
Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Thanks for the 4k image, in the low-res one it was almost impossible to recognize the most important character of the game ;)
View attachment 1529991

Ok, to make amend for the overrated joke here is the version with the names, I hope I got everybody right.
View attachment 1530002
Thanks for that. With my current poor eyesight I was having trouble identifying anyone apart from the main 10 characters at the front.

Glad to see Zac practicing his "ball skills" with his own mother!!
:D :D


Nov 22, 2019


I spent almost 4 days on this. Hope you like it:)
Nice render . I really like that Sam and Carl wears their shorts under their ass, "plumber style "...

Talking about Sam, I don't now what type of training he's following but he's should slow down on the back and pectorals muscles....


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
Have you ever been inside mini ponds. I have been going to them from my childhood since I had them at my native place. Now there is not enough space there to learn to swim but there was depth enough to submerge yourself in it. So I learnt how to breathe in water far before I learnt to swim.
When swimming one needs to be comfortable with breathing in water. You may have become a veteran so you don't understand that phase I believe. But take one if your friends who is not comfortable breathing in water to swimming. The biggest difficulty and fear for them will be that they can't breathe in water. The moment they submerge their face even for a second in water panic strikes.

In the first swimming lesson, by the end of it they are able to swim. If they had breathing issues in water they would never have been able to adapt to it so quickly, I hope you agree with this atleast. This only serves as evidence to me that they are able to do a decent job at holding their breaths. Plus I we don't know how much Sam practiced swimming in the past 6 days of the game.

One thing we do know is that on Day 17 he and Dylan were both good enough to take numerous laps across the pool. Which I don't think anyone with underwater breathing issues will be able to do. You didn't raise any questions back then about this. So I don't understand suddenly it becoming unacceptable for you.

The time period for which Sam was underwater was around a minute which isn't much. And it seems to me like you don't know but vocalists have to train their breath control because there are always songs in which breathing gaps are far in between, So if you would have to be hitting a high note then your voice will fall flat if you run out of breath. So Vocalists have good lung capacity.

And just you don't say that I am saying whatever comes to my mind. Here you go. This is just one of the 100's of results that you will find on this topic which support my argument.

View attachment 1529543

Also I would also like to address the visibility inside the tub. I came across a render which can give us a good idea of how things look inside the tub from an outside perspective

View attachment 1529545

From here we get to see the level of visibility inside the tub. We can hardly make out Sophia's legs even though she is standing. This shots angle is a lot higher than Liam's eye level. So what Liam sees is even less than we are seeing in this render. Because of a lower angle. Plus in this render Sophia is far away from the seating space. The closer we get to the seating space the more of a blind spot that becomes. I am not believing in something unbelievable, you just don't want to believe even though there is a good chance of it actually happening.
As far as swimming I learned in the Atlantic ocean. My kids in Hawaii. They had professional instructors. Other than playing submarine commander in a bathtub, I have never heard of holding your breath under water as a precursor. You don't hold your breath while swimming on the surface (Sam) you learn to turn your head and breath as you take your strokes (Swimming strokes you perverts).

Singing, yes professional singers learn lung capacity. Sam is on his first mini concert. Quit conflating him with a professional. Or are you saying anyone that sings in a shower now has great lung capacity. That is BS and again I need Suspension of belief to get to your ideas.

Where the hell do you get a minute. Again, just say 'I believe otherwise' Instead of making up BS that has no reality in the story. Which is fiction to start. It is your one constant.

So right now. Don't take a breath, go with just what you got. HOLD YOUR BREATH. Remember you head is shoved under water and you have no idea how long you will be down. Now add in the excitement you are between the legs of the woman you desire and you had just sucked her nipple and felt her breast. To imply you can easily do this is such cockamamy BS that I am not going to suspend for your ideas.

And as far as visibility that is not the scene is it? Jack Adams presented the exact scene in an earlier post. The water is perfectly clear. No bubbles, no ripples. ON this I charge you with a willful lie. You presented something to fit your view and not the fact of the situation.

Bad boy there! We are done here! No more discussion after that BS render you just dropped.:devilish:


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
Wait a minute, it is not fine. Just because you made out with someone doesn't give the license to do whatever you want without the other person's permission.

Sam did not have Sophia's permission to suck on her breasts. Sophia never gave her consent for that. We don't know what would have happened if Liam had not come. Maybe she would have slapped him for trying to do things without her consent. The crux is that Sam touched all over her when she was in a helpless state, unable to resist without having explicit permission from her to so.
OK, so are you playing a special Sabertooth__ only edition. I did not see Sophia tied up and unable to do anything. I did not see Sam force the wine down her throat. 'Helpless', this is now getting bad. You are not seeing what is presented or you believe that which is not there and that is more worrisome.
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Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
See, atleast the render where Liam is close to Sophia, Sophia's facial expressions are normal. Plus would you doubt a woman you've been married to for 20 years so easily. Liam was pushed away immediately, so I hardly see the chances of him seeing anything.

Yet not once have I stated that there is 100% certainty that Sam cannot be see. But it is also possible that he is not. So while considering what is realistic. Anything is realistic as long as there is even a remote possibility of it happening. Just outright rejecting a scene and calling it completely wrong is the issue. People want to find issues with every scene and never give the benefit of doubt to any scene. Even though they have other choices which are just as cannon as the others they make the choice that they disagree with the most and then complain that is it is completely unrealistic. If you believe that it is unrealistic make the choice that is closest to what you accept as real. That's the whole point of choices in the game. Since what is acceptable is different for different people.
OH please!
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Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
All couples in the picture turn to each other or their families, only Liam remains isolated and watches either to the horizon or to the little girls on the beach.
He is looking for new models. Come on it is a target rich environment and he is almost the CEO, always on the job.
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Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
Had you read all of the other posts of mine you would have known that I don't have a problem with that, it is the people here that call Aiden's character a rapist for touching her without her consent and happily accept Sam without any issues. That is my problem. Either people should accept both as normal and not overreact or consider both as wrong.
The difference being Sophia likes Sam and hates Aiden. But, why should that matter.


Engaged Member
Jan 30, 2021
That's great! But who exactly is the referee who personally determined for you that it was your mistake or the person making the remark to you made a mistake?
It is called the marketplace. L&P has to decide what he will do. Ultimately he needs to decide if it fits his vision. If it does not, he proceeds down his path. If he was wrong he will find out. Not exactly like launching a rocket where wrong is usually a very fast answer. However, we all know that L&P is never wrong, has never said one thing and done another. It still is his choice. Just like it is our choice exactly how much suspension of belief we can tolerate or how much patience we will extend to him.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
Something that's clear to me about AWAM is that it's not a race & nor should it be. There's an ongoing thread within the discussion which has lasted for years. Some of this is centred on "fairness", or various fans' perceptions of it. Fairness is something that we probably all could do with more of in RL. Maybe the fact that fairness has no place in a game that's meant to be at all realistic has escaped them but that's not the main issue.

Life doesn't work in the way that seems to be required by those who contend that,'if Dylan has done xyz, Sam should have abc' etc. When you really think about it there is already a rough balance between the main characters, which is no doubt there to keep the fans of the different routes relatively happy, or at least not too unhappy. IMO, it doesn't need to go further than this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
I feel we are taking too close a reading here; it's becoming meaningless without full context and we can't really discuss with the "participants" because this is all just an electronic drama - we simply don't have all the facts (because there aren't any "facts" at all). Someone might ask L&P to get closure here. Sticking my oar in anyways... key to all this is Sophia's reaction. She's mad (because she's supposed to be) and she's mad in both instances - but if we were able to ask her at this moment what do you think her answer would be in comparing Sam's and Aiden's actions?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
As far as swimming I learned in the Atlantic ocean. My kids in Hawaii. They had professional instructors. Other than playing submarine commander in a bathtub, I have never heard of holding your breath under water as a precursor. You don't hold your breath while swimming on the surface (Sam) you learn to turn your head and breath as you take your strokes (Swimming strokes you perverts).

Singing, yes professional singers learn lung capacity. Sam is on his first mini concert. Quit conflating him with a professional. Or are you saying anyone that sings in a shower now has great lung capacity. That is BS and again I need Suspension of belief to get to your ideas.

Where the hell do you get a minute. Again, just say 'I believe otherwise' Instead of making up BS that has no reality in the story. Which is fiction to start. It is your one constant.

So right now. Don't take a breath, go with just what you got. HOLD YOUR BREATH. Remember you head is shoved under water and you have no idea how long you will be down. Now add in the excitement you are between the legs of the woman you desire and you had just sucked her nipple and felt her breast. To imply you can easily do this is such cockamamy BS that I am not going to suspend for your ideas.

And as far as visibility that is not the scene is it? Jack Adams presented the exact scene in an earlier post. The water is perfectly clear. No bubbles, no ripples. ON this I charge you with a willful lie. You presented something to fit your view and not the fact of the situation.

Bad boy there! We are done here! No more discussion after that BS render you just dropped.:devilish:
Sam didn't start singing just yesterday. Just because he got his first performance on that day does not mean he learnt singing just recently. He is a good enough singer to impress a group of bikers who in the first place were just disappointed to hear that Teenagers are performing. Sophia loves his vocal skills. These are facts from the novel. You don't want to accept and live in wishful fantasy so you can reject everything, Great live in the fantasy.

You know what my bad, I just replayed the scene and it is definitely not 1 minute. Infact it is fucking less than that. Sam's head is submerged in water not even for half a minute at max. Sophia pushes his head down when Liam is near the tub. They kiss and Sophia pushes Liam away and Sam's head is back up. That damn guy doesn't even need to know how to hold his breath underwater. Ofcourse i believe you wouldn't accept this either, because ofcourse your fantasy does not allow you to accept it.

When people move there are ripples in water. I guess you never heard about that too. That is one of the only renders which is close to giving us a perspective of how things would look to Liam from the outside. Even when Liam arrives there is movement made by Sophia and Sam in an attempt to hide Sam. Ofcourse there would be ripples. It is angle that makes the water look crystal clear in the other shot. If you don't believe me ( which ofcourse you don't) go back and look at the renders of ths scene, look at water, how there are ripples throughout even in the render where Liam is near Sophia. The only difference is the angle and how the lights are interacting with the water. The render that I posted is one of the very few that gives us a view of how it looks from the outside. A top angle is always better to look in the water than eye level but of course this is always me making up stories and not something that actually happens. Guess you need to experiment with water a little.
I'm using points from the renders, the dialogues from the scene, the exposition given to us in comparison to you, who is only adamant that no, zero chances of that happening. Makes it obvious who is giving the real BS. So keep at it. To each there own.

OK, so are you playing a special Sabertooth__ only edition. I did not see Sophia tied up and unable to do anything. I did not see Sam force the wine down her throat. 'Helpless', this is now getting bad. You are not seeing what is presented or you believe that which is not there and that is more worrisome.
Thought I show you what helpless can mean IMG_20211205_020946.jpg

It says unable to defend oneself. Sophia was unable to defend or stop Sam in that moment because she was cornered. She couldn't push Sam away as her husband was right there. So info for you, "tying someone up" is not the only way to make someone helpless.

OH please!
Why, logical reasoning hurts ??

The difference being Sophia likes Sam and hates Aiden. But, why should that matter.
Example, your wife likes you but she is telling you numerous times not to touch her and yet you are doing it. Does that make your act correct.

Do you even know the meaning of sexual harrasment. It can be from anyone, your loved one or someone you hate. Because sexual harrasment means an unwelcome sexual advance, whether friend or foe doesn't matter. Just because someone likes you does not give you the licence to do whatever you want to their body even when they are telling you to stop. The reasoning you give won't hold up anywhere, any police station, any court. But ofcourse you are in a mood to reject everything I say. So fine. No more discussions on this. :giggle:
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
She couldn't push Sam away as her husband was right there.
This, for me, is the main problem with the scene. If you consider a married woman to be fair game & Sam certainly thinks of Sophia in this way, the last thing you want is for her husband to find out. Regardless of how long he could hold his breath & having chosen to hide in the pool, his next logical move would have been to curl into a ball & hide in the corner beneath Sophia. Sheer terror would, perhaps, have assisted in keeping still & not breathing. Compensation could have been the delightful view he'd have.

What Sam did instead was to choose to take advantage of the situation & thereby place himself & the woman of his teenage fantasies, or "dreams" as he would have it, in great danger. That wasn't over-confidence, it was foolhardiness.

When I was a teenager aged 15, (I know, 'here we go again'...but bear with me), me & several members of my 'social circle' witnessed a man running, wearing nothing but a pair of trousers, as a car pursued him with headlights blazing. He ducked up a narrow side alley where the car couldn't follow & he hid, making himself as small as he could. We could still see him but the big bloke who got out of the car to look for him, passed him by & we didn't say anything. Being as small as possible worked.

Sam has obviously led a sheltered life & he's clearly never seen an enraged husband, or thought much about how Liam might react. If, he's to conduct a successful affair he needs to start thinking with his head, not his virginal knob & he should start now.
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