
Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
But we can agree that something like the Dylan error should never have happened, and if it did happen it should have been fixed quickly, right? From a basic sense of pride that should have been fixed quickly.
Errors happen, sooner or later a bug always appears. It's the unwritten rule of computer science. :( And as it has been thoroughly discussed it happened for the render part too.
This one seems more like a distraction error to me, as in e.g. he changed the value to test and forgot to set it back. Or something like that.
It's no shocker to me. I'm more surprise that so far there are no errors on the event dependencies: the number of choices, outcomes and branches are starting to multiply and, as I said before, this can be easily become a mess to deal with.

On the other hand, I completely agree that it was so easy to fix and it has been reported by the users so quickly and early that making a patch or a new release would have taken what, 15mins, upload time included? Dismissing it with the excuse that you can now cheat is sloppy to say the least. It's something that would trigger the OCD of any programmer in no time :)
And it's strange for a perfectionist like him, but I guess that he is really obsessed with the rendering part rather than the code (and if you look at the code you clearly see that he lacks some basic programming background).

Bishop Robert

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
I really wish all LP critics came together and made a game ... i doubt they would come close but if they did this than the world would be peaceful haha

Hopefully they accept the challenge ...dont disappoint me, all LP's critics lol
Regardless of what side of the fence your on, "make your own game" is not a valid defense.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
Regardless of what side of the fence your on, "make your own game" is not a valid defense.
Yet, it keeps cropping up & it will never go away. What critics can do & is arguably a real answer, is just stop playing. That's a decision which can occur when certain features reach a tipping point & of course is a matter of personal taste. This week I ditched 3 files full of stuff I once played & enjoyed. I made no posts about this on the relevant threads, (where I'm hardly likely to be missed) & won't mention any titles.

I still havn't reached such a juncture with AWAM but there must be many fans who were present at the start & no longer play. So, the question is, how many patron leavers would trigger either abandonment, or genuine reform with a view to continuance? We may never know.
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Bishop Robert

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
What critics can do & is arguably a real answer, is just stop playing.

I mean if you are someone who has no hope in this game at all idk why you would bother continue coming here to talk about it, however its a public platform so they have every right to say what they want (so long as it doesn't break the rules).


New Member
Jun 20, 2021

The game should add language selection function, automatic translation
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Active Member
May 26, 2018
Coming to a thread to express a negative opinion on a game that seems to have a very poor time to develop vs amount of content ratio with each update is perfectly valid, patron or not.

Staying around just to argue how bad the dev is, i mean, after a certain point that just seems kinda pointless. I mean, what is the end goal you would hope to achieve?

Convince the fans to all abandon the dev?

I mean, good luck with that, but seeks like there are better things to do.

Then again, i think i just described every internet nerd slap fight ever! :unsure:

Bishop Robert

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
Coming to a thread to express a negative opinion on a game that seems to have a very poor time to develop vs amount of content ratio with each update is perfectly valid, patron or not.

Staying around just to argue how bad the dev is, i mean, after a certain point that just seems kinda pointless. I mean, what is the end goal you would hope to achieve?

Convince the fans to all abandon the dev?

I mean, good luck with that, but seeks like there are better things to do.

Then again, i think i just described every internet nerd slap fight ever! :unsure:

I mean I dislike Hunt Down The Freeman, but once in awhile I'll watch videos on it then type comments about it, shitting on it some more. Or The Star Wars sequels even, been awhile but I used to randomly go to scenes of it and go into the comments to call out the bullshit.

People don't want to admit it but there is a good bit of people in the world that get some liking when talking/listening/etc about something they don't like in which criticisms are repeatedly said.

And at the end of the day who cares? If you don't like it just keep scrolling. Only things I'm tired of seeing here are the repeatedly asked questions "Is the update out yet? or "Has Sophia had sex with ____?".
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
is moving!!! We know how many pages of plot L&P will do in this last update? :unsure:
Pretty sure it's considerably less translation work this time around. In .130, Xavier probably made for 50% of the written plot alone. Maybe 2 weeks of P&T if we're lucky. That's just me being optimistic, though. Could very well end up taking 4 weeks for all I know.
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Active Member
Jun 27, 2017
Out of curiosity - are there pictures from upcoming content?
I'm kinda afraid to check 3k+ pages back on my own...
  • Haha
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L&P's Father-in-Law

Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2017
Pretty sure it's considerably less translation work this time around. In .130, Xavier probably made for 50% of the written plot alone. Maybe 2 weeks of T&P if we're lucky. That's just me being optimistic, though. Could very well end up taking 4 weeks for all I know.
xavier and the kids lesson was also a lot of text

do you think he can keep up the pace of translating 2 pages per day?


Engaged Member
Aug 18, 2017
Regardless of what side of the fence your on, "make your own game" is not a valid defense.
I don't know. I think it would be valuable in ether case for these people to see what's involved with making a game.
I spend about a year learning daz by doing fan art and I'm just at the point my render look good. But the better you get the more effort goes into each shot. More so if you're further editing your renders with PS.

Then their is the coding. Renpy is a great system for VNs if you can work with scripts but you start adding routes and it gets more and more complex. To say nothing of the little things no one thinks of like UI design.

And then there is the writing. It can be incredibly frustrating at times to write. You can spend all day with a blank page or spend a few days on a scene only to have to throw it all out because it's just not working.

Community management is an on going drain. Keeping people informed and reading comments that range from 'you're amazing I love this game. my keyboard is covered in cum!' to 'this is shit, go kill yourself' is something no one enjoys. Keeping everything positive and promoting the game to people is a skill you have to leverage to have any success.

So you have four very different skill sets one of which you might have known well when you started. Meaning not only do you have to do all the work of the other three, you have to spend time learning how to do them.

Anyone who calls a dev with this amount of content created lazy could really use some first hand experience with game development. If you don't like a game or think it's updates are taking to long for you to stay interested, that's perfectly fine. But to spend so much time ragging on the dev again and again. For years in some peoples cases. Well that just show you've got a lot of free time on your hands. So why not take a project on? The worst that can happen is they run into people just like them.
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Active Member
Feb 26, 2019
By the way, does Sofia still wear a ring? about marriage...? In the photo, of course it is, but suddenly, it's not it anymore? hee-hee???


Active Member
Feb 26, 2019
I think it's just a matter of perception, but I'd call the Dylan mistake "big". What you're talking about, errors in the code that make the game unstable or unplayable, sounds "catastrophic" to me from the user end. The Dylan error is magnified because it hasn't been fixed, if it had we would have let it go. A "small" glitch/error to me would be things like a character's body clipping through their clothes, or duplicated text within a scene.
Nice legs, Redhead!... P s/ Like Sofia's....:lepew:
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