
Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
Which I didn't take, because in my world Sophia doesn't think like that, so in my game that's an option that has already been rejected. So it no longer exists for my Sophia.
Now that is an issue with your Sophia. Not the game's, she is helpless according to you not the game. Aiden is untouchable according to you not the game.

Aiden is a shitty little high school bully and you're talking about moving houses and body guards and shit. On what planet is that even remotely plausible. Besides, even acknowledging that "she does not want Dylan to be stressed out or feel unsafe" makes all of the above preposterous. And again, my play through Sophia has already taken upon herself to go through with Aiden's tasks and accumulated just about every FW point along the way. So that should have more substantial consequences than those players with fewer FW points for scenes/opportunities playing out on multiple routes.
See you acknowledge that too. Aiden is no giant threat. That's what I am saying. You insisted on him being untouchable henceforth I had to mention things like bodyguards and stuff. No one talks about moving houses. Just send Dylan to stay over at his aunt's place. A place with better security. Something any normal human thinks of doing. Move to safety when in danger.
And the Dylan feeling unsafe point. I mentioned after that in my previous message that she does not do any of the above things like sending him to Patricia or bodyguards etc and accepts the blackmail so that he does not feel unsafe. So that he does not even know what Aiden would do. There is no solution to Aiden as of now but he is also not so big a threat that Sophia is actually helpless.
Accepting that she is helpless and has no way out against Aiden is similar to believing that she had no better way to teach the boys in the 2nd job other than allowing them to strip.

Let's pretend you actually meant what you said there, so I can ask a simple hypothetical question: if you manipulated a female coworker into a dinner date by threatening her son's education and then at said dinner told her to remove her panties, do you really think that female coworker who already feels coerced and compromised, would see no harm in it?
Firstly, Sophia didn't feel coerced in the literal sense until the proposal was made to take the panties off. Until then if you read the dialogues from the first date. She says she has a bad feeling about this guy and understands why Dylan hates him. She was not manipulated until then at all. Bennett just requested another date to "talk" about a solution.
Again since no one finds out, no one sees and the matter gets resolved, what's the harm. Going to the board, the whole debate with the board and Bennett, long procedure etc when you know he is willing to address the issue just if you take your panties off and keep them in your bag ( not even giving it to him ). Seems the more viable option. Yes this too is harassment but is he a real threat, No. To think a mother will spread her legs for her son's teacher just to get him the passing grade is preposterous especially when you have other teachers to testify that the boy deserves to pass and also the education board.
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Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
Firstly, Sophia didn't feel coerced in the literal sense until the proposal was made to take the panties off. Until then if you read the dialogues from the first date. She says she has a bad feeling about this guy and understands why Dylan hates him. She was not manipulated until then at all. Bennett just requested another date to "talk" about a solution.
Again since no one finds out, no one sees and the matter gets resolved, what's the harm. Going to the board, the whole debate with the board and Bennett, long procedure etc when you know he is willing to address the issue just if you take your panties off and keep them in your bag ( not even giving it to him ). Seems the more viable option. Yes this too is harassment but is he a real threat, No. To think a mother will spread her legs for her son's teacher just to get him the passing grade is preposterous especially when you have other teachers to testify that the boy deserves to pass and also the education board.
I also think that there is no guarantee that the schoolboard will side with Sophia or that Bennett will keep his word and change Dylan's history grade,the Morello solution concerning Bennett would guarantee a grade change.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
Yes, it's not a guarantee, but giving into Bennett's blackmail even before approaching the board is what will be stupid. Also Bennett might change the grade but ask to continue these acts so that he doesn't change them again.

Morello is a sure shot solution. One call and Bennett's done for.
There have been solutions presented to Sophia for the Bennett problem but I always get the feeling that she is reluctant to take them.
The same with Aiden as Pygmy Norris can handle himself but Sophia always seems to find a reason not to let him deal with it and if he ever found out about the tasks well who knows what could hapen.
I know that there is a chance that he could get hurt but you cannot wrap him up in cotton wool for the rest of his life.
Now I just need to decide who gets beat up first, Bennett or Aiden,tought choice :ROFLMAO:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
There have been solutions presented to Sophia for the Bennett problem but I always get the feeling that she is reluctant to take them.
The same with Aiden as Pygmy Norris can handle himself but Sophia always seems to find a reason not to let him deal with it and if he ever found out about the tasks well who knows what could hapen.
I know that there is a chance that he could get hurt but you cannot wrap him up in cotton wool for the rest of his life.
Now I just need to decide who gets beat up first, Bennett or Aiden,tought choice :ROFLMAO:
I get why she has to be shown to be reluctant. I mean if she confidently took the logical solutions, how is L&P supposed to write his game.

With Aiden I feel that Dylan can definitely beat up Aiden, as stated by Sophia. She never doubted even before the self defense classes that Dylan could beat Aiden in a one on one. It is his gang that Sophia is worried about, as she stated even at the end of the latest Dylan event.

I prefer seeing Bennett get a proper beating :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
LP said that Bennett will hava an special fetish scene at the end of the game. And the way for avoiding him is the boarding and Boeing school or Morello. In fact Sophia is the new Larry Morello's mistress
Considering that Bennett has at most two more events left I doubt that.
Larry is not even in the poll and neither is Morello so I very much doubt this.
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Talcum Powder

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
I guess I just see it all differently. If in the game I’m choosing to go along with things then the character in the game would be in a mental space where those choices seem like the best option for her.

There seems to be a willingness to use information about the game and future plans for it, as well as goings on in other routes, to build up a sense of what makes sense for Sophia when confronted with a particular choice.

As an example, I don’t understand what has happened or been said in the game that would make Morello in any way indebted to Sophia or in any way willing to “take care of” someone on her behalf, nor do I get where in the game Sophia would have any reason to think Morello is even approachable. Nothing comes to mind, anyway. I guess I’ll reread the scenes and look for the clues.

Sabertooth__ also presents another example:
“There is no solution to Aiden as of now but he is also not so big a threat that Sophia is actually helpless.”
- how does Sophia know this? And if she does, then the entire Aiden route doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and would never be an option in the first place. So if it’s an option, it must be an option because none of the other options seem likely to resolve the problem at the time the option is presented.

“Accepting that she is helpless and has no way out against Aiden is similar to believing that she had no better way to teach the boys in the 2nd job other than allowing them to strip.”
- yes, but in the game those are options, and if a player takes those options then they are essentially saying, “Sophia thinks this is the best option”. So why would Sophia leave her friends and put on the leathers and get on the bike if she thought there were better options? A player can choose not to, but having chosen to get in the bike, the character I’m playing doesn’t think that turning Aiden down is the best choice.

At the end of all this, I’m just thinking that at some point the paths must have consequences that impact events that occur on multiple paths. Which is the general problem with all this branching - pretty soon we’re going to be in one of those logical fallacies we see so often in a sandbox game, where you’re banging the sister every night in the shower but at lunchtime you’re losing points for merely flirting.

The Sam event clashing with the Andy/Cathy event looks to be the start of these problems unless there really are meaningful options available.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
I guess I just see it all differently. If in the game I’m choosing to go along with things then the character in the game would be in a mental space where those choices seem like the best option for her.

There seems to be a willingness to use information about the game and future plans for it, as well as goings on in other routes, to build up a sense of what makes sense for Sophia when confronted with a particular choice.

As an example, I don’t understand what has happened or been said in the game that would make Morello in any way indebted to Sophia or in any way willing to “take care of” someone on her behalf, nor do I get where in the game Sophia would have any reason to think Morello is even approachable. Nothing comes to mind, anyway. I guess I’ll reread the scenes and look for the clues.

Sabertooth__ also presents another example:
“There is no solution to Aiden as of now but he is also not so big a threat that Sophia is actually helpless.”
- how does Sophia know this? And if she does, then the entire Aiden route doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and would never be an option in the first place. So if it’s an option, it must be an option because none of the other options seem likely to resolve the problem at the time the option is presented.

“Accepting that she is helpless and has no way out against Aiden is similar to believing that she had no better way to teach the boys in the 2nd job other than allowing them to strip.”
- yes, but in the game those are options, and if a player takes those options then they are essentially saying, “Sophia thinks this is the best option”. So why would Sophia leave her friends and put on the leathers and get on the bike if she thought there were better options? A player can choose not to, but having chosen to get in the bike, the character I’m playing doesn’t think that turning Aiden down is the best choice.

At the end of all this, I’m just thinking that at some point the paths must have consequences that impact events that occur on multiple paths. Which is the general problem with all this branching - pretty soon we’re going to be in one of those logical fallacies we see so often in a sandbox game, where you’re banging the sister every night in the shower but at lunchtime you’re losing points for merely flirting.

The Sam event clashing with the Andy/Cathy event looks to be the start of these problems unless there really are meaningful options available.
After Sophia did the things that Larry asked of her, Larry then told Sophia that he would make her his cumare(sort of) and her wishes are now his wishes and he would tell his brother this


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
I guess I just see it all differently. If in the game I’m choosing to go along with things then the character in the game would be in a mental space where those choices seem like the best option for her.

There seems to be a willingness to use information about the game and future plans for it, as well as goings on in other routes, to build up a sense of what makes sense for Sophia when confronted with a particular choice.

As an example, I don’t understand what has happened or been said in the game that would make Morello in any way indebted to Sophia or in any way willing to “take care of” someone on her behalf, nor do I get where in the game Sophia would have any reason to think Morello is even approachable. Nothing comes to mind, anyway. I guess I’ll reread the scenes and look for the clues.

Sabertooth__ also presents another example:
“There is no solution to Aiden as of now but he is also not so big a threat that Sophia is actually helpless.”
- how does Sophia know this? And if she does, then the entire Aiden route doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and would never be an option in the first place. So if it’s an option, it must be an option because none of the other options seem likely to resolve the problem at the time the option is presented.

“Accepting that she is helpless and has no way out against Aiden is similar to believing that she had no better way to teach the boys in the 2nd job other than allowing them to strip.”
- yes, but in the game those are options, and if a player takes those options then they are essentially saying, “Sophia thinks this is the best option”. So why would Sophia leave her friends and put on the leathers and get on the bike if she thought there were better options? A player can choose not to, but having chosen to get in the bike, the character I’m playing doesn’t think that turning Aiden down is the best choice.

At the end of all this, I’m just thinking that at some point the paths must have consequences that impact events that occur on multiple paths. Which is the general problem with all this branching - pretty soon we’re going to be in one of those logical fallacies we see so often in a sandbox game, where you’re banging the sister every night in the shower but at lunchtime you’re losing points for merely flirting.

The Sam event clashing with the Andy/Cathy event looks to be the start of these problems unless there really are meaningful options available.
For Morello it is about how he is a bit attracted to Sophia as well. He approached her of all at the casino. That's teh whole reason why she even had an option to get rid of the debt in another manner. If someone is being a menace for Sophia, seeing how understanding and gentlemanly Morello has been, it shouldn't be much. After all he just needs to give a phone call.

About Aiden. Thinking from Sophia's perspective," Do I have a way to get rid of Aiden in a way that ensures complete safety for Dylan. Where even if Dylan is alone he is not under threat, No I don't, hence there is no solution." "Is he so big of a threat that even if I send him Patricia and keep him under security, he will still be attacked, no, that is something only Morello is capable of." "So I have no way to solve Aiden issue but I am not helpless. I can send Dylan to them and keep him safe, even though the threat still exists and also restraining orders can be passed against Aiden ( this is something that is mentioned in the game when we choose to involve Carl ).

I won't say that Sophia or us think that is the best option, that is the best option that is made available to us. Which is always basically a Yes or a No. Since L&P or any developer can't account for every possiblity.
I have explained why doing the task is a better choice for now. So she went to Aiden's 3rd task.

Essentially the problem is that this is not a game centred around blackmail. And none of L&P's blackmail are tightly sealed blackmails with no escape. That is intentional in my opinion. He does not want to take the extremes and so has clearly left out ways or provided options to leave them.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
LP said that here 19 jul 2018
I am not doubting you, but since that post about Bennett his story has been shortened with no explanation from the dev as to why.
He is not in the poll along with a number of other characters and this indicates that he has a very small role to play.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2018
I wish I'd stop getting notifications. Seriously, this needs the "no sexual content" tag. Near 4 years and NOTHING. Biggest blueball fest ever made. Boring all yakking no action. Worst. Game. Ever.
TBH I'd rather be placed on the rack and stretched out than listen to 1 minute of her internal dialogue. Boringest thing in human history.
Creator of this game should get prison time for the blueballing.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
I don't believe too much in the poll. LP is testing but he will do his way. Morellos are not in the poll, but if they are in Sophia lewd path it very difficult to avoid them. If you fullfilled all Larry's wishes he will name Sophia as his comare; that is in Maffia slang his official mistress (of course Sophia doesn't know her new role). In any case Liam said that he has lost 1/3 of the value of the house and he bet enough ammount to avoid work all his life. A house like that in San Alejo (thinking in house prices in LA) costs 1.500.000$ to 3.000.000$. Anyone thinks that showing a pair of tits and an ass the debt will be solved ? Morello will appear in the morning of 13th plsyable day as optional. The only solution to this is Carl's money, but is difficult to 'steal' a comare to a Maffia boss.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
I don't believe too much in the poll. LP is testing but he will do his way. Morellos are not in the poll, but if they are in Sophia lewd path it very difficult to avoid them. If you fullfilled all Larry's wishes he will name Sophia as his comare; that is in Maffia slang his official mistress (of course Sophia doesn't know her new role). In any case Liam said that he has lost 1/3 of the value of the house and he bet enough ammount to avoid work all his life. A house like that in San Alejo (thinking in house prices in LA) costs 1.500.000$ to 3.000.000$. Anyone thinks that showing a pair of tits and an ass the debt will be solved ? Morello will appear in the morning of 13th plsyable day as optional. The only solution to this is Carl's money, but is difficult to 'steal' a comare to a Maffia boss.
Neil/Bennett/Larry/Morello and the museum guys are not in the poll just to name a few.
We know that the museum guys are not in the poll because they have a short event then vanish so it is possible that the other characters could suffer the same fate.
You didn't need to fulfil all of Larry's wishes, Sophia just turning up was enough to make Larry happy.
If anybody ever wants to know about avoiding characters in AwAm they should ask Alley_Cat as I think that he knows the script backwards/upside down/inside out.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
I don't believe too much in the poll. LP is testing but he will do his way. Morellos are not in the poll, but if they are in Sophia lewd path it very difficult to avoid them. If you fullfilled all Larry's wishes he will name Sophia as his comare; that is in Maffia slang his official mistress (of course Sophia doesn't know her new role). In any case Liam said that he has lost 1/3 of the value of the house and he bet enough ammount to avoid work all his life. A house like that in San Alejo (thinking in house prices in LA) costs 1.500.000$ to 3.000.000$. Anyone thinks that showing a pair of tits and an ass the debt will be solved ? Morello will appear in the morning of 13th plsyable day as optional. The only solution to this is Carl's money, but is difficult to 'steal' a comare to a Maffia boss.
I asked L&P about Bennett recently, just before he was about to start this update. So around 30 June 2021. And he said there are atmost only 2 events left of Bennett which are both optional.

L&P has also said that Morello storyline is not about making indecent demands to Sophia. His storyline becoming optional from the next day is the biggest hint to that in my opinion. Also I don't believe money is of much importance to Morello. He has tons of it. The rationale of money does not work with morello.
It in a way is similar to that of rich men who take part in auctions. They will buy a piece of wood for an insane amount and then just keep it in the corner of the room, having no use for it. Morello too doesn't care about the money. He made his brother happy and maybe ask Sophia for one or two more favours and the debt is settled in his eyes.
Also a mafia boss is most certainly going to aware of the fact that the people who owe him a debt have a rich relative who can pay it off for them. As long as it is about the debt it is not a reason to worry.

Larry mentioned the cumare as his way of saying a thankyou. Doesn't mean Morello will actually make her a mistress for the gang. Morello is happily married and doesn't need a mistress.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
I also think that there is no guarantee that the schoolboard will side with Sophia or that Bennett will keep his word and change Dylan's history grade,the Morello solution concerning Bennett would guarantee a grade change.
There's been an issue with Bennett ever since it was announced that he was being curtailed. We've referenced &/or used this knowledge ever since, for a number of years in real time. At first I couldn't quite understand how there wasn't a bigger outcry about his upcoming departure, until I realised that there's hardly any blackmail followers/fans on this thread, or apparently amongst the paying patrons, at least as far as Bennett is concerned. So, a major storyline with huge potential was to be axed & the reaction was minimal & in some cases, apparently, a cause for celebration.

Now IMO, this goes to show what a great villain had been created, albeit one that didn't suit the young fanbase, (cue Aiden), many of whom possibly recognise aspects of their own current teachers in the sleazy individual. Aiden is 17/18, so whatever people think, it's not realistic to believe that he could be as imaginative as Bennett, with their relative experiences & education. It's just one of several reasons that I wish Bennett could be restored to full participation. Many folks don't like him now but if well-written events could be conjured from the pen of L&P, it's possible that more fans of coerced corruption could be added to the fanbase. He gets results & is a genuine 'love to hate' personality.

As for Don Morello & Larry, I referred from the moment they appeared to the potential solutions to the blackmail problem(s). This was because, a) it was obvious in the context of this type of game/VN & b) it seemed an easy get-out for the writer, which could be activated at any time. I suggest, however, that this wouldn't be especially likely in real life. Sophia visited the prison & did 'whatever' & this was the deal at the time. Morello has the Parkers on his books as debtors. Liam owes him & the Don doesn't owe the Parkers anything except to stick to his word. It wouldn't take much to make the blackmail go away but remember this is business & where's the profit in such action? Sophia is compliant, Liam is up to his neck in debt. They're in no position to request any favours & please don't tell me that the Morellos would do something out of the goodness of their hearts & their appreciation of Sophia....please.

Larry might have a moment of 'charity' with another visit, I suppose but like Bennett, he's on the "not wanted on voyage" list of poll absentees. Where does this leave all the loose ends? So I say, roll on the concert & "Bring Back the Full Bennett."


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2017
Just because a few characters weren't mentioned in the poll, doesn't mean they won't have a (bigger) role in the game. This poll is dubious anyway. The possibility to choose several characters is not representative for me. And not much has changed since the last poll. Only Aiden has made a leap forward. But that was again due to the currently played Task 3, which was still very present for many.

Old Dog

Formerly 'Old Sea Dog'
Jul 20, 2017
Just because a few characters weren't mentioned in the poll, doesn't mean they won't have a (bigger) role in the game. This poll is dubious anyway. The possibility to choose several characters is not representative for me. And not much has changed since the last poll. Only Aiden has made a leap forward. But that was again due to the currently played Task 3, which was still very present for many.
I would agree with you but we know that Bennett/Neil and the museum guys have very small parts to play so they where not in the poll, so we could assume(right or wrong)that the other characters not mentioned will also be gone soon.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
There's been an issue with Bennett ever since it was announced that he was being curtailed. We've referenced &/or used this knowledge ever since, for a number of years in real time. At first I couldn't quite understand how there wasn't a bigger outcry about his upcoming departure, until I realised that there's hardly any blackmail followers/fans on this thread, or apparently amongst the paying patrons, at least as far as Bennett is concerned. So, a major storyline with huge potential was to be axed & the reaction was minimal & in some cases, apparently, a cause for celebration.

Now IMO, this goes to show what a great villain had been created, albeit one that didn't suit the young fanbase, (cue Aiden), many of whom possibly recognise aspects of their own current teachers in the sleazy individual. Aiden is 17/18, so whatever people think, it's not realistic to believe that he could be as imaginative as Bennett, with their relative experiences & education. It's just one of several reasons that I wish Bennett could be restored to full participation. Many folks don't like him now but if well-written events could be conjured from the pen of L&P, it's possible that more fans of coerced corruption could be added to the fanbase. He gets results & is a genuine 'love to hate' personality.

As for Don Morello & Larry, I referred from the moment they appeared to the potential solutions to the blackmail problem(s). This was because, a) it was obvious in the context of this type of game/VN & b) it seemed an easy get-out for the writer, which could be activated at any time. I suggest, however, that this wouldn't be especially likely in real life. Sophia visited the prison & did 'whatever' & this was the deal at the time. Morello has the Parkers on his books as debtors. Liam owes him & the Don doesn't owe the Parkers anything except to stick to his word. It wouldn't take much to make the blackmail go away but remember this is business & where's the profit in such action? Sophia is compliant, Liam is up to his neck in debt. They're in no position to request any favours & please don't tell me that the Morellos would do something out of the goodness of their hearts & their appreciation of Sophia....please.

Larry might have a moment of 'charity' with another visit, I suppose but like Bennett, he's on the "not wanted on voyage" list of poll absentees. Where does this leave all the loose ends? So I say, roll on the concert & "Bring Back the Full Bennett."
I don't think Bennett was poorly written, Bennett was supposed to be someone we hate and sure as hell we hated him as person. So L&P did a good job there.

What I feel a strong blackmail storyline with Bennett would do is make Sophia hate all of this. Bennett won't play around like Aiden, he will go straight for sex. Which even if Sophia agrees to will be forced on her. This kind of experience is psychologically scarring, after that writing a scene where your son, or neighbor is trying to get touchy with you can only make it even more repulsive. She would feel so disgusted that even her husband's touch would literally be unbearable.
Aiden's blackmail is gradual and allows Sophia to enjoy it as well, something which Bennett's storyline can't offer.

If this were a game solely for blackmail not containing the other fetishes and routes, Bennett would be a good choice. Morello as an antagonist for blackmail would be even better. But this game has many characters and something extreme can ruin every other route
3.20 star(s) 466 Votes