The order for me was this: I discovered this game and, thinking there was a script somewhere, I started looking.
I didn't find anything, but I started reading some erotic stories. I hadn't read nor knew about sites like liberotica/... My bad
. But I began to see a logic in the stories, a logic of action development.
We have a slow and progressive Sophia burn and that should transfer to Sophia's partners. I mean, smaller cock at the beginning and bigger cock at the end. That's what I call slow burn at the dick level.
If Janitor goes in first, the next one should be at least the same
. Anyway, Janitor is built for a black woman with an ass the size of a door
Black women are bigger, on average, and some have an ass so big you need half a metre of cock to fuck them in doggy
As for Sam, again we have contradictions. Sam had a girlfriend for a while. Now, at Sam's age, he's either still a virgin or the sex with his ex-girlfriend wasn't very good. If Sam had fucked his girlfriend well, at his age, the relationship would have lasted.