleasure that reinforced the sway in her hips.

Sophia's hand paused on the doorknob, trembling. Someone had put up a biology poster about sex in the window of the door.

'Gee, I wonder why they did that?' she thought to herself sarcastically, though the idea of her being bent over her desk and taken set her heart racing anew.

'I shouldn't be wanting this. I'm a married woman. I shouldn't want this. I'm a married woman.'

Sophia took a deep breath and entered the classroom.

***** ***** *****

If yesterday had been hard, today was impossible.

When the vibrator first came on, she dropped a piece of chalk and had to bend over to get it. The fact that she was showing her sex to the entire room nearly broke her.

The vibrator tended to shift about inside her, sometimes hitting places that felt pleasant and at others places that felt blindingly good. Sophia had to work to restrain herself from seeking out those positions that made her eyes roll back.

She sat there reading her lesson plan while the students droned on reading from the text, while she squirmed, bouncing her leg and rotating her foot to help her keep control.

And all this time she was reading stories about teachers being taken on their desks, only unlike the last offering of crude fantasies, this time the students were gentle, providing their teacher with much needed relief and letting them go wild in exctasy.

When lunch came around, she drank the offered energy drink silently, and while she didn't answer Aiden when he asked if she would like him to use his key on her locks, she couldn't bring herself to say no.

The afternoon wasn't much better. More dirty stories, more teasing with the vibrator. Sophia felt so horny that she thought her head would burst.

Then came the final bell.

***** ****** *****

"So, Mrs Parker." Aiden said, taking back the empty energy drink bottle. "Is there anything you need?"

Sophia bit her lip and stared at the top of her desk. Aiden stood beside her and Andre and Lucas hovered in the background.

Sophia's hands clenched together.

'I shouldn't do this. I'm married. I shouldn't do this. I'm married.'

"Anything at all?"

'I shouldn't. I shouldn't want this. I want to but I shouldn't...don't! I shouldn't...I...'

"Well then, we'll just head home then Mrs. Parker."

'I should...shouldn't...I sh...oh God.'

Aiden was almost to the door.

'Shouldn't...want...should...not can't...'


Aiden stopped and turned.

"Yes Mrs Parker?"

Sophia stood on shaky legs and put one foot forward a bit.


'I want it but I shouldn't...I want it but I...'

"What was that Sophia? Something about locks?"

Sophia turned bright red as he used her first name.

'This...is so dirty...I...I'm so horny...I can still feel his cock under my hand as we played...I shouldn't, but I want to...'


"What do you mean 'open lock'? What lock, Sophia?"

'Oh, oh God I can't say it, but I want it! Just once...I want it...Its not really bad if its just once...'

Sophia plunged her face into her hands and turned away. She sidled up to the desk and then draped herself over it, then reached back and slid her skirt up over her ass.

Her knees became a little weak as she heard the click of the door being locked behind her.

"Oh, so you want me to open your lock with my key?"

'Yes...want it...eve if dirty...want...yes...I'm a slut...but want...be naughty...naughty wife...wants to fuck...'

Sophia nodded violently.

"Can you say it? Ask for it?"

'No...can't say...but want it...I'm...such a dirty...naughty...Wife!...but just once is OK...I need it...need to be naughty...wife...want...to be bad girl...want to do it'

Sophia shook her head equally vigorously.

"All well...Perhaps its too much to expect for the first time." The vibrator popped out as he tugged on it, causing Sophia to squirm.

'F-first time...going to do more...I want to...but more?...naughty... to want...Naughty...its OK...be Naughty...I need...to be naughty...I am naughty...'

Sophia gasped and squirmed as Aiden's long, hard cock rode up into her.

'Oh yes...Yes...'



Mar 10, 2018
Thank you. :) I'm glad you liked it so much.

did you like the story and will it continue??? is this story from a game or fictional
This is fan fiction based off of "A Wife and Mother", and while its not in the game, I do like writing it.

Its mostly spawned from seeing pictures on this thread, honestly. I'll see something and want to work it into a story, so it comes out in disjointed fragments.

As to continuing, I probably will when I get free time. Let's see what comes up next.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Just me. Experimenting to see if DOF, 3 point lighting and denoiser can stretch the amount of characters I can put into a scene. Appears to so far. At 720p this took 40mins to start iteration 1, but once it did, completed 500 iterations in 20 mins.

Dance Studio Characters 2.jpg

Uniforms are either from or from . Dance poses from various assets I've come across.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2018
Thank you. :) I'm glad you liked it so much.

This is fan fiction based off of "A Wife and Mother", and while its not in the game, I do like writing it.

Its mostly spawned from seeing pictures on this thread, honestly. I'll see something and want to work it into a story, so it comes out in disjointed fragments.

As to continuing, I probably will when I get free time. Let's see what comes up next.
It would be nice to render with this story ... and after a game in Ren'Py


Mar 10, 2018
It would be nice to render with this story ... and after a game in Ren'Py
I would love to see renders. I suppose inspiration goes both ways :)

I'm good at stories - Plot and characters and such. Not so much at rendering or drawing. Pottery, blacksmithing, glassblowing, OK. I can make something worth having. As soon as we I go 2D? Well, let's just say my best work looks like filler-day stuff. :)

I'm a bit ignorant about the mechanics of setting up a game like this, but I'd be ok with figuring out the plot branches and such.

Though this sort of thing is fairly linear, usually. Most of the time its a choice of which train to take and not so much which destination. For example, you might have control over how much Sophia resists, but her eventual destination is Naughtyville.

You could have something like a romantic route (Sam), a faithful route (Liam - boring), a dominated route (Aiden) and a dominating route (????). I wouldn't branch more than that though. The original game got lost in its choices, with so much happening that nothing happens.


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2018
Told you it would take a while. Its a bit long, and again completely raw. Let me know what you think.

Adventure Knight

Sophia didn't see Aiden waiting for her, and that worried her. 'He almost always meets me at the door. He's usually here before me.'

Then she saw it sitting on her desk: a little plastic knight figurine on her desk. It was there, a knight in plate with sword and shield, sitting next to a bottle of that noxious energy drink he made her drink.

Her heart stopped for a second, then kicked into high gear, because she knew it meant more than it seemed.

'It means that Aiden is taking me for an adventure tonight whether I want to go or not.'

Sophia had been on two other "adventures." The first time Aiden had her flashing in a nearby park. The other was a trip to a local arcade. She had to play "dance-dance revolution" without underwear, and some of his friends took the opportunity to feel up her ass.

The last time she was late home to change, and Ellie had looked at her funny as she rushed into the house to change into something more modest.

She mentally reviewed the schedule for tonight.

'Ellie is staying over her girlfriend's house tonight, and Dylan...He's at the function for soccer that Aiden set up to make him feel more integrated. Probably set that up on purpose...and Liam is going to be late again like usual...'

She wouldn't have the excuse of "I need to get home before everyone else" to stop Aiden tonight. She shivered a little at that thought, though whether from fear or desire she didn't know.

She picked up the energy drink and looked at it speculatively. Shrugging, she opened it and downed it.

'I'm probably going to need this before the night is over.'

The day went torturously slowly, despite Aiden doing nothing beyond giving her a knowing smile and winking. That's not to say the day was without its trials. The skirt they gave her to wear was short and loose, and if it weren't for her belt, she might have tugged it right off her hips trying to get it to cover more.

The anticipation and fear left her jittery most of the day. She had a hard time eating lunch much less concentrating on lessons. All the different possibilities that her imagination could come up with besieged her attention, and she found, much to her frustration and denial, that she was getting increasingly horny as the day progressed. To add to it, all the boys were watching her like a hawk, wanting and waiting for her to give them a show.

She did flash a couple of times on purpose, and she adhered to the dress rules Aiden set down, since that is what she had been trained to do for weeks now. She didn't want to get punished for disobedience, especially now that Dylan was finally making gains socially, but it was especially hard to keep her composure while doing so today.

She took her energy drink again at noon, handed to her silently by a smirking Aiden, and then gritted her teeth through the second half of the day.

When they at last came to collect her, it was almost a relief.

'Here you go, Mrs P." Jennifer handed her another bottle of energy drink. "Bottoms up and then let's go. Lucas brought the Wii, Aiden has the drinks and we've got a place reserved."

Taking the drink in puzzlement, Sophia gave Jennifer and Lucas a raised eyebrow. Lucas responded by opening his backpack to reveal a Nintendo Wii and controllers. Sophia tentatively drank the bottle as Jennifer went on.

"Hope you're good with games. I'm OK, but Andre here is killer with the Rabbids."

"The what?"

"You know...the Rabbids. Raving Rabbids. The TV one, not the other ones, 'cause the TV one is the best, you know?"

Jennifer grabbed her arm and lead her off, describing the some sort of moose-tobbogan/suction-cup-shooting/dancing game in a verbal torrent that washed over Sophia, leaving her somewhat confused as to how it all fit together.

She let Jennifer lead her in peace, but did stumble when she steered her towards the entrance to a respectable hotel in the downtown area about 15 minutes away from the school. It hadn't been for Aiden grabbing her other arm and Lucas crowding up behind her, she probably would have bolted right then and there.

"'Cmon Mrs. P. The game's fun!" Jennifer chided.

'Oh God. Why am I doing this?' Sophia could feel her heart in her mouth, half expecting to be gangbanged the instant she got into the room. 'I'm letting my students lead me to a hotel room for games.' She probably could have broken free and run for it if she had given her all, but the traitorous feeling of warmth radiating up from her loins wouldn't let her do that.

The room was on the third floor, and was a standard Malliot suite, with the ubiquitous Malliot colors. Lucas headed straight for the TV and started setting up the game, using a pair of wire snips to bypass the connection guard and splice right into the TV itself. The other boys dragged over a sofa while Jennifer set out a line of shot glasses and a few bottles schnapps and Jagger, and other mildly hard alcohol.

"OK, ground rules. There's five of us, so bottom 2 losers get to drink." Aiden stated once it was all settled. Sophia found herself on the sofa wedged between Aiden and Andre. "The noob gets spotted points for the first 2 of her games, for each type of game we play. After that she's on her own."

They explained the controller to her, and Sophia set up her ridiculous cartoon bunny, "Bwah".

The first game was riding a wildebeast or something down "Mt. Kushytush". Sophia kicked off her heels and sat on the board for it, panicking a little as the cold air washed over her sex. The way she had to sit exposed her. It wasn't like they hadn't seen it before, but this was more than a glimpse.

Thing was, no one came around to ogle her. They cheered for her, and jeered, but no one walked around like they did for Jennifer. She jeered right back and stuck out her tounge and spread her legs when they said they could see up her skirt, and they laughed and looked, but it wasn't the same for her.

Sophia couldn't figure it out. She was pretty good looking for her age...

'Maybe they just like ogling Jennifer better? She's so much younger...'

The third game she finally lost despite the points they spotted her. Dancing to ABC was easy, but doing it to the timing in the game was tricky. Jennifer brought over shot.

"Here ya go, Mrs P. Drink that down. It'll help you loosen up a bit."

"I'm trying not to get too loose." Sophia replied succinctly.

"Yeah, we can tell. you're a bit prickly. But, well, how about playing the game and having some fun with it? Be more cocky. Like, you're kinda quiet. Go give'em hell. I don't want to be the only girl busting chops."


"I mean, give back what you get. You're all quiet, so the boys are standoffish. I give 'em a bit of a show and they all laugh. You've got hips, swing 'em. And you've got ginormous boobies. Mine are firm, but small. Are yours smooshy or firm?"

"Hey, Mrs Parker." Aiden called back "Drink your drink and get over here. Its your turn to play again."

With a confused sigh, Sophia drank her shot and came forward to shoot suction cup arrows at rabbits in chicken suits.

'Is that what it is? She's getting them to relax by being cocky and teasing them back? I'm not sure playing along is safe for me, but it feels weird being the odd woman out." Sophia wasn't used to being anything but the center of attention, and as the alcohol worked its way into her, she could feel a bit of jealousy worming its way into her heart.

She lost again, this time second to last to Aiden, so they drank shots together. As the alcohol burned its way down her throat, Aiden shot her a crooked grin, which she returned briefly until she suppressed it with a twinge of guilt and confusion.

'I shouldn't be having fun like this...but I must admit it feels good to burn some energy on the game...I've got to be careful...I've been rip-roaringly horny all day.'

Sophia paused in her musings to consider.

'I've been getting hornier for weeks, showing off like I am, and I haven't gotten laid in a long while...and its starting to show.'

She wiped her brow off, her body heating from both alcohol and arousal. She watched Lucas dancing topless to another song and shuffled a little in place, rubbing her thighs together as she watched his muscles play under his pale skin.

'I really shouldn't, but it should be ok to play just a little.' The thought crept up on her and she found herself lacking the willpower to fully resist.

"C'mon, Mrs Parker. You're up. Ready to get your ass kicked?" Aiden called.

Sophia sauntered up to the Wii board, putting a swing in her hips. "Stop staring at my ass, you naughty boy." She wiggled it for good measure.

The Wii instructed her to stop squirming and she shot back "I'm not squirming! I'm wiggling!"

Everyone laughed at that one, and the boys cat-called and told her to "shake that ass".

This time when Sophia danced, she didn't worry about the pace or timing, she just danced. The bouncing and swaying seemed to be a crowd pleaser, and they shouted encouragement and Andre drifted in front of her for a better look.

She didn't win, of course.

'But it felt good to move like that.' she giggled to herself as she took her penalty shot. 'And the attention feels great.'

After that the event got a lot more fun as the alcohol kept her from guilt and worry to a great extent.

She got a thrill out of spreading her legs a bit wider when she was sitting on the board, reveling in the fact that their eyes were on her and she could see the bulges in their crotches growing.

They awarded her the "sexiest bottom to ride Mt. Kushytush" award and Aiden tickled her bottom to make her jump.

After her sixth (seventh?) shot, when Aiden kissed Jennifer as a reward for winning, she blurted out "What, are you going to kiss all the winners? Even Andre?"

"I'll tell you what, I'll handle it on a case by case basis." Aiden replied, laughing. Sophia just blushed, realizing what she had implicitly asked for.

The next round Sophia led off. It was the plunger-gun game again, shooting chickens in a zombie invasion...thing. She found herself drunk enough that she was having trouble coordinating both hands.

"Here, I'll help." Aiden's voice came right into her ear, giving her the shivers, as he stepped up behind her and plucked the nunchuck from her left hand. "You shoot the chickens" his right arm came around her, hand resting low on her tummy and pulling her into him "and I'll handle reloading."

"Reloading, huh?" Sophia's tone was comicly dubious.

"That's right. Shoot the chickens Mrs Parker! That's right." his hand tugged out the hem of her blouse and then slipped inside to rest against her skin right above her skirt. "Reloading. When you are empty, I'll put more things in. Chickens!"

Sophia looked back to the screen with wide, excited eyes and shot another chicken. "Think you're good at reloading?"

"Tell you what." Aiden whispered into her ear as his hand slid down under the waistband of her skirt, seeking through her pubic hairs to find her slit. "I'll handle the controller with the little nub and you" Sophia gasped as his other hand took hers and laid it on the bulge in his crotch "handle the long thick controller. Chickens Mrs Parker! Shoot them!"

"Yeah, shoot the chickens, Mrs Parker!" Lucas chimed in.

"Get 'em, Mrs P!"

Sophia's vision swam from the pleasure, making her shots a bit uncertain as she squirmed against Aiden.

'Without my shoes, Aiden is taller than me...and his cock is really warm..." shot idly through her mind.

She felt frustration almost palpably when the game ended before she came, but the boys did let her rest across their laps.

Jennifer came over and caught her face in her hands, capturing her attention.

"See, Mrs P? I told you you'd have fun if you just loosened up a bit. I was right, wasn't I? Huh?" As Sophia dazedly nodded, Aiden undid the last few buttons on her blouse while Andre loosened her belt 3 notches and undid its snap. Sophia, currently distracted by a hyper Jennifer, didn't even notice.

"See, I was right. I got more advice too, if you want. Do you want?"

"Yeah, sure..."



"Yeah, I had trouble loosening up at first too, then vibrators. Wear one and it works wonders. You get all loose fast, ya' know?


"Promise me you'll try one, 'K? Promise now?"

"O-ok, I guess..."

"Cool! Ah! New round! I'm doin' this one topless! Hee-hee. 'Cause I can." With a giant grin Jennifer pealed off her top and shed her bra and bounced over to the Wii board for another dance.

"Wait!" Aiden stood, along with Andre, forcing Sophia to her feet. "Who won last round?"

"Mrs Parker. I have to drink." Lucas looked at her with the grin of someone who just lost on purpose. "So get with the kissing Aiden."

"If I must." Aiden put his arm around Sophia's waist and spun her towards him.

"No, wait, I..." Sophia began, then Aiden kissed her on 'I'. His hands slid down to the hem of her skirt then up again, drawing it upwards as he cupped her ass with both hands and drew her into his body.

Sophia batted at him ineffectually a couple times as his tongue invaded her mouth, then grabbed at his hair, only to finally settle for resting one hand on the back of his neck and slding the fingers of the other into his hair.

"You shouldn't do that, I'm a married woman." Sophia protested when Aiden finally released her a bit, the words sounding silly even to her ears.

"We'll make do somehow I think." Aiden replied with a laugh.

"Its a plus for me, honestly. C'mere." Lucas said, pulling her into his embrace.

Sophia barely had time for a "Wha-" before another tounge was invading her mouth. This time one arm held her close while the other brushed away her blouse and toyed with her nipples. Lucas was rougher and briefer than Aiden, but no less exciting.

"Don't forget me." Andre's quiet voice chimed in. This time the kiss was gentle and exploratory. Andre caught her thigh and picked up her leg to wrap around him. Sophia wrapped both arms around his neck and hung on.

"Or me! MMMMMMWaaaah!" Jennifer gave her a big, wet bugs bunny kiss that sent the boys rolling in laughter. "OK, now quick while they are distracted! Get dancing!" Jennifer bundled her up onto the wii board and started the round. "Wait, wait, wait! Put these one first." Sophia's heels were put back on her feet.

The resulting dancing consisted more of sensual swaying and lewd gyrations than actual moves, but Sophia, riding high on alcohol, arousal and attention, lost herself to the music and lust. Her breast swayed back and forth, peeking out from behind her open blouse, the skirt, which was sitting low on her hips, eventually gave up the struggle and slid down her legs.

Instead of stopping, she caught it on one foot and, standing wobbling on the other, kicked it to Aiden, then continued on. By the time she was done, she had wandered off the board entirely, but the only ones booing her performance were the little electronic bunnies.

At the end she plopped between Aiden and Lucas on the sofa, and the boys took her arms and put them around their necks, holding her hands there with one of theirs while their other idly roamed her body.

The boys rotated out as they took their turns but Sophia just sat there, eyes closed and head back, giggling softly.

Sophia was a bit out of it after that, the alcohol finally catching up to her and making her sleepy. Aiden made sure to give her a good bit of water, adding what he said was vitamin drops to it so that it would help prevent a hangover in the morning.

Sophia let them lead her back home, first getting a car back to the school and then Aiden drove them home.

Jennifer said she felt like a pirate when she took Sofia's keys, and Lucas led them in a rousing rendition of "Yo ho, ho yo! Its a slutty wife for me!" as he fondled her tits.

They took her inside, changed her into her sleepware and poured her into bed. Each of them in turn kissed her good night.

She spent the night dreaming of being teased sexually.

***** ***** *****

Sophia woke to the alarm frustrated.

'I was just about to finally orgasm and the damn alarm wakes me up. Perfect.'

She rolled over and found Liam already gone to work.

She rolled out of bed and scrubbed her hands through her hair. She felt anxious, antsy and frustrated. Bits of her felt like they were buzzing with a need she could amost taste.

The alarm was also set late, adding to the feeling by being too rushed to "fix" anything.

The shower washed away most of her fatigue, but left her just as horny as before, the flow of water over her skin reminding her what it was like to be touched.

Toweling off quickly, she opened the drawer with her work outfits to find a care package.

Inside she found one of her own skirts, looking like it had been shortened by at least an inch, a blouse that was missing all but a few buttons that was maybe a size too small for her bust, a small remote egg vibrator, a large bottle of the energy drink, a tube of lube and a pair of black, platform high heels with locks on them instead of buckles.

Atop it all was a heavy envelope.

She opened it and her froze as pictures spilled out. A picture of her dancing in nothing but an open blouse and heels. A picture of her kissing Aiden, and Lucas, and Andre. A picture of her sitting between Aiden and Lucas blissfully being felt up.

There was a note too, and she opened it with hands shaking in shock.


Good morning Mrs. Parker. I trust you slept well.

I'm very pleased that you had as much fun last night as you did.

Trust me when I say that we enjoyed it as much as you did.

You may not remember but you made a promise to Jennifer last night,

so we have included a little something egg-shaped from her for you

to use today. In addition, we have left you a "lesson plan" in your

desk to follow during class.

You will also note that the shoes we left you have little locks on

them instead of buckles. Bring another set of shoes to school today,

wear them in if you want, but for class today you have to put these

shoes on your feet and lock them. All you have to do is ask me at the

end of class to unlock your lock with my key. Unless of course you intend

to wear them to bed tonight for your husband.


Your students.


'I'm so screwed.' she thought, flushing in shame.

She picked up the contents of the package and sat at her dressing table. She prodded the vibrator and it rolled about innocently.

'This...is going to be difficult to endure in class.'

She held the blouse up, then checked the skirt to see where the hem would fall.

'And these clothes just scream "exhibitionist", but the shoes...'

She picked one up and toyed with the little golden lock.

'These are symbolic. They want me to ask to be fucked...to request my lock to be opened...to take away my restraints and drive me wild...'

Sophia squirmed a bit as pieces of her clamored that this was a good idea. Other parts of her fought for her dignity, while others drove home the shame of thinking of this while being married.

Sofia stared into the mirror, eying her reflection flushing in shame and arousal as guilt warred with lust in her eyes.

'God help me, but I'm not sure I can say no.'

***** ***** *****

The little golden locks on her shoes chimed against the other metalic bangles as she walked down the hall towards her classroom.

Her skirt was short, barely clearing her ass and if she bent over it would probably ride up over her asscheeks.

Her blouse was tight, and displayed a generous amount of cleavage. Her rock-hard nipples were clearly visible pressing against the thin fabric.

She could feel the round hard shape of the vibrator shifting around inside of her as she walked, sending tingles of pleasure that reinforced the sway in her hips.

Sophia's hand paused on the doorknob, trembling. Someone had put up a biology poster about sex in the window of the door.

'Gee, I wonder why they did that?' she thought to herself sarcastically, though the idea of her being bent over her desk and taken set her heart racing anew.

'I shouldn't be wanting this. I'm a married woman. I shouldn't want this. I'm a married woman.'

Sophia took a deep breath and entered the classroom.

***** ***** *****

If yesterday had been hard, today was impossible.

When the vibrator first came on, she dropped a piece of chalk and had to bend over to get it. The fact that she was showing her sex to the entire room nearly broke her.

The vibrator tended to shift about inside her, sometimes hitting places that felt pleasant and at others places that felt blindingly good. Sophia had to work to restrain herself from seeking out those positions that made her eyes roll back.

She sat there reading her lesson plan while the students droned on reading from the text, while she squirmed, bouncing her leg and rotating her foot to help her keep control.

And all this time she was reading stories about teachers being taken on their desks, only unlike the last offering of crude fantasies, this time the students were gentle, providing their teacher with much needed relief and letting them go wild in exctasy.

When lunch came around, she drank the offered energy drink silently, and while she didn't answer Aiden when he asked if she would like him to use his key on her locks, she couldn't bring herself to say no.

The afternoon wasn't much better. More dirty stories, more teasing with the vibrator. Sophia felt so horny that she thought her head would burst.

Then came the final bell.

***** ****** *****

"So, Mrs Parker." Aiden said, taking back the empty energy drink bottle. "Is there anything you need?"

Sophia bit her lip and stared at the top of her desk. Aiden stood beside her and Andre and Lucas hovered in the background.

Sophia's hands clenched together.

'I shouldn't do this. I'm married. I shouldn't do this. I'm married.'

"Anything at all?"

'I shouldn't. I shouldn't want this. I want to but I shouldn't...don't! I shouldn't...I...'

"Well then, we'll just head home then Mrs. Parker."

'I should...shouldn't...I sh...oh God.'

Aiden was almost to the door.

'Shouldn't...want...should...not can't...'


Aiden stopped and turned.

"Yes Mrs Parker?"

Sophia stood on shaky legs and put one foot forward a bit.


'I want it but I shouldn't...I want it but I...'

"What was that Sophia? Something about locks?"

Sophia turned bright red as he used her first name.

'This...is so dirty...I...I'm so horny...I can still feel his cock under my hand as we played...I shouldn't, but I want to...'


"What do you mean 'open lock'? What lock, Sophia?"

'Oh, oh God I can't say it, but I want it! Just once...I want it...Its not really bad if its just once...'

Sophia plunged her face into her hands and turned away. She sidled up to the desk and then draped herself over it, then reached back and slid her skirt up over her ass.

Her knees became a little weak as she heard the click of the door being locked behind her.

"Oh, so you want me to open your lock with my key?"

'Yes...want it...eve if dirty...want...yes...I'm a slut...but want...be naughty...naughty wife...wants to fuck...'

Sophia nodded violently.

"Can you say it? Ask for it?"

'No...can't say...but want it...I'm...such a dirty...naughty...Wife!...but just once is OK...I need it...need to be naughty...wife...want...to be bad girl...want to do it'

Sophia shook her head equally vigorously.

"All well...Perhaps its too much to expect for the first time." The vibrator popped out as he tugged on it, causing Sophia to squirm.

'F-first time...going to do more...I want to...but more?...naughty... to want...Naughty...its OK...be Naughty...I need...to be naughty...I am naughty...'

Sophia gasped and squirmed as Aiden's long, hard cock rode up into her.

'Oh yes...Yes...'

Really great job on this, haven't really had much of a chance to read the whole thing been fixing up my daz library all day so have been reading in small parts. But awesome job on it. After finishing, possibly my only downside to it maybe i read it wrong but AIden came off as sorta nice. But other that pretty good story.
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Mar 10, 2018
Really great job on this, haven't really had much of a chance to read the whole thing been fixing up my daz library all day so have been reading in small parts. But awesome job on it. After finishing, possibly my only downside to it maybe i read it wrong but AIden came off as sorta nice. But other that pretty good story.
Thank you. :) Glad you liked it.

Yeah, I can see where that might be confusing, since I have more boring scenes in my head that explain more of what Aiden's game is. Think of it this way. Aiden is training Sophia. If you were training a dog, what kind of dog would you get if you were mean to it all the time?

His main methods are:

1) a real aphrodisiac in the energy drink (pt-141 adapted to oral delivery)
EDIT: This deserves more explanation. He gave her no aphrodisiac the first week or so in order to convince her the energy drink does nothing. Then, he slowly raised the dosage over time until he got her excited enough engage in activities. Then, once Sophia is more compliant, he'll reduce the dosage slowly and depend on her conditioning and habit to provide the desire.
2) repeated exposure to boundary-expanding situations.
3) over-sexualization of her life
4) Using Jennifer and the other students to "normalize" the slutty behavior
5) Using Jennifer as a "Judas Goat"
6) Setting up an expectation of attention and then forcing her to compete for that attention.

I chose to have Aiden be smart and amoral. He is a layabout in Sophia's class not because he is dumb, or entitled, but because he is smart enough that the subject matter is boring and trivial.

He has taken to training Sophia to have her need/want sex with them, not to put up with sex from them. That takes a more even approach.
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Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2018
1) a real aphrodisiac in the energy drink (pt-141 adapted to oral delivery)
EDIT: This deserves more explanation. He gave her no aphrodisiac the first week or so in order to convince her the energy drink does nothing. Then, he slowly raised the dosage over time until he got her excited enough engage in activities. Then, once Sophia is more compliant, he'll reduce the dosage slowly and depend on her conditioning and habit to provide the desire.
Funny enough as i was going to sleep i was thinking on your story and this exact idea popped into my head, bascially his uncle managed to get his hand on some new drug that made a woman's sex drive basically go into overdrive but for once Aiden thought smart and instead of just drugging her completely he gave it to her in small doses, and one of his demands early on was she had to stop having sex with her husband, or it could be Liam was never home when she was and after a while it was driving her insane.
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