Well, to be honest, these sex scenes are very short and formal, there are more hot moments in the events than in these scenes, they are not bad, but very short.
This game is more like an erotic novel in fact, while, on the contrary, I like it all, it distinguishes the game from many other games on this site, I'm not saying that other games are bad, just a different format.
If this game was pure porn, like Elena's Life, then it would just be another game where everyone just fucks.
Everyone has already talked about this many times, we are talking about the speed of updating, the number of characters and their storylines, as well as about the developer himself, he does his business this way.
Plus, he still has no competitors in this category, I mean games where we play for the mother, there are only a few such games, and, unfortunately, they are not so good yet, the fact is that L&P skillfully stuffed all the fetishes related to this topic into the game, literally everyone has their own favorite storyline.