
Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2018
Progress Report Ver. 0.161.

70% - 70%
0% - 0%

View attachment 1793864
With this progress i'm hoping for a release the next weekend, May 14 or 15, if its realeased in that time frame, it would've taken L&P a month to release this update but with still other 8 remaing updates till the day 13 its over we will definitely not going to se the end of this playable day during 2022 with L&P current developing speed, and if he takes one year to make one playable day, considering if by some miracle L&P managed to finish the day 13 by the end of the year that would mean that the other 16 days remaining would take him at leats another 16 years to make, plus the 5 years the game already has, it would take (at least, because i'm not considering the time that he is going to delay the game when he makes animations) 21 years for the game, to finish, i bet the game its going to get dropped in the next 2 or 3 years at most


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Actually curious how L&P is gonna deal with these 2 updates. What I mean is, the majority of his patrons are probably not on the boarding school route, and I'm guessing there's also a bunch of people not too keen on playing the kindergarden sidejob either. Will he squeeze in another mini-update like the one currently in development to "satisfy" his patrons? I'm personally not getting any content out of the remaining updates on PD13 that would really interest me. Not that I'm complaining, I know there are people here who barely get any content at all on their routes, but I feel like it's gonna turn into a major issue for L&P to make his patrons happy. Adding more tiny in-between updates can't be the solution either, as that would stretch PD13 into eternity.

Those who are waiting for Lesbian or straight content with actual adults are going to have a bad time ahead of them, lol. We are talking years worst case scenario. :unsure:

^ This, basically. Except in my case I'm waiting for straight content including adults. That doesn't include Sam or Dylan for me, unfortunately. I just realized that there's pretty much nothing left for me to look forward to in PD13, and I can't remember what's planned for PD14 right now. Bummer!
This is a symptom of design flaws coming home to roost. Between the overwhelming number of routes, and moving to the event-based releases, it leaves gigantic holes in the schedule where a high proportion of players will have no content. When updates were half a day, almost all players had content; when they moved to 1/3 of a day most players still had some content, but now he's going to have entire updates that some players get zero content. Yes, the updates are tiny, but I think there's a danger in having updates that mean nothing to your players. An update should be a cause for excitement and positive word of mouth. But with this new structure many updates will be nothing more than a shrug of the shoulder to players.

I think moving to event-based releases was a rationale idea, but I don't think it was a particularly good idea. It would have been better to bite the bullet and produce full (or 1/3 of a day) updates faster rather than break things up into event-based releases. It's going to split the audience.


Aug 5, 2016
First, the days incremented by 1 and the version number incremented by 0.1 per update. Then it was +1/2 day and +0.05 per update. Now it is +1/3rd day and +0.015 increments. Suddenly +1 hour and +0.005 increments don't seem far off. Holy bajeezus! We need to add emoji/meme options for "cows" and "blue balls"!!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I wrote this comment in Oct 2020. I guess most of us saw it coming. What are we looking at now? A 5-10 minute (in-game) scene per update? Oh wait...


Aug 26, 2017
Don't blame the guy. I was also looking for some information and I haven't found it because that post has ereased. The F95 finder is horrible. I don't dare to ask because the smart ones always recriminate you.
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Deleted member 2183629

Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2020
If we're lucky and kind for the dev, we might actually be still around to see it all..
Luck and kindness have nothing to do with it. The dev will do what he wants (always).

And in a way, so much the better! we can appreciate (or not) his work without him dumping himself on someone/something, he traces his way and takes compliments, criticism, money, insults, and everything (good or bad).

30% of the games are either abandonned or onhold.
25% completed (sometimes with an end that is not really one, or very quickly and badly done, or they’re little games with lots of repetitive scenes)

With AWAM, on any aspect, I have seen worse, I have seen better.
Everyone (included myself) can find a counter-example to justify this or that theory.

For now, the developer has given up almost nothing for the better or for the worse according to each one.

For my part, I’m glad the game is still alive.

BTW :geek:

The raven perches on a bust of Pallas Athena
The bust represents sanity, wisdom, and scholarship.

And what, I’m the only one doing my homework? :rolleyes:

You people do nothing, hoping to be punished by Sophia! :sneaky:


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
Thanks for reporting my comment from that burner account from 2017 , you are 5 years here and wrote only 50 comments. Exposed.

Now I ll report yours cause at least I speak facts bout updates and you trolling lies !!
What are you even on about? The dude simply said that he doesn't want the game to be abandoned. I mean, go ahead and report whatever you want, but this is kinda silly, no?

Radoslaw Wolf

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2017
Hey my dude you seems like rare one here who knows how to use sarcasm, so tell me...
Part of my nature, I guess:cool:
Why ppl behave like petty all-stars when they facing sarcasm or truth ??
Perhaps because it requires certain... traits? ;) In all seriousness, the art of sarcasm and irony is dying in agony due to the progressive political correctness and following cancel culture. Everyone is suddenly being constantly offended or scared to be cancelled for being offensive.
(As for your comment, developer is just straight liar like many out there, he probably started dozen projects on this site
One could use term: "entrepreneurial" :sneaky:
This is just another symptom of the same disease. People simply don't get the fundamentals of economics, the value of money and basic goods exchange.
I can bet my house it's the same developer cause he used to making up things how he lives in Brazil , then abandoned game cause of health problem then his PC got broke) ... and so and so...
Could be. But very well can be a copy cat following a very successful scheme. Surprising he's made this far without becoming either a serious business or dumping it altogether.

All in all, this whole thing is becoming more and more pathetic. Yet we're still here... :sneaky:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
Part of my nature, I guess:cool:

Perhaps because it requires certain... traits? ;) In all seriousness, the art of sarcasm and irony is dying in agony due to the progressive political correctness and following cancel culture. Everyone is suddenly being constantly offended or scared to be cancelled for being offensive.

One could use term: "entrepreneurial" :sneaky:
This is just another symptom of the same disease. People simply don't get the fundamentals of economics, the value of money and basic goods exchange.

Could be. But very well can be a copy cat following a very successful scheme. Surprising he's made this far without becoming either a serious business or dumping it altogether.

All in all, this whole thing is becoming more and more pathetic. Yet we're still here... :sneaky:
It's the boobs I think. Just my opinion but what else is there really?
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