
Jan 4, 2019
You are wrong! He decided to make this game, because he want to earn money! I was on his patreon, but from 1 year i am not. When i paying for something i want to have progress! I am customer! He is ofering something and i want to have it and use it! I am paying for that!

He started with .... 0.065, then 0.07 then 0.75 and they gave us around 500-600 images per 2 months, then he goes in 0.0775 with less images and longer period - 250-350 images and 4 months. How many updates we get last year ?? 3 or 4?

He said that he will split the days so he can push faster updates, now we have 3, or even 4 months for 2 or 3 morning activities and versions goes again down 1.155 ...

This is why people are angry, he doesn't fullfill his promises, just goes slower and slower with every in game day!

I dont believe that LP will finish this game day this year! Next year he will something like that : LP: "Every update will be for one event only so i can push faster updates"

And a joke i wrote in 2020 but it will be true soon!

A day in the future:

L&P is 60 years old. He is on play day 20. And he still doing only teases (no f*ck, no BJ, no any other activities). He is giving his game to his Son to continue developing the game......

Few months later.... His Son:

-Dad, i successfully finished the game. - he enjoyed telling this to his father :D.

-Son, how stupid you are...... I rised you, your brother and sister. We have 2 houses, 5 cars and i wanted to rise your kids with this game but you just finished.... How stupid you are....
gnosto anekdoto


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
Before starting with the speculations for 0.160, let's recap the Dylan/Ellie story line! ;)

The whole Dylan/Ellie story line depends on the bathroom incident on PD 4: if Sophia goes into the bathroom while Dylan is showering and she does not lock the door when she gets out, Ellie goes in thinking it's free and sees Dylan naked (kind of a butterfly effect! :) ).
Thinking he did it on purpose, she then plots her revenge by slipping a couple of viagra pills in his sandwich during the beach event (PD 9)

Only if this happened AND Sophia is doing Aiden's tasks, then the first bonus event happens on PD 11, with Dylan helping Ellie with her PC and starting to getting a little closer to her sister. No choices were required during this event.

In the last update (PD 12) we had the event with Ellie, Dylan and Christine, again under the condition of the bathroom incident and Sophia still doing Aiden's tasks.
This event was mainly for Dylan to get points with Christine (3) and only at the end he can save Ellie from being grounded taking the blame for the cigarette (day19_Dylan_takes_the_blame_for_Ellie = True). If that happens, when Ellie comes back from the beach at night (whether Sam gave her a ride or not), she will thank him and again the relation will warm up a bit.

Now what happens on this one it's hard to tell as there are no hints in the story.
We only know that there are 2 parts and being the only event it seems quite strange. Probably there will be a short time jump between the two, e.g. something that happens at home during the early hours in parallel with Sophia lesson Sophia's bonus event or the visit at Morello's and something a little bit later. With Sophia back from school or Morello. Or without Sophia at all.
And, obviously, it's only fair to assume that taking the blame for the cigarette will play some role in the event, whatever happens.

So... what do you guys think is happening "In the meantime at home..."? :unsure: :)

Sure, the story line starts already on PD 1 with the car trip from the 3000m ASL of San Alejo airport down to their new house, with the two already bickering. But I was limiting the scope to the point where choices enable or prevent the rest of the story.
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Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
Before starting with the speculations for 0.160, let's recap the Dylan/Ellie story line! ;)

The whole Dylan/Ellie story line depends on the bathroom incident on PD 4: if Sophia goes into the bathroom while Dylan is showering and she does not lock the door when she gets out, Ellie goes in thinking it's free and sees Dylan naked (kind of a butterfly effect! :) ).
Thinking he did it on purpose, she then plots her revenge by slipping a couple of viagra pills in his sandwich during the beach event (PD 9)

Only if this happened AND Sophia is doing Aiden's tasks, then the first bonus event happens on PD 18, with Dylan helping Ellie with her PC and starting to getting a little closer to her sister. No choices were required during this event.

In the last update we had the event with Ellie, Dylan and Christine, again under the condition of the bathroom incident and Sophia still doing Aiden's tasks.
This event was mainly for Dylan to get points with Christine (3) and only at the end he can save Ellie from being grounded taking the blame for the cigarette (day19_Dylan_takes_the_blame_for_Ellie = True). If that happens, when Ellie comes back from the beach (whether Sam gave her a ride or not), she will thank him and again the relation will warm up a bit.

Now what happens on this one it's hard to tell as there are no hints in the story.
We only know that there are 2 parts and being the only event it seems quite strange. Probably there will be a short time jump between the two, like e.g. something that happens at home during the early hours in parallel with Sophia lesson and something a little bit later. With Sophia back from school or Morello. Or without Sophia at all.
And, obviously, it's only fair to assume that taking the blame for the cigarette will play some role in the event, whatever happens.

So... what do you guys think is happening "In the meantime at home..."? :)

Sure the story line starts already on PD 1 with the car trip from the 3000m ASL of San Alejo airport down to their new house, with the two already bickering. But I was limiting the scope to the point where choices enable or prevent the rest of the story.
"Meanwhile at home..." is connected with Sophia. I mean the other event that runs parallel to Dylan/Ellie is connected to Sophia.
The question is, does Dylan/Ellie take place after Sophia's class? I think so. That would make sense because I don't think Aiden fucks Jennifer between Sophia's classes.
That said, I think "meanwhile..." is simultaneous with Aiden/Jennifer.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
You've picked two games for your signature that are pretty hard to feel optimistic about...
Now you are just pouring salt into my open wounds!!
Aye - the last JOHN update was good in what we got but generally a bit lacking in quantity or oomph. At least I got a like from Stoper though when I expressed my feelings on it - I guess at least I was being constructive in my criticism.

I do follow many other games but AWAM & JOHN appealed most for story and quality of renders. Focussing on AWAM I was trying to ignore V0.155 and focussing on how quick and how good v0.160 would be - currently V0.160 is nt supposed to have any animations (although that could yet change) and so I was hopeful that V0.160 might yet get these new short updates on track timewise, which we need if we are to get more than one Playable Day in ine year in Real Time. Cross fingers although that looks less liekly as time goes by.....


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
"Meanwhile at home..." is connected with Sophia. I mean the other event that runs parallel to Dylan/Ellie is connected to Sophia.
The question is, does Dylan/Ellie take place after Sophia's class? I think so. That would make sense because I don't think Aiden fucks Jennifer between Sophia's classes.
That said, I think "meanwhile..." is simultaneous with Aiden/Jennifer.
Yes, you are right, I said during Sophia's lesson, but they are both supposed to be at their respective schools as well.
And I forgot that the event is listed as a "noon" event. My bad!

So probably the meantime refers to the bonus event (so the bonus might actually happen at the end of the school day, that's why nobody is around) or the Morello's visit, according to the choice you make, assuming the bonus cannot happen if she refuses the task and visits Morello.
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Sep 17, 2017
Now what happens on this one it's hard to tell as there are no hints in the story.
We only know that there are 2 parts and being the only event it seems quite strange. Probably there will be a short time jump between the two...
Time jump between Pt 1 and Pt 2 sounds like a good call - context may tell us some other things as well:
The time of day (and the abcense of a Sophia+Ellie shower scene) makes me think part 1 will fit around their morning routines; waking up, showering, breakfast, etc.

Safe to assume that whatever happens it will have to involve Dylan placating Ellie in some way, since his default standing with her is 'On Thin Ice'.

As for part 2 - since it's late morning on a school day, Dylan being home could indicate that he skipped class for some reason - Ellie catching him would provide a reversal of their last scene together.
She catches him in a compromising situation and immediately tries to extort something out of him, then he guilt-trips her by pointing out that he didn't take advantage of her with the cigarette yesterday.

This is assuming both scenes take place at the house, seems like a safe assumption but who knows.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
Yes, you are right, I said during Sophia's lesson, but they are both supposed to be at their respective schools as well.
And I forgot that the event is listed as a "noon" event. My bad!

So probably the meantime refers to the bonus event (so the bonus might actually happen at the end of the school day, that's why nobody is around) or the Morello's visit, according to the choice you make, assuming the bonus cannot happen if she refuses the task and visits Morello.
If Part2 is after something, this something is Sophia arriving at home?

And that bra? Did she or did she not wear a bra to school? I ask because Sophia didn't wear a bra during the Aiden/Jennifer. Did she not have time to put it on or did she not wear it at all to school?

But she wears it with Morello. Did she decide before school to talk to Morello?

Another option, the bra is in that handbag. But why would she do that? She only puts her bra on when she drives. :unsure:. I don't think so.

So, I think we have 2 options: bra or no bra connected with Aiden or Morello from very morning.


Forum Fanatic
Feb 5, 2019
Time jump between Pt 1 and Pt 2 sounds like a good call - context may tell us some other things as well:
The time of day (and the abcense of a Sophia+Ellie shower scene) makes me think part 1 will fit around their morning routines; waking up, showering, breakfast, etc.

Safe to assume that whatever happens it will have to involve Dylan placating Ellie in some way, since his default standing with her is 'On Thin Ice'.

As for part 2 - since it's late morning on a school day, Dylan being home could indicate that he skipped class for some reason - Ellie catching him would provide a reversal of their last scene together.
She catches him in a compromising situation and immediately tries to extort something out of him, then he guilt-trips her by pointing out that he didn't take advantage of her with the cigarette yesterday.

This is assuming both scenes take place at the house, seems like a safe assumption but who knows.
It's logic what you say but why L&P had put both Part1 and Part2 at the same time ( noon I think )?
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Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
If Part2 is after something, this something is Sophia arriving at home?

And that bra? Did she or did she not wear a bra to school? I ask because Sophia didn't wear a bra during the Aiden/Jennifer. Did she not have time to put it on or did she not wear it at all to school?

But she wears it with Morello. Did she decide before school to talk to Morello?

Another option, the bra is in that handbag. But why would she do that? She only puts her bra on when she drives. :unsure:. I don't think so.

So, I think we have 2 options: bra or no bra connected with Aiden or Morello from very morning.
Wait, haven't you downloaded and played the 0.155 yet??? I don't wanna spoil it for you! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Ok so let's speculate backwards. :)

The bra "issue" for me is all in that "She also won't go exactly like this "revealing" above to work" that came with the first teaser. If he really meant that, then there is the possibility that looking at herself in the mirror she says that it is too much and she will try to go to school with the bra, try to convince Aiden that is enough. Which we know it won't.

As you already showed in one post it's difficult to see any difference in her clothes (beside the bra or the lack of) between the first teaser, the looming one and Morello's, the shirt is a little bit opened but that's it. I think that it is safe to assume that, bra or no bra that will be the outfit.
1646180572434.png 1646181207404.png 1646180770600.png

So, since we know he likes to mislead a bit with the teasers, for me that sentence will resolve just in the white shirt covering more her cleavage when she goes to school, so that it is indeed "less revealing".

As for the bra, I'm also tempted to say that the decision for continuing the task or not might be take in front of the mirror. As in a introspection moment in which she thinks "enough is enough".

Otherwise, if she goes to school with the bra,
  • either it is to try to bargain with Aiden, in which case we are in for an interesting moment because we know she will lose it (2nd teaser). I don't think in front of the class, that would be too much even for the recent pace increase (imo). Maybe she will excuse herself and go to the restroom.
    This could be also another moment for taking the decision to stop the deal and decide to visit Morello.
  • or she will go to the restroom before class to take it off, even before Aiden can see her.
In both cases, here comes the purse again! :D

And then if she decides to go to Morello she will put it back in the restroom.

Ruby Tuesday

Jun 29, 2020
Something intrigues me. How does Sophia end up following the three? I don't think Aiden asked her to. There are two possibilities.
1. After Sophia's show, Jennifer is a little jealous and tells the guys that she's prettier. Sophia hears them and follows them knowing what the 3 will do.
2. Sophia hears that the three of them have keys to a classroom without knowing what they are going to do.
Because Aiden has taken Sophia's bag with all her stuff, which she needs to retrieve. First she has to watch whatever Aiden, Jennifer and Andre' get up to, maybe more, like checking out their junk.
It's a set up.
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