Everyone just needs to chill for a bit.
So, there is a girl's party event to come out. Ok, sure not a national secret. But it's like being in a blizzard on the plains with the winds blowing every direction like how this party event will unfold. Dylan and Ellie...this or that. Dylan and Christine... that and this... so on and so forth. But let me put this out there:
You have Dylan and a pack of girls. Nice place to be when the booze starts getting passed around. But look at the girls being involved. Let's start with Ellie. Ellie is much "wilder" than Sophia. Sophia is held back by notions that's been planted in her head all her life; basically, what a proper wife and mother ought to be. Sophia has to be coaxed into many of her behaviors but some inner devil in her says, "sure why not," or justifies her to "have fun." Ellie just goes for it. Only her lack of experience slows her down.
Ellie was the catalyst for the shower scene with Sophia ... Ellie was responsible for the Julia/Sophia make out scene at the pool ... Ellie was the motivation for the girl's night out with Sophia and Patrica. So, whatever happens at that party is well within Ellie's character. And Ellie too is flirting around with having her own lesbian experience.
Christine, we don't know a lot about but is a bit of a troublemaker and is more experienced than Ellie. She likes her booze and other vices. Would Chistine hook up with Dylan? Her character likely would if nothing for the thrill of it, but emotional attachment to Dylan-- not likely. So, Chistine is a party girl and likely the leader of the pack so to speak.
I just wish I knew who the rest of the girls going to the party will be. But if a game of "spin the Bottle," Truth or Dare," or "Postman" occurs at the party, it wouldn't surprise me. Girls gone wild and only having one "boy" there and him looking harmless--Oh Boy!
So, I wouldn't put any money bets on what will happen. The sky is the limits, but if the developer wants to keep the Ellie/Dylan arch going, there are many plots to use to keep that open while at the same time opening new ones or just giving us basic content. Right now, according to completion reports for the next release, the Developer can change their mind and go down any number of rabbit holes.