
Nov 3, 2021
So... Who knows when we can expect new update? I know it's maybe too early to ask about that... It seems he didn't start yet. But this last update was not what everyone expected.
Wait? Waht did you expect? We knew which events we will get and we also know what we will get in the new update. As for a Time frame. With Christmas going on etc I doubt it will be in December but maybe there will be some Christmas micracle XD


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
True. L&P reminds me of a less talented Klaus Kinski in a way. I doubt he'll ever find someone who'd truly enjoy working with him, be it a writer or an artist on the same level for shared scene/render creation. Especially not for a fraction of the money he earns with this project.

He'd need a full-time crew and share his income fair and square, and that's never going to happen. Hiring an artist on the same level for a couple scenes or renders here and there won't work either, because I doubt any REALLY talented artist would be willing to work on this basis for long. That's comparable to what he did with a writer back then, sending him snippets of text and expect results. The writer gave up, saying it was impossible to work with L&P.

Even if he were to manage all of the above, it would still fail after a short period of time, because I'd bet my nutsack on the fact that anyone working with him would at some point feel the urge to strangle him for the way he is.
Whoa nutsack! I don't think this bet is worth THAT! Maybe a forced binge watching of The New Battlestar Galactica, or The New Hawaii Five Oh. Yeah I could bet that but.... a nutsack!:giggle:
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Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
And your obvious bias is to limit Sophia's interest to the male characters. Physiologically it's proven, men can't compete with women stamina-wise. It's just a biological fact.
Speak for yourself and I am not gonna give particulars. You just gotta know how to use all your abilities. If you are focused on just one ability I agree. Clearly there are others.:):giggle::sneaky:
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Jack Adams

Active Member
Mar 1, 2019
And your obvious bias is to limit Sophia's interest to the male characters. Physiologically it's proven, men can't compete with women stamina-wise. It's just a biological fact.
Other members would take this comment seriously if you backed your statement with facts, rather than stating your opinion as a fact.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
Talking about this stuff and actually doing it is different. I can talk to my friends about a lot of stuff but not actually do it. Sophia has never "actually" done anything with any other person and so she is uptight about things. Now you won't start talking sexual stuff with any random person who approaches you. With your close friends you will do that easily.
That was not the person of Sophia we were introduced to. Hell, she freaked at her drawers hitting the floor, not just the 'bad man' touching them. Now if it had been a 'toy' collection I 'may' be able to understand. That is the point here. His implied Sophia was seriously uptight. That was his opening argument to establish the start point of her corruption. Now he suddenly drops the 'her mind' has wandered down many paths before 'with' others. Nah It failed the credibility test for me and I cannot 'suspend belief' here as GingerSweetGirl has pointed out we occasionally need.:coffee:


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
I read what you wrote, Sophia does not need to feel comfortable with Andy through dancing. She is already comfortable around him. They have been friends for long. The build up is mostly to something sexual And to make it more logical. Alcohol was unnecessary since they didn't have to make any decision. They just had to Listen to them. They are close friends and so unnecessarily wasting time on trying to show they are close is not required. Again if he included alcohol it would once again fall into the cliche. Alcohol all the time. Sophia already has had wine.

Would you need to first have a build up before you talk to your close friends about something. I wouldn't. If he needed to beat around the bush with close friends it would totally contradict the the whole meaning of "close friends". They are supposed to be people you don't hesitate around. Plus it was not like they have never had sexual conversations before. So technically suggesting it wasn't totally bizarre. The players might not know Cathy and Andy much but that doesn't mean he will have to give character them all a proper background. There are a lot of characters in the novel, you can't expect more and more information about all of them while also expecting things to move forward quickly. Also he is in a predicament. Nobody will be happy with a scene exploring characters. He has to show something sexual otherwise keep it short.
On this I agree. There is not enough patience in the world if he started doing full character builds for every name in the VN. Mr. Murray ain't that interesting (He may be interested now, but not interesting. See the difference.:giggle:)This does go, however, to my point that he screwed the pooch on this part of the story. Sophia was not aghast at this suggestion. Yet she blew up at poor Ivan for just being helpful! Yup, crushed the entire raison d'tere (ck Sp) for me.
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Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
L&P has portrayed Sophia as very innocent but the conversation during the Cathy/Andy event seems to indicate something different/the looking/touching/eye contact with each other,did something almost happen between Sophia/Andy and Liam/Cathy?
It is never brought up again but I found it very interesting
As I have noted, the discussion crushed the credibility for me. I felt the baseline for the entire VN was just proven false. So disappoint!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
That's a vicious cycle to get in to. Liam hasn't had many scenes which definitely contributes to his (lack of) popularity. If he keeps cutting Liam material then it's just going to make the situation worse. I really wish we'd get more from Liam so that we could develop his character more fully.
To be fair, L&P has written Liam more fairly than most "landlord" characters. He has his flaws (not spending enough time with Sophia and kids, throwing himself into work, his greed at casino etc). But they are normally excluded from the story, either deceased or working away overseas, or is written as a clearly unsympathetic character.

Personally I am not interested in GW route, so I can live with Liam only has a brief presence in the story as we concentrate on Sophia.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
The event is basically Sophia and Cathy talking. Liam and Andy are just spectators for the majority part.
Just a reminder, Sophia just jeopardized everything just an event ago. Atleast Liam wants to tell Sophia and get her agreement on the issue.

Liam's loyalty is heavily undermined. The guy workers with super sexy women scantily dressed every single day. He's been working for years and he hasn't cheated or is cheating on Sophia. He must also have been drunk on so many occasions. He too is attractive so he definitely must have had a few women make a move on him over the years but still his loyalty is what makes him so good. In this entire family he is the only person who is actually even normal.
Apparently! That is a supposition. We do not know the facts! Are we going to get another story changing body slam as this goes forward. We may find that Cathy and Liam already went down this path. It may have even been a threesome and they want the super uptight Sophia brought in. Or did Liam get the job by making sure the boss had the right (tested and broken in) models at hand. Any of these outlandish concepts are now free game after that ending scene discussion It is in such contrast, counter argument even, to where we started on that flight a mere 12 days ago. So Disappoint!

Talcum Powder

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
Other members would take this comment seriously if you backed your statement with facts, rather than stating your opinion as a fact.
Ha! Agree. Younger kids of the tik-tok era seem to start every other sentence with “scientists have proven …”

Six minutes is pretty short but it’s not out of the normal range for middle aged men - it’s not like it’s a three-pump dump you’d likely get from, say, an inexperienced 17 year old.
Also, Depends on if you use sex as a mechanism to reach orgasm or if you enjoy the intimacy and connection it offers. It can depend on your mindset and maybe Liam has gradually lost that feeling of connection and for him sex has become more of a results-based mechanical process. Over a few decades I can attest that relationships, and specifically physical intimacy, has its peaks and troughs. The quality of sex at any specific time or any discrete time period, can be a reflection of that level of intimacy.

Jack Adams

Active Member
Mar 1, 2019
As I have noted, the discussion crushed the credibility for me. I felt the baseline for the entire VN was just proven false. So disappoint!
You are quite right. I subscribe to a writing style that embraces, 'show me, don't tell me'. In the initial meeting at the restaurant with Andy and Cathy there was opportunity to lay this groundwork. For instance, when the bachelor party subject was broached Andy could have given Sophia a suggestive look. If Sophia returned with a blush, that would have been poignant, and established the playfulness without breaking her demure image. It also would have fired the audience's imagination in terms of what may have happened in the past and what might happen in the future.
Unfortunately, L&P let this opportunity go and later drops a bombshell that many expected, but only because of genre not the context.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
Ha! Agree. Younger kids of the tik-tok era seem to start every other sentence with “scientists have proven …”

Six minutes is pretty short but it’s not out of the normal range for middle aged men - it’s not like it’s a three-pump dump you’d likely get from, say, an inexperienced 17 year old.
Also, Depends on if you use sex as a mechanism to reach orgasm or if you enjoy the intimacy and connection it offers. It can depend on your mindset and maybe Liam has gradually lost that feeling of connection and for him sex has become more of a results-based mechanical process. Over a few decades I can attest that relationships, and specifically physical intimacy, has its peaks and troughs. The quality of sex at any specific time or any discrete time period, can be a reflection of that level of intimacy.
True. And most scientists today bullshit the 'proven' part. They do not have absolute evidence they have 'indications' or 'trends' or 'in this test'. So little critical thinking and not being held accountable for the BS they put out. Theory is not law. That is why it is still the Theory of Relativity. Real scientists are still testing it. So far so good but, that is real science. And any social science has tons of exceptions that these 'kids' have no ability to understand or desire to account for. So fascinating that Dr Kinsey was found to have falsified his research to justify his findings. He was not the first and was definitely not the last. Still looking at cold fusion are we?


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
I feel like I need to step in at this point and set the record straight. You guys are too hard on yourselves and judgemental about performance. I will tell you without hesitation that 10 minute sex where I don't cum but my partner does can be AMAZING. Longer durations are not necessarily better, and 30 minutes would make me think I'm doing something wrong.

Give yourselves a break, 10-15 minutes can be great sex. We don't need a dozen positions and a theme, just find a nice groove and let's do it. If my husband cums in less than 10 minutes, do you know what I think? I think "Hell yes that's hot. He's really into me."

Sophia needs to work on herself and her expectations. Her husband can't contain himself around her, she's should feel good about that. But because she's not getting satisfied she's upset. I can understand that, but she needs to do something about it. If she needs 30 minutes and circus positions then sadly she and Liam may not be compatible. No one is wrong in that situation, it's just too bad.

But the point is boys, 10 minutes can be fantastic! Don't let AVGs warp your expectations, short and intense is better than even long and intense.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
I feel like I need to step in at this point and set the record straight. You guys are too hard on yourselves and judgemental about performance. I will tell you without hesitation that 10 minute sex where I don't cum but my partner does can be AMAZING. Longer durations are not necessarily better, and 30 minutes would make me think I'm doing something wrong.

Give yourselves a break, 10-15 minutes can be great sex. We don't need a dozen positions and a theme, just find a nice groove and let's do it. If my husband cums in less than 10 minutes, do you know what I think? I think "Hell yes that's hot. He's really into me."

Sophia needs to work on herself and her expectations. Her husband can't contain himself around her, she's should feel good about that. But because she's not getting satisfied she's upset. I can understand that, but she needs to do something about it. If she needs 30 minutes and circus positions then sadly she and Liam may not be compatible. No one is wrong in that situation, it's just too bad.

But the point is boys, 10 minutes can be fantastic! Don't let AVGs warp your expectations, short and intense is better than even long and intense.
TY. Yes laying there with my wife, exhausted, after 10 minutes and both of us satisfied is just as important or vital to the relationship as a floor strewn with used condoms and eight hours later crawling to the shower. I completely concur both are wonderful and both fill the need in a relationship. The exhaustion of pleasing your partner is the same. That result was the same it was just down different paths. The point was pleasing your partner! IMO:)


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
L&P has portrayed Sophia as very innocent but the conversation during the Cathy/Andy event seems to indicate something different/the looking/touching/eye contact with each other,did something almost happen between Sophia/Andy and Liam/Cathy?
It is never brought up again but I found it very interesting
I think we discussed about this a while ago. I don't think Sophia is naive or innocent. The sex scenes with Liam showed that she is not shy when it comes to being intimate with her husband. Also in several occasions there are hints that back in the days she had her share of fun (the teachers, the rock bands, Liam..). Not as much or the same level as Patricia's but I would not picture her like the shy or innocent girl, at least in term of that kind of cliché. The feeling is that she rather gave up all this when she got married and pregnant and she built this "facade" to get in the role of model wife, caring mother and respectable teacher.

So to me it was not a shocker what happened with Cathy/Andy, rather, as many if not all have already pointed out the problem with the event is that it just felt rushed because it failed to convey the necessary immersion of what was their relationship back then.
**Ideally** there could be a lot more dialogues to dig up some episodes from the past, maybe a quick flashback, and few exchanges between the character that showed how comfortable they are with words and actions (touching etc).

In reality it could have had few more dialogues about a past event that give a better context. As simple as, e.g. when they offer alcohol and they refuse they could have said something like "since when you stopped drinking? What happened to old the Liam/Sophia? i remember that time when..." and then few lines of dialogues involving all of them to remember that time. That would have been a minimum to enable the reader/player to feel the atmosphere and "be there".

After all this is not a porn game, it's an erotic game, images are important but even more are dialogues and situations that are created. Nathalie event is the example, beside the abrupt beginning (IMO) the event was incredibly hot even without the need of nudity.
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