Yes, we discussed at the time the semantics of "sex scene" and obviously there is no way to tell whether it's part of the language barrier or he is voluntarily and astutely, as usual, playing on the line of ambiguity.
And on this topic, I think someone else mentioned it before but it popped out again in my mind while I was compiling the list for the d-day PD 16:
PD 16 - Day 23 - Monday
[1st big hetero sex scene with an important character: Within the next 4 playable days]
2nd big hetero sex scene with an important character: Within the next 4 playable days]
2nd lesbian sex scene with an important character: Within the next 4 playable days]
- there are "several Ellie's events spread out over the day" (aka Ellie's day) with the return of Tyler and Logan (thanks Adolfo)
- She does not teach on Mondays so if there's an Aiden event it's likely to be out-of-school (in the afternoon)
- "Something definitely really "wild" what is not with the husband [...] and it will be something no one will definitely expect at the moment!" as per L&P quote
Now, if we assume that
- the wild event quote is still valid
- we are really talking about sex scene as full sex, i.e. sexual intercourse (big if!)
then the "within" has no other interpretation than PD 16, so that Sophia is really having 2 sexual intercourses in a day.
Isn't that too much? I know, I know, things have to move on, progress, we've been waiting for so long etc etc. Ok
But **story-wise** isn't a little bit out of pace for the type of story that has been told so far? I mean, given the character and the story, I would have expected that the first time Sophia has sex with a male it's a defining moment in the story, with Sophia completely overwhelmed emotionally as it is a huge step giving her story of loyal wife and after all still in love with her husband. So one can easily imagine the emotional conflict, on one side the excitement for the event and on the other the regret and the sense of guilt for stepping over the line. I'd find a bit out of character if, as usual, she resets and in one of the other events of the day she goes at it again. It is difficult to reset something like that.
Obviously my reasoning is based on the fact that, whatever happens and with whomever, Sophia is "willing" to step over that line, i.e. I'm not assuming some "forced" (or worse non-consensual) act. Like, e.g. as part of an Aiden's task (even if atm such progression seems premature) or something like that as part of a blackmail path. Even in that case, and even if the 2nd time is more something
à la Sam (giving in to the passion/"romantic" route) or
à la Tyler (stranger + alcohol), it would be still (IMO) a bit out of place. Unless she gets drunk to cope with the shock of the 1st and she gives in with the 2nd encounter.
This is my feeling, I don't know if some of you had the same impression. And obviously there are still many things that can happen until then, many moving variables that we are not aware of and a lot of "ifs" in the premise.
To explore other possibilities, it could be that the 2 scenes are mutually exclusive: she can have sex with X or Y but not both because X and Y are on different incompatible paths. Male characters that atm have alternative routes from the top of my head:
- the old gents and the apostles: they are on alternative paths but there is more than a possible candidate in each and I'd tend to exclude threesomes or orgies
- Aiden and Morello: we don't know yet the details but after the solution they become two different paths but we still don't know if Morello will have a role/path in the story
- Aiden and Dylan: if sent to boarding school there is mutual exclusion, but we know that it ends Sophia/Dylan so it's a no.
- Aiden and Carl: if Dylan goes to boarding school Carl plays an important role finding the school but the character had only little interaction with Sophia atm.
Not really conclusive I must say.
The other possibility is that one of the 2 events is the swing event with Cathy&Andy. It's not yet clear if that happens in all the routes, GW or FW, atm we don't have this information for sure. In any case, at the end of the past event they said they are going to think about it for a few days. The timing would be still a bit stretched but that could be one of the two events (and it would fit well the "wild" and the "something unexpected", at least at the time of that post). That won't be cheating
per se as Liam and Sophia already discussed, and (IMO) it would be more "compatible" with the previous cheating event (assuming the swinging happens in the evening at the end of the day). Of course it could also be optional in case it happens only for GW > FW or other combinations.
Ok, enough speculations for today