
May 4, 2017
One thing to keep in mind regarding the casino and Liam literally losing the house, is that he may have been set up. I don't remember if we discussed this, but it's not impossible that Morello figured out who Liam was in relation to Sophia, and exploited Liam's weakness for gambling to get leverage over Sophia. In the end, this may not be about the money at all, Morello may only be interested in Sophia. It would explain the approach he's taking to Liam and Sophia, Morello almost seems disinterested in the money itself. While it could be that he deduces that there's no way for Liam and Sophia to pay back the money, he doesn't even seem to think about, instead he jumps right to exploiting Sophia. While I don't have any experience with mobsters, the movies tell me that they want their money, so you would think if Morello was motivated by the money he would be looking to make some sort of agreement with Liam to get the money back, even if he had to charge interest.

If this is accurate, then it puts Liam and Sophia in an even worse position. If he's truly fixated on Sophia to the point that he would target Liam in order to get leverage, then there's very little they can do to get his hooks out of their family. They could offer to pay him back tomorrow, I'm not sure he would accept. He wants Sophia, and as he sees it he has the golden ticket- that's worth more than money to him.
Yes, That is exactly the way I read the situation, I believe it was all set up to get Sophia. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
One thing to keep in mind regarding the casino and Liam literally losing the house, is that he may have been set up. I don't remember if we discussed this, but it's not impossible that Morello figured out who Liam was in relation to Sophia, and exploited Liam's weakness for gambling to get leverage over Sophia. In the end, this may not be about the money at all, Morello may only be interested in Sophia. It would explain the approach he's taking to Liam and Sophia, Morello almost seems disinterested in the money itself. While it could be that he deduces that there's no way for Liam and Sophia to pay back the money, he doesn't even seem to think about, instead he jumps right to exploiting Sophia. While I don't have any experience with mobsters, the movies tell me that they want their money, so you would think if Morello was motivated by the money he would be looking to make some sort of agreement with Liam to get the money back, even if he had to charge interest.

If this is accurate, then it puts Liam and Sophia in an even worse position. If he's truly fixated on Sophia to the point that he would target Liam in order to get leverage, then there's very little they can do to get his hooks out of their family. They could offer to pay him back tomorrow, I'm not sure he would accept. He wants Sophia, and as he sees it he has the golden ticket- that's worth more than money to him.
That would be so boring. Another one who wants to fuck Sophia. I hope L&P came up with something more interesting for Morello. And not just spun an Itrige to get Sophia as his lover. If he only thinks with his dick, how did he become mobsters?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
That would be so boring. Another one who wants to fuck Sophia. I hope L&P came up with something more interesting for Morello. And not just spun an Itrige to get Sophia as his lover. If he only thinks with his dick, how did he become mobsters?
If he didn't want to fuck Sophia, in at least some part of his consciousness, then he wouldn't be a normal heterosexual man. I would say that he is someone who actually has the power to get what he wants, (unlike, for instance, Mr. Murray!) & can afford to play the long-game, see the big picture etc. He thinks with his dick AND his head in a situation like this. After all, he holds all the cards, so to speak.

This is all just inter-update speculation but I've thought along those lines since Sophia walked into the casino, despite the information we received that this wouldn't be just another "Indecent Proposal" scenario. It already isn't that. Future developments are awaited with interest. One thing is for certain, IMO, & that is that will take more than a prison visit to get rid of the debt.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Yeah, I think the Morello plot is the one that has the potential to break the game, and Sophia’s corruption, wide open. The plots around Dylan, Patricia, Auden, etc, will all play their parts, but I think the Morello plot has enough firepower to make all of those other plot lines accelerate.
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Apr 26, 2017
I’m going to honest I don’t normally speak negatively about stuff on here cause heck its free but between the cock block games like this one and the abandoned or on hold for 3 year games it’s getting so that looking at this whole site is depressing. I understand that all the developers want a pay day I don’t blame them but geez don’t milk your patrons and get the hell off patreon there is 2 other get paid sites that don’t censor so hard


Aug 16, 2020
In many landlady/roommate games the "landlord" is either not around (the game being set immediately after he has died is a common trope) or that he is being depicted in an obviously unsympathetic way that it is ok for the MC to cheat with landlady / roommate.

L&P has made it difficult for himself in two ways. Firstly with his overriding objective of "realism". Secondly with his depiction of Liam. Now personally I find Liam to seem to be greedy, working late an/or gambling to get that executive lifestyle rather than spending time and attention on his goddess of a wife, and seemingly also neglecting to spend sufficient time with his kids. Now some of that might b due to Liam's jealously of Carl.

It would be interesting to see how Liam reacts if Sophia has to sleep with Larry to prevent either them losing that house and/or Liam to be beaten up by the Mafia because otherwise he can't repay the casino debt fast enough. I have wondered if that would be a way to introduce Sophia cheating in a way that Liam HAS to accept. Them being placed in a sort of "Indecent Proposal" sort of situation. And that might break the dam because once Sophia has cheated once even for understandable reasons...…

Otherwise, without any evidence of Liam cheating himself (and you and Alley Cat have mentioned a few times that L&P had ruled out Liam ever cheating), it is difficult to see how the series could end on a good note if Liam finds out that Sophia had cheated. The only way to avoid that would be for Sophia to cheat in a way that Liam NEVER finds out.
Or Liam has already been fucking around behind her back and she catches him so it's easier to justify her actions. Or he gets turned on by catching his wife and his daughter in a shower together.

Maybe he even gets off at the idea of being cuked by his son.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
I also initially thought that I would not like the either/or routes.

But through these different routes and options, I keep discovering new scenes that I didn't know before.
And where I ask myself: Wow, what did I do differently this time?!

This gives the game an enormous replay value for me.
Whereas if I just had to click through the scenes and they were all served to me on a silver platter, I'd be rather bored after a while.
I've become a big fan of these really different routes!
Because the choices mean something and you really change the course of the story.
Although I have to admit that I try to discover as much content as possible in one playthrough.

So far I've made it so that Sophia has the following options open:
1. Patricia / Club
2. Aiden
3. janitor
4. Mr. Bennett
5. hobos
6. alyssa
7. Vicky and DeShaw
8. jailbird (very hot when Sophia imagines it!)
9. unintended but Ellie with her friend. Incest is really not my thing.

Probably unsurprising that the lesbian/filth route offers the most content on one route ;)
But taking Dylan out of school (no Aiden) and thus getting the yoga route with Marie.... pretty darn tempting too.
And Dylan's chance with the neighbor in the pool and.... Aaaarrrgghhh I need to try another route!!!

I'm really excited to see what branch offs there are in the new update.

You can get the Yoga scene with Marie even if you don't send Dylan off to boarding school. I only played that route once to get the pool fight between Sophia + Sam and Amber + Dylan. In my main playthrough you can get yoga scene without sending Dylan away - you just have to skip the scenes with Alyssa and Antonio.
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Dec 7, 2017
You can get the Yoga scene with Marie even if you don't send Dylan off to boarding school. I only played that route once to get the pool fight between Sophia + Sam and Amber + Dylan. In my main playthrough you can get yoga scene without sending Dylan away - you just have to skip the scenes with Alyssa and Antonio.
Thanks mate, I will try that (y)

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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Morello still has a part to play,besides the debt,as for Larry I don't see much else happening with him.
I suspect and hope that he was introduced purely to speed up the corruption of Sophia. If so then it was worth the time taken to introduce him. As I said before, I just don't see Sophia riding off into the sunset with Larry. And if Larry actually got to have sex with Sophia in advance of the many characters that we have spent much more time with and grew attached to.

Now Mr Morello however, he treats Sophia in a completely different manner to his brother Larry. Am I right in thinking that Mr Morello is married.
Now Mt Morello pursuing Sophia I would be totally onboard with. Many players have commented before of the relative lack of good male LI's for Sophia as opposed to the abundance of lesbian female LI's (although I am fond of Sam's more romantic route).

Now if Mr Morello swoops in and he is well written, then I can see many players could see him as a bit of a "White Knight". (And for the avoidance of doubt I don NOT mean that in a racial manner, more that he could be Sophia's Knight in Shining Armour as he offers them a route out of Liam's mess but in a way that leaves Sophia feeling respected and admired, and wanted.

But I may be overthinking the admittedly so far brief scenes between Sophia and Mr.Morello. But I am keen on seeing how that develops.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Yeah, I think the Morello plot is the one that has the potential to break the game, and Sophia’s corruption, wide open. The plots around Dylan, Patricia, Auden, etc, will all play their parts, but I think the Morello plot has enough firepower to make all of those other plot lines accelerate.
And agreeing with what you and a couple of others like ancienregimele have been saying....

the crucial difference here is that Liam would have no choice but to accept Sophia cheating with Mr.Morello, that's if he wants to keep the house and potentially his kneecaps intact. And then once Sophia has cheated once then the barriers against it happening a second or a third time get progressively lower.....

Now did I see someone had posted that L&P had already said there would be no "Indecent Proposal" situation. Now depending on what exactly he said and when (i.e. his planned storyline might have shifted from changes whether organically or externally from influence from his Patreon supporters), this may be us overanalysing a few short scenes.

But I think I would be quite favourable to "Team Mr.Morello"!!
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
I’m going to honest I don’t normally speak negatively about stuff on here cause heck its free but between the cock block games like this one and the abandoned or on hold for 3 year games it’s getting so that looking at this whole site is depressing. I understand that all the developers want a pay day I don’t blame them but geez don’t milk your patrons and get the hell off patreon there is 2 other get paid sites that don’t censor so hard
Are YOU a Patreon supporter? Or do you, like most of us here on F95, get the game for free?

If you a Patreon supporter then you are entitled to accuse the developer of milking, and if he does nt respond to your concerns, then you are entitled to vote with your wallet and quit supporting him on Patreon. If you are getting the game for free, then enough with the childish accusation of milking.

Bear in mind that despite the sh*tstorm of negative opinions posted here on F95 be people downloading the game or free, the latest numbers we have seen from Patreon seem to indicate that THEY are happy with what L&P is producing.

As I have said before, what do YOU want to get out of a game on F95? It may be that you realise that this might not be the ideal game for you?

zoro nami

Sep 14, 2018
I’m going to honest I don’t normally speak negatively about stuff on here cause heck its free but between the cock block games like this one and the abandoned or on hold for 3 year games it’s getting so that looking at this whole site is depressing. I understand that all the developers want a pay day I don’t blame them but geez don’t milk your patrons and get the hell off patreon there is 2 other get paid sites that don’t censor so hard
But atlest u know that this author is working with the content what he is planned for and he has support, there are some people who have enough patron support and good content and still getting abandoned tag , compare to that this is still better alot better !!!
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Apr 26, 2017
Are YOU a Patreon supporter? Or do you, like most of us here on F95, get the game for free?

If you a Patreon supporter then you are entitled to accuse the developer of milking, and if he does nt respond to your concerns, then you are entitled to vote with your wallet and quit supporting him on Patreon. If you are getting the game for free, then enough with the childish accusation of milking.

Bear in mind that despite the sh*tstorm of negative opinions posted here on F95 be people downloading the game or free, the latest numbers we have seen from Patreon seem to indicate that THEY are happy with what L&P is producing.

As I have said before, what do YOU want to get out of a game on F95? It may be that you realise that this might not be the ideal game for you?
Actually I do support several developers on patreon and buymeacoffee in hopes that they will not abandon due to non funding and I like this game it has Uber potential ..
Now on to milking I was not intending to pin point L&P so my apologies on that mistake in typing please excuse my bad grammar and typed mistakes
But even you have to admit that there are A LOT of milking developers who drag 10k out of contributions then boom abandoned/ on hold / new game
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