
Mar 28, 2023
Well, Sophia has been pushing Ellie that Sam is a better option since the beginning of the game.

I just don't know how many players are interested. Personally I find Jules a far more interesting option.

Well, Sophia has been pushing Ellie that Sam is a better option since the beginning of the game. I wouldn't say Sophia was pushing Sam toward Ellie--more like a suggestion and filling Sam in on Ellie's likes and temperament.

I just don't know how many players are interested. NOT ME! Personally, I find Jules a far more interesting option. That I totally agree with :devilish: .

But here is the whole fraking problem with L&P:

First L&P gives us two routes with this Logan nonsense... with or without him. Which by the way introduces use to another route, the Tyler/Sophia route. What the frak! How many total wastes of time and updates for something that is rather pointless. Instead of moving the story forward, L&P takes 3 steps forward, then 4 backward, now wants to go forward 5 steps... Hokey/pokey writing style is the surest sign of a clumsy writer.

To boot, L&P with making an Ellie/Sam path, unravels the whole Sam/Sophia route! What was the whole point of the bedroom scene with Sam and Sophia? So that too ends up in the dumpster and all the themes of "secret girlfriend" and Sam's long enduring passion for Sophia. Again, making more dumpster material. Where the hell did L&P learn to write?

Stories are not a braided mess of weeds interweaving with each other but a tree. A tree has but one main trunk with branches. Branches grow only so far maybe taking twists and turns but eventually ends. So what L&P has done is stunted the tree and trying to make it grow a different way. It undoes all of Sophia's character development and basically the direction of Sophia path.

Going back to buzzsaw L&P with his wee little hedge trimmer, the whole slumber party event would make no sense to have had in the first place. If it was to start a Dylan Ellie route, would have been a good way to start it. If L&P wanted to start a Christine and Dylan route, great opening start. But... what the hell! How many months did the audience have to wait before that event happened, to have it now have no value in the story?

If L&P wanted a Tyler route, just save the fraking time and have Sophia bump into Tyler somewhere and start a conversation and then have a "friendly lunch date" that goes sideways, or just have Sophia bump into Tyler at the spa and take it from there... damn!

The damn dumpster is getting too full. I suspect L&P is considering throwing a burning match into the dumpster, so we get a dumpster fire at this point


New Member
Oct 2, 2017
Dude, I guess you're new around here. I've been following this game since it was first released. I don't even remember if it's been 7 or 9 years. But the only thing I can tell you is that L&P is the last person you can trust. This guy has even changed the course of a whole story (Dylan Boarding School Road) Not everyone likes incest but everyone has found their friend's mom hot at one time or another. That's why everyone's crazy about Sam. And L&P knows where the money is coming from. So Sam plans to save his update for last and milk everyone to the max. But at some point he will succumb to too much pressure and give people what they want. Trust me, you'll thank me later :D
sorry but, he is investing in the ones who people like the most, and Sam is not having a lot... sorry I dont like Sam at all, I prefer even the bully (and I dont like bully chars) than him, his story is boring as hell. a long time ago there was a chart about favorite characters I believe on his page, and dylan and the sister where the top ones if I remember well. I prefer dylan story (and the one of him getting Sams mom)... but I want to see action for the main character, this dude is milking for 8 years, I stoped playing and prefer reading the discussion here, its entertaining haha, some people are really crazy about this game to defend it. but the top one now was the discussion about anal sex, I had so much fun reading the discussion about anus and shit :D


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019

Well, Sophia has been pushing Ellie that Sam is a better option since the beginning of the game. I wouldn't say Sophia was pushing Sam toward Ellie--more like a suggestion and filling Sam in on Ellie's likes and temperament.

I just don't know how many players are interested. NOT ME! Personally, I find Jules a far more interesting option. That I totally agree with :devilish: .

But here is the whole fraking problem with L&P:

First L&P gives us two routes with this Logan nonsense... with or without him. Which by the way introduces use to another route, the Tyler/Sophia route. What the frak! How many total wastes of time and updates for something that is rather pointless. Instead of moving the story forward, L&P takes 3 steps forward, then 4 backward, now wants to go forward 5 steps... Hokey/pokey writing style is the surest sign of a clumsy writer.

To boot, L&P with making an Ellie/Sam path, unravels the whole Sam/Sophia route! What was the whole point of the bedroom scene with Sam and Sophia? So that too ends up in the dumpster and all the themes of "secret girlfriend" and Sam's long enduring passion for Sophia. Again, making more dumpster material. Where the hell did L&P learn to write?

Stories are not a braided mess of weeds interweaving with each other but a tree. A tree has but one main trunk with branches. Branches grow only so far maybe taking twists and turns but eventually ends. So what L&P has done is stunted the tree and trying to make it grow a different way. It undoes all of Sophia's character development and basically the direction of Sophia path.

Going back to buzzsaw L&P with his wee little hedge trimmer, the whole slumber party event would make no sense to have had in the first place. If it was to start a Dylan Ellie route, would have been a good way to start it. If L&P wanted to start a Christine and Dylan route, great opening start. But... what the hell! How many months did the audience have to wait before that event happened, to have it now have no value in the story?

If L&P wanted a Tyler route, just save the fraking time and have Sophia bump into Tyler somewhere and start a conversation and then have a "friendly lunch date" that goes sideways, or just have Sophia bump into Tyler at the spa and take it from there... damn!

The damn dumpster is getting too full. I suspect L&P is considering throwing a burning match into the dumpster, so we get a dumpster fire at this point
In hindsight, I would have ditched the Vicky/DeShithead path, and just have a Ryan (the gym instructor in the event with Patricia) path without Vicky.

My issue at the moment, ad naseum, is that players on the Ellie route are forced to play both lesbian and straight content. As a fan of Jules, I've no interest in forcing Tyler onto Sophia. The bonus storyline version makes much more sense. At the Ellie/Jules event on PD11, Ellie has pretty much decided to dump Logan anyway.

But AFAIK, you can't play the Logan/Tyler event if you don't play the Ellie/Jules.

Makes no sense to me.
just let sophia have a giant lesbian incest threesome with patricia and ellie and we're all happy tbh
Just before the Yoga event, Patricia admits she thinks Jules is a bit of a cutie. I'd go all out and make it a foursome
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