
May 12, 2020
Not really, we just want to see some sex scenes while we can still get it up. And all complaints are not that simple and have been discussed indefinitely...
I agree , I also want some sex but some comments doesn't make sense they are just putting a label


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017


As promised, here’s my statement to the matter of getting help and releasing updates faster.
Many believe in a miracle. They think that if you’ll get someone, the updates will immediately be released every month with over 1000 renders and no quality loss. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works! Especially not via Internet and in my case.
People also think that the market is full of erotic VN artists which have similar experience with Daz Studio and are similar stickler for details like me and also worked with so many characters and huge setup scenes and got the hardware to render them! A GPU which can handle most of my scenes is for example the Titan RTX with 24 GB VRAM. Price 3000€! I got two. Apart from that, the best artists already have their own projects!
So, why those updates take the time they take? That’s a question which is difficult to explain in just a few words.
First of all, all those details you notice in every scene take special time to be created. The scenes don’t look like that by accident!
Let’s start with the time I frequently spend thinking about how a scene should look like best. Thinking about the event course and the dialogues. When I’m creating scenes, I’m mutually adapting the script to the art and vice versa. Looking what’s possible. The planning of the story events takes up some time! Occasionally, I’m not even working on the current update but on the story, if an idea crossed my mind.
Even if I’d find the best artist in the world, I still would need to explain him how the scene should look like. The more precise the better. Via Internet! But the problem is that even I myself frequently don’t know this exactly before not start working on it. That’s why I also never know how many renders a scene will have. There will be as many as I need to tell that particular scene.
In the time which I’d need to describe him/her how a scene should look like in a language I don’t speak perfectly, plus checking the results via Internet, then his/her afterwork since there will be definitely some things I imagined differently, I could also create that scene myself!
By the way, I’m rendering while creating the scenes, while editing the renders in PS and also during the programming & translation part. So, my current hardware is actually good enough. The biggest part of my work takes the scene creation. Giving the scenes to someone else to render wouldn't help at all and would only slow down the time period between updates! To understand this, you need to know how I’m rendering the scenes so they look like that! First, I’m creating the scene and trying to adjust everything as good as I can right away. Checking the lighting for the scene, how the characters look like in it and also all the details. But every camera perspective needs another lighting adjustment, which I need to check before pushing the render button. Then I’m always noticing mistakes during the render process. So I write a list with those things I need to adjust in that scene before rendering. Be it the texture of a character which acts weird with the light, a wrong positioned prop, a wrong lighting setting, a bad positioned character, a prop which needs to be included, a cloth, hair or whatever which is not good enough adjusted etc. So, rendering overnight, isn’t!
Then I’m frequently re-render stuff because I noticed something which I don’t like or there’s a mistake.
Another problem is, that I have a lot of in-game places which all I additionally edited or created myself. I got around 2-3 TB data files including the save files which I’m using to load older scenes to create new ones. That means, my helper would need all those files which are additionally sorted and only I know their order and some stranger would lose track of it! If he/she doesn’t have all necessary files for a place, they will get errors during the loading process and things will be missing.
All of this shows that I set great store on that my product looks like something special.
I’m putting high attention to perfect posing and realistic facial expressions and always try to get better. It frequently takes some time to find and think of the appropriate pose for a particular scene. And there are tons of different poses and expressions in every update!
I’m now using a technique which allows me to create indentations of objects and also bodies of the characters. For example, objects where the characters are sitting on or body indentations (squeezing) like the breasts for example. That’s really challenging and takes a lot of time! I’m working a lot with dforce which needs to be simulated and loaded into every scene! That’s also very time consuming since it’s also a question of testing! And like I said, loading and saving huge scenes takes a lot of time as well! Plus, I’m using some other tools to adjust things in the scene which is again time consuming. Additionally, there’re frequently little “special effects” which also take time to be created.
Finding the right camera position and perspective can also be tricky sometimes.
People frequently admiring the nice renders without even asking themselves what’s actually behind them. Not understanding that this all is a product of hard meticulous work where you hardly can find any mistake as a result!
A render is not equal with a render. If you have two characters in the scene which are not even good posed or adjusted, no background, ordinary lighting, no attention to details etc., then of course this is much faster than if you adjust and edit everything possible, create own lighting systems, background life, working with a lot of different tools, postproduction (PS) etc.! Every scene has another own created lighting system by the way.
Also, the subsequent editing of the renders in PS takes time, since I also edit and convert every single render from png to jpeg! After all, it’s very important to me that my product looks good and I’m always trying to improve my art.
Furthermore, I got a lot of text which also needs to be well thought-out and translated from German to English which is not that easy for me since my German is perfect and there are so many phrases that aren’t existent in English and needs to be paraphrased!
And by the way, Daz Studio is a pretty buggy program and occasionally likes to crash with no reason. You’re working 45 minutes on a scene and suddenly BAM! “Daz Studio has encountered a fatal error and must close”! And again from the beginning! Saving big scenes can take up to 6-8 minutes and you don’t want to lose time on multiple saving processes. Frequently, I’m also overly under the spell of the creation process, and forget about it.
So, not only creating but also saving big scenes takes a lot of time. This is also the reason why not many are using such setup scenes at all to work faster!
Another thing which people forget to consider is my customers support which also takes time!
Then many people think that since I have much more experience now, I also have to work much faster. But that’s a fallacy! First of all, if you count the renders per time of my updates, my paste has always been the same! So, I’m not slower than earlier. Actually, even faster! Why? If you look at the renders of the beginning of the game and compare them with my last update 0.100, you will certainly notice some differences. The more you work with a program the more you learn its possibilities! So, with more skills you have more possibilities of what all you can do! So, the more techniques you use the more time it costs!
So, all in all, I would need to give responsibility of the creation of an event completely to my helper. Giving all my hard created/edited places, characters and scenes to a total stranger! And if I don’t like his/her results, I would need to accept it anyway to not losing time for the rework. Because reworking the events would only expand the time between updates! Working online on such an ambitious project would be extremely inconvenient in my opinion.
The only really productive and effective solution would be an office where we could work in the way all video game companies are working. Nobody’s working over the Internet as long as they want their product to look like something. This way we could talk and develop simultaneously and could have an eye on everything. The huge disadvantage would be giving up anonymity and paying much more taxes. And of course, if you’re throwing your free time away and work practically 24/7 on the updates, you also want that it pays off. After all, I need to save money for an own apartment and my pension later.
At the end, I think that it’s better to create a great game in 10 years which people will remember than an average game in 1 year nobody cares about afterwards.
Many people also don’t understand how exhausting it can be to work alone on such a game with that quality and extent!
I myself want the updates to being released faster and having more air to breath. What advantage do I have to release the updates later? Milking? I would highly likely get more money if I’d release them faster!
And about my vision of the game I already told everyone right from the beginning! That this is not the regular porn game! It’s an erotic VN where of course everything will happen later what you know from regular porn games too. But for me the way to the climax is very important and needs to be comprehensible. A married woman like Sophia won’t cheat on her husband after just a couple of days! There needs to be a long build up! And of course, it’s easier for a woman to approach other women than other men! And it’s also her own decision, either to reclaim her busy husband or looking for other “amusements”!
So, that was my detailed and extensive statement to how things are. You’re free to give me some feedback or ideas.
PS: I will remove the "Dylan twist" since many people took it negatively.
I completely agree with the daz side of stuff, although I do think there some things L&P could do to speed things up but am not sure, as must admit, that was a tough read to understand and follow, that probably because English isn't his first language.

when you pose models a specific way, you can save them as a "scene subset", like Dylan sitting on a chair or Sophia sitting at a table. it can help save some time as you then "merge" that into a scene you currently setting up, people won't mind if you occasionally use the same pose as long as it still makes sense story-wise.

Also, if you have a scene where the models don't move but a models expression changes. I believe you can render the original scene, then use "spot render" to render models face with new expression, then layer that on top of original render in Photoshop. I have had some success with this in fixing renders but it could save a lot of time as well.

Also, you don't have to hire anyone to help with the creating images/renders side, you could hire someone to help with the writing story or running patreon side, this could help speed things up.

Also, it appears like you have a vague idea of where story going but not a complete idea, hiring someone as a writer would help save a lot of time.

Now granted that the writer needs to have a way to understand German and English, I hear google translating is good for small stuff but massive documents it not so accurate with, maybe L&P could try that out with someone.

If it's feasible or L&P finds someone who speaks English+German, then hiring a writer would speed things up and still give L&P complete control over story as L&P need to approve story ideas.

The writer would be writing future updates while L&P works on next update.

FYI, I might actually be looking for a writer gig and might be interested


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017
The twist was interesting but am not a fan of it because I just don't see how Sophia would forgive Dylan for it, nevermind actually having sex with Dylan after he did that to her.

Am not completely against it, as it's a good twist and part of the risk of adding a really good twist is that not everyone will agree but you really need to be willing to fully commit to it from the get go, seems L&P wasn't fully committed to it but if most of his patreons are being negative about it, then yeah he should change it.

I personally want to see the full 12 tasks as I want to see how far Sophia go and what else she is willing to do. I always thought the further she goes, the more likely she will have sex with Dylan.

However, I must admit, if the twist is kept and somehow Sophia finds a way to get past it, then it could open up possibilities we never thought we see, like 3somes, gangbangs etc. The only way I can see her forgiven is she takes it as a compliment, that they found her so attractive they were willing to conspire just to see her naked etc. So if she thinks that, she be might be willing to eventually go much further than we ever thought.

Is one thing though, those of us that don't play the boarding school route never knew of twist in the last update, L&P really should have something in the shower scene with Dylan thinking about what he asked Aiden to do.
Nov 21, 2019
I am usually just an observer here and love to read the exchanges of ideas and opinions about AWAM. I have waited for this statement before I can share my thoughts about his work practices. A little background on myself: I am a graphic and instructional designer working with and for multiple corporations. I am a part of a team that develops online gamified training materials that include animations and sometimes 3D CGI depending on client requirements.

All I can see is an individual who doesn't like and doesn't want to work in a team. The statement is just a very long blabber and he probably has not heard or doesn't want to utilize storyboarding and brainstorming which can very much solve all of his worries about bad renders that do not meet his 'vision'. I know, based from experience, that planning, storyboarding and brainstorming takes probably the longest time especially for a VN but as soon as everything is laid out, development will take a speed jump.

There are tasks that he can definitely delegate to another and probably more experienced graphic artist. Editing the renders in PS can be done by someone else and he just needs to overseer, check for quality and provide feedback for any revisions. This is while he is creating unfinished scenes that he would prefer to develop on his own. Creating sprites and the backgrounds can be done by someone else as well while he takes on the development of the characters.

You see, adding 1 or 2 extra heads to AWAM's development will not hurt the VN's over-all quality. It will speed development time and may even improve with proper guidance.

I don't want to add this but I also sense that L&P doesn't want to split the money or pay someone else. He wants everything for himself.
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Well-Known Member
May 6, 2017
When you remove the twist how will this affect the story and what other things may you have to change as well?
I enjoyed the twist once I thought it over.
So I guess that we go back to Dylan was bullied.
I agree with you. It was such a nice twist. So, why remove it?
The twist was interesting but am not a fan of it because I just don't see how Sophia would forgive Dylan for it, nevermind actually having sex with Dylan after he did that to her.

Am not completely against it, as it's a good twist and part of the risk of adding a really good twist is that not everyone will agree but you really need to be willing to fully commit to it from the get go, seems L&P wasn't fully committed to it but if most of his patreons are being negative about it, then yeah he should change it.

I personally want to see the full 12 tasks as I want to see how far Sophia go and what else she is willing to do. I always thought the further she goes, the more likely she will have sex with Dylan.

However, I must admit, if the twist is kept and somehow Sophia finds a way to get past it, then it could open up possibilities we never thought we see, like 3somes, gangbangs etc. The only way I can see her forgiven is she takes it as a compliment, that they found her so attractive they were willing to conspire just to see her naked etc. So if she thinks that, she be might be willing to eventually go much further than we ever thought.

Is one thing though, those of us that don't play the boarding school route never knew of twist in the last update, L&P really should have something in the shower scene with Dylan thinking about what he asked Aiden to do.
The reason for the twist is simply that there are some trolls on the way who consciously or unconsciously misinterpret Dylan's character as a weakling, as a stupid horny boy.

This has caused L&P to disprove this with the twist. A big mistake in my opinion. If Dylan really were that weak, he would not be number 1 in the survey of all protagonists. The fact that the deal destroyed a relationship between Sophia and Dylan should also be clear to all Dylan haters.
A romantic relationship as many of us would like with Sophia cannot exist like this because the basis of trust has been destroyed.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2019
Maybe Liam, seeing how Sophia acts with Morello's brother, he will find that all this goes too far and intervene.
Morello's plan is going to screw up, he'll be mad at Liam.
Back at the casino, Morello will say, Sophia is going to play the piano in this casino. You messed up everything.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 17, 2019
Maybe Liam, seeing how Sophia acts with Morello's brother, he will find that all this goes too far and intervene.
Morello's plan is going to screw up, he'll be mad at Liam.
Back at the casino, Morello will say, Sophia is going to play the piano in this casino. You messed up everything.
I hope there is the option: go / not go with liam

otherwise it wouldn't make sense in the corruption story


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017
The reason for the twist is simply that there are some trolls on the way who consciously or unconsciously misinterpret Dylan's character as a weakling, as a stupid horny boy.

This has caused L&P to disprove this with the twist. A big mistake in my opinion. If Dylan really were that weak, he would not be number 1 in the survey of all protagonists. The fact that the deal destroyed a relationship between Sophia and Dylan should also be clear to all Dylan haters.
A romantic relationship as many of us would like with Sophia cannot exist like this because the basis of trust has been destroyed.
Got to be honest but I never considered Dylan weak, especially since his martial art instructor said he was surprised with how quick Dylan was to pick things up.

I do think L&P should stick to the twist if that is what he wants but I assume a lot of patreons where the ones complaining as well.


Engaged Member
Apr 23, 2017
really hoping there be an option where we can decide to divorce and kick Liam out of the house.
I like your thinking. Who knows may you can have Sofia turn down Morello before they get to prison the next day or decline any offer to with the brother when they meet. Oh no Liam, what are you going to do now?
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Old Dog

Message Maven
Jul 20, 2017
Got to be honest but I never considered Dylan weak, especially since his martial art instructor said he was surprised with how quick Dylan was to pick things up.

I do think L&P should stick to the twist if that is what he wants but I assume a lot of patreons where the ones complaining as well.
By the patron posts,not alot of people have done the boarding route and those that have want the twist to stay and they echo what you have said.If he wants the twist in game keep it in.Some have even called for a vote on it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2019
I like your thinking. Who knows may you can have Sofia turn down Morello before they get to prison the next day or decline any offer to with the brother when they meet. Oh no Liam, what are you going to do now?
I would like that too. The less Liam in my playthrough the better hehehe. :ROFLMAO:(y)

From what L&P has written in the past I really don't see it happening unless it happens near he end of the game.
Possibly, maybe if it happens it's because of how much distance they've had since arriving at San Alejo, a kiss here and there from time to time fine, but by player's choice, no more sex for them since their arrival to San Alejo, that's what I've been doing in my playthrough, avoiding any Good Wife options as much as I can. It could be by the end of the game according to how much filthy points, points with the other characters, and what Sophia has been doing with them that could work to become more distant with Liam, if not a divorce then at least more detachment between them.

If Dylan really were that weak, he would not be number 1 in the survey of all protagonists.
I agree. And it's not exactly weakness when you know you're outnumbered and not prepared to fight them all in the boarding school branch, as for the self-defense lessons, he won't be weak either because now he is training and preparing in case he has to fight more than just Aiden.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2017
Got to be honest but I never considered Dylan weak, especially since his martial art instructor said he was surprised with how quick Dylan was to pick things up.

I do think L&P should stick to the twist if that is what he wants but I assume a lot of patreons where the ones complaining as well.
Many of us do not see him that way either. Only L&P had to justify itself to Dylan at some point in the past. Maybe the Twist was born here. I'm also against a desired change of the story in principle. It is his story, his game. But here the deal is a slap in the face for all Dylan fans. Maybe he should make it eligible. Then the players who like the twist should be able to play it.


Engaged Member
Apr 23, 2017
Many of us do not see him that way either. Only L&P had to justify itself to Dylan at some point in the past. Maybe the Twist was born here. I'm also against a desired change of the story in principle. It is his story, his game. But here the deal is a slap in the face for all Dylan fans. Maybe he should make it eligible. Then the players who like the twist should be able to play it.
I agree, but he did make the GTA reference about you may not like the scene but you going to have to play through it. So if the vote goes into play and it's decided to keep it in, could he or would he make it eligible?
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 1, 2017
End of the day, the 12 tasks is my fave part of the game, so I want it to keep going all the way to the 12th task, I don't mind if Dylan put Aiden up to it, as long as the tasks continue.

I prefer Sophia with the younger guys, not much interested in the older guys (Liam, Morella, MR Bennett, Janitor, Postman, moving guys). I actually wish L&P just settle all the stuff with them and we move on, never to see them again.

I don't mind the lesbian stuff but did think Alyssa asking her to try out the Sybian was weird and way to forward for that point in their friendship.
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