
Active Member
Oct 7, 2023
L&P himself is a fan of atleast the 2nd sidejob (kids), so my guess? ....Well, he wants to make money on Steam, and the 2nd sidejob is a complete no-go for Steam. Getting rid of that one entirely would make things easier in that department, even though he'd still have to remaster pretty much the entire game anyway.

I personally don't believe for a second that L&P is actually concerned about time. Would be a first in 6 years of development. What I would believe in an instant, though, is him trying to cut things out that make a release on Steam harder, or in other words; Stuff that's in the way to make more money.

This is the guy who said he can't afford to hire good artists while making 20k+ a month. A guy who keeps saying that he'll hire artists on a yearly basis, and surely not because he's the good boi. It's a marketing strategy is all (certainly not the smartest, but it works for enough people).
obviously the fanbase of out of focus story paying the developer for months in return of no action...the more they demand for other storyline...the more subscribers will hung up paying him for no action for long for patricia background story too lol for own interest and stay for 1 more year without action.


Mar 28, 2023
Damn if a lot of people aren't cranky these days.

A lot of criticism and complaints about--just about everything. I too have my issues with the game--hell even voiced a few. But the simplest fact is if you can build a better mouse trap then do so. In rendering and programing, I can't, though I could and have written better story plots. Still I recognize what L&P has done here that has so many defenders and detractors. It's a huge project, a lot of story arches, its complex, and has a goal. The projects very size is both its best asset and has its own failings, and proves the point, "if you are attempting to please everyone, the affect is you will not please anyone."

What is sad and most don't see it. The Developer is dropping content for the sake of speed and production. Imagine if the production time was much, much faster and the volume of content was how the developer envisioned it. Yes, still wouldn't please everyone and people will find something else to gripe about, yet, if there is a fair criticism that is valid, because of the size of the project, the Developer hasn't created a team and system to meet the audience's demands.

Sure there is an upcoming event of a house party, and everyone has their own pitch to how it ought to go, how it will go, and lines have been drawn. Honesty if everything about the project was going 5-by-5, I would love to see the start of another story arch and plot put into motion. That is not the case though--project is too huge for one Developer to start another story line :(
The aspect of this little side event is that it can go in any direction:

Dylan and Christine start dating
Ellie and Dylan start their own romantic journey
There is nothing but wild sex
A total plot twist is introduced
A boring party that accomplishes nothing

Regardless of this event and upcoming events, it still remains true that this game is unlike so many other dumpster fires of H-games available. The potential of making this game into one of those other trashy games was too easy from the start, and yet here we are 6500-ish pages and counting, praising, bemoaning, bitching, and commenting on the game


Active Member
Oct 7, 2023
Damn if a lot of people aren't cranky these days.

A lot of criticism and complaints about--just about everything. I too have my issues with the game--hell even voiced a few. But the simplest fact is if you can build a better mouse trap then do so. In rendering and programing, I can't, though I could and have written better story plots. Still I recognize what L&P has done here that has so many defenders and detractors. It's a huge project, a lot of story arches, its complex, and has a goal. The projects very size is both its best asset and has its own failings, and proves the point, "if you are attempting to please everyone, the affect is you will not please anyone."

What is sad and most don't see it. The Developer is dropping content for the sake of speed and production. Imagine if the production time was much, much faster and the volume of content was how the developer envisioned it. Yes, still wouldn't please everyone and people will find something else to gripe about, yet, if there is a fair criticism that is valid, because of the size of the project, the Developer hasn't created a team and system to meet the audience's demands.

Sure there is an upcoming event of a house party, and everyone has their own pitch to how it ought to go, how it will go, and lines have been drawn. Honesty if everything about the project was going 5-by-5, I would love to see the start of another story arch and plot put into motion. That is not the case though--project is too huge for one Developer to start another story line :(
The aspect of this little side event is that it can go in any direction:

Dylan and Christine start dating
Ellie and Dylan start their own romantic journey
There is nothing but wild sex
A total plot twist is introduced
A boring party that accomplishes nothing

Regardless of this event and upcoming events, it still remains true that this game is unlike so many other dumpster fires of H-games available. The potential of making this game into one of those other trashy games was too easy from the start, and yet here we are 6500-ish pages and counting, praising, bemoaning, bitching, and commenting on the game
For me it's not sad that developer is dropping side story content...for me it's happy to see unnecessary update being dropped. Developer can join or hire any other person to speed up the process if he can afford. if updates would have been in regular or say 4/5 times in an year, than it would not required to drop contents.

I didn't doubt the potential of game ..infact i was one of the subscriber of him few years back.. but the story disappoint me so i left after paying him after watching 2 updates and got nothing as an output as per expectation...if he wants to keep teasing for years than go ahead..I am bitching based on disappointment with update I recevied after payment ...others might have different if his update satisfy you ..go ahead support him. I didnt paid to build a mouse trap...I would have kept paying him if he move his story forward and dont introduce other characters POV as an update. I paid for main story to move forward which is stuck because of so many side story ...if he would have marketed as Dylan's story....i would not had paid for that.
They can enjoy and be proud of if they feel this thread reached 6500 posts after 5-6 years...and being honest, this game sucks in front of few other games..we don't have to corrupt character 300 times like in this game we corrupted sophia with 300+ filthy points and ended up with just handjob and boobshow.... so fans can rate 5 out of 5 yet the game rating has reached 3 out of 5 on this community either be proud of 6500 posts or watch the rating going down from 5 to 1 with time..its just fans point of view.
Last edited:


Active Member
Oct 7, 2023
I dont think this game has much of a content when it comes to story after sex with any characters beside last plot of what will happen to the marriage part whatever LP has in its mind. Unlike other games where story move forward after sex too like being a dik and many he just keep using different path with different characters and keep it upto tease level. once sex is done that path ends there.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2021
I dont think this game has much of a content when it comes to story after sex with any characters beside last plot of what will happen to the marriage part whatever LP has in its mind. Unlike other games where story move forward after sex too like being a dik and many he just keep using different path with different characters and keep it upto tease level. once sex is done that path ends there.
Sophia/Dylan or Sophia/Sam sex will appear in the final week or final day of the game.

This developer seems to think that sex is the end of everything, so he's delaying that last day as much as possible, so we're wasting unnecessary time.

So I'm hoping this developer will give me what I want in the Steam version.

If Patrons don't put pressure on these developer, they won't get what they want.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2019
Understandable, if his timeline is 30 playable days, and he is still adding shit to the game, then he has to sort something out otherwise the main story of the game will never be finished in time.

You could keep one side job as a space filler for some afternoons. I wouldn't get rid of both and I think the teaching one has more potential.

Maybe stop doing shit that doesn't have a direct influence over Sophia as this game is meant to be about her mainly and what she's willing to do for her family. I'd drop all that Sam shit as well, he isn't family, he's the next door neighbours kid. There's more than enough to do with the family members as it is and doesn't need the distraction of Sam.
Sam has a relationship with Sophia, the main character. Updates like Dylan and Amber are a complete waste of time. Updates like this next one (unless its been changed) where its the alternative Dylan/Emma/Christine night are a complete waste of time. Sure the scenes may be hot but the game is literally entirely about Sophia...A wife (Sophia) and mother (Sophia).

The side jobs are actually completely fine to stay in...its the pointless Dylan/Emma spinoffs that have zero place in the game.


Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
Sam has a relationship with Sophia, the main character. Updates like Dylan and Amber are a complete waste of time. Updates like this next one (unless its been changed) where its the alternative Dylan/Emma/Christine night are a complete waste of time. Sure the scenes may be hot but the game is literally entirely about Sophia...A wife (Sophia) and mother (Sophia).

The side jobs are actually completely fine to stay in...its the pointless Dylan/Emma spinoffs that have zero place in the game.
I don't think Sam adds to her corruption, all I see from that is her wanton lust, which is meant to be brought about by her corruption, it'll be more corrupted for her to do the wife swapping thing Liam wants. I just don't think Sam is able to corrupt her to the point that she would get naked for him and let him touch her all over, you could at least put the other stuff down to her drinking. I just don't think Sam has done enough to get the rewards he's had. I would expect her corruption to be a lot higher to do what she did with Sam, need to get back to Aiden's tasks to get her corruption up higher.

Sam's mom and Dylan is more believable because she has already done sexual stuff with him in the pool during the chicken fight, and she felt the size of his cock, same with Sophia, she's already seen Dylan's cock, once in the shower and then again at the beach not to mention letting him see her tits and the top of her pubes when they went shopping.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
If there's no Dylan plot, just change the name to 'wife and teacher'
That's a weird way of seeing it. Sophia is the protagonist. Dylan&Co are supposed to be side-characters for the different branches and routes the player can choose to play. But that is not happening for quite a while now. Dylan has become the 2nd MC, and so he has his very own storyline completely unrelated to Sophia. It's not that Dylan shouldn't have a plot, it's that Dylan has it's very own game inside the game at this point, which makes it an issue in terms of development time.

What is sad and most don't see it. The Developer is dropping content for the sake of speed and production. Imagine if the production time was much, much faster and the volume of content was how the developer envisioned it. Yes, still wouldn't please everyone and people will find something else to gripe about, yet, if there is a fair criticism that is valid, because of the size of the project, the Developer hasn't created a team and system to meet the audience's demands.
You're not seeing the whole picture. L&P said a while ago that he's planning to add more Dylan content as he's the 2nd MC now. None of this was planned in the first place, so removing other things such as sidejobs and replacing it with more Dylan content will just end up being the same shit in a different wrapper. By that I mean development time. Sure, removing the sidejobs may shave a couple years off, but you're still looking at ~40 years of development if he continues to release ONE day in over 2 years. And this estimate doesn't even take into account the fact that this project is constantly getting slower, year after year. He's producing less renders every year, less story progression every year while adding more content for the 2nd MC. It really doesn't matter if the sidejobs are getting cut off.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
If there's no Dylan plot, just change the name to 'wife and teacher'
What about Ellie? Sophia's her mother & Liam she's his wife, however much the Oedipus-complexed wish him replaced by his son. Why is it that all games containing a MILF figure tend to focus on a son who's main preoccupation in life is to fuck the female members of his family? Surely there are enough offerings of that type in a saturated market? Well seemingly no, because AWAM had to fully morph into one, to the detriment of other storylines & join the average teen porn found everywhere 3D games exist. AWAM has virtually taken the manipulative son concept to the next level & (presumably) at the behest of fans has placed Dylan in his own "game within a game." IMO, he's not only taken over but he's sucking the life out of it, (as well as his favourite "love pillows"), not to forget adding several years to this "never ending story."

I can't be the only one who started playing in order to follow the exploits of a mature, accomplished, beautiful & elegant, [for a fairly voluptuous woman, Sophia was very elegant in her original iteration, before she became a walking, talking, pair of "milk jugs"], career woman, as she became corrupted. I sometimes feel a part of AWAM fandom, (a minority?), which the Dev has decided aren't to be catered for anymore. That's his decision but it's odd, because his promo blurb still promises what I was after 5 years ago.

All this isn't complicated. Someone promotes a concept, or product & people either decide they like it & want it, or they don't. Put another way, you don't give someone a racehorse, only for them to find when they open the horsebox at home, that there's a mule inside & it hasn't been domesticated. That's not evolution, it's something much less acceptable.

I can no more train a mule than I can produce a series of quality renders but still we're told, 'if you don't like it, make your own.' That's like saying, 'if you don't like how your team is doing, get onto the pitch & take the next penalty.' It doesn't work like that.

I wanted AWAM to succeed, especially because of the quality renders but also because it contained interesting characters & the writing could be good. It was a beacon in a sea of mediocrity. Not anymore. There definitely should be a name change, along with the addition of the "male protagonist" tag & a complete rewrite of the mission statement/promo blurb.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
That's a weird way of seeing it. Sophia is the protagonist. Dylan&Co are supposed to be side-characters for the different branches and routes the player can choose to play. But that is not happening for quite a while now. Dylan has become the 2nd MC, and so he has his very own storyline completely unrelated to Sophia. It's not that Dylan shouldn't have a plot, it's that Dylan has it's very own game inside the game at this point, which makes it an issue in terms of development time.

You're not seeing the whole picture. L&P said a while ago that he's planning to add more Dylan content as he's the 2nd MC now. None of this was planned in the first place, so removing other things such as sidejobs and replacing it with more Dylan content will just end up being the same shit in a different wrapper. By that I mean development time. Sure, removing the sidejobs may shave a couple years off, but you're still looking at ~40 years of development if he continues to release ONE day in over 2 years. And this estimate doesn't even take into account the fact that this project is constantly getting slower, year after year. He's producing less renders every year, less story progression every year while adding more content for the 2nd MC. It really doesn't matter if the sidejobs are getting cut off.
I'd already written the "game within a game" line & when I posted the comment saw that you'd reached the same conclusion. I wasn't plagiarising but I wish L&P would & go & read some decent erotica to adapt. Games within games can work but only if the pacing of a story or film is right. AWAM's pacing simply wasn't made for what the Dev is trying to do.


Apr 11, 2019
That's a weird way of seeing it. Sophia is the protagonist. Dylan&Co are supposed to be side-characters for the different branches and routes the player can choose to play. But that is not happening for quite a while now. Dylan has become the 2nd MC, and so he has his very own storyline completely unrelated to Sophia. It's not that Dylan shouldn't have a plot, it's that Dylan has it's very own game inside the game at this point, which makes it an issue in terms of development time.

You're not seeing the whole picture. L&P said a while ago that he's planning to add more Dylan content as he's the 2nd MC now. None of this was planned in the first place, so removing other things such as sidejobs and replacing it with more Dylan content will just end up being the same shit in a different wrapper. By that I mean development time. Sure, removing the sidejobs may shave a couple years off, but you're still looking at ~40 years of development if he continues to release ONE day in over 2 years. And this estimate doesn't even take into account the fact that this project is constantly getting slower, year after year. He's producing less renders every year, less story progression every year while adding more content for the 2nd MC. It really doesn't matter if the sidejobs are getting cut off.


Apr 11, 2019
And having Dylan as the second mc is as boing as bat shit, no offence but dylan should be chasing sam mom, and also someone said Sam not being able to corrupt Sophia is because he not given enough chances by the story line its self. And another thing is LP does not like being told his story sucks it some parts.


Active Member
Oct 7, 2023
Point is move the story forward with sex..LP has created alot of paths for all possible outcomes with every don't develop like sex is end of the path..developer has corrupted sophia to 300% filthy route in last 5+ now just give some action while moving the story forward. If he keep up just teasing more and more with upcoming updates and more background stories from zero level with new characters and end the update in will leave audience as per me disappointing and unsatisfactory. Story can be move forward with sex easily without ending path of Sophia with those characters.
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