Either it's (another) typo or she will just go to school for meeting him, like she had to go visit him at his hideout.
Whether the 5th task will take place there and on Monday that is another question.
As I suggested in the other thread, not having a class that day could inspire a task at school where she has to expose/tease her students during a different class. **For example** she might have to pretend to go see a colleague teaching the same students, interrupting the lesson for a moment with the excuse of asking something to the teacher and being forced to put up a "show" for the students while she talks to the unaware teacher. Obviously there are plenty of other possibilities.
But it is also possible that the task is out-of-school.
Now that Monday risks to be quite a day. It is the D-Day for the first hetero sex scene but also the second one, plus the 2nd lesbian scene. Obviously they can happen in different or mutually exclusive paths but still, what a day!
Here is an up-to-date version of what we know for the upcoming events
PD 14 - Day 21 - Saturday
- 1 Ellie event, probably another shower in the morning but that's just speculation
- 3rd day of the 1st side job, we were left with Sophia promising to were the skimpy nurse dress
- the museum guys in the evening
PD 15 - Day 22 - Sunday
[1st lesbian sex scene with an important character: Within the next 3 playable days]
- ranch event, probably all day long
PD 16 - Day 23 - Monday
[1st big hetero sex scene with an important character: Within the next 4 playable days]
2nd big hetero sex scene with an important character: Within the next 4 playable days]
2nd lesbian sex scene with an important character: Within the next 4 playable days]
- there are "several Ellie's events spread out over the day" (aka Ellie's day) and the return of the sauna guys Tyler and Logan
- She usually does not teach on Mondays
so if there's an Aiden event it's likely to be out-of-school (in the afternoon), but after what happened in v0.161 she will meet Aiden and they are going to have a "have a 'private chat' on Monday at school" .
- "Something definitely really "wild" what is not with the husband [...] and it will be something no one will definitely expect at the moment!" as per L&P quote
PD 17 - Day 24 - Tuesday
[3rd big lesbian sex(ual) scene with an important character: Within the next 5 playable days]
- 2 Ellie's events
- She is teaching on Tuesdays and probably there will be the first sport lesson if the school gym is ready (after the "usual" Literature class)
- 2nd optional solution for Aiden (less comfortable than Morello)
- Alyssa will be back and they are likely to meet at soccer practice ("I think Tuesday next week when our boys have soccer practice will be the earliest we can see each other again.")
PD 18 - Day 25 - Wednesday
- Biology class, likely another Aiden's task
- The 1st chance to get rid of Bennett (source)
PD 19 - Day 26 - Thursday
4th lesbian sex scene with an important character: Within the next 7 playable days]
PD 20 - Day 27 - Thursday
- Literature class, likely another Aiden's task