I just glanced through a few scenes of the game and it just leads me to believe the the height given for Sophia is a randomly thought up number by L&P just because he was asked.
I say this because. Almost every adult in the game is taller than Sophia. Liam is taller even when Sophia is wearing heels in some scenes so is Andy. So is Larry, Neil looks very tall in comparison to Sophia ( refer the moment when he tries to take off her bra in the bathroom ), The Thugs are taller, Morello is taller as well even though Sophia is easily wearing heels higher than 4 inches. The Janitor is taller, Bennett is taller as well even when she is wearing heels, Deshawn is pretty tall too and so is the case with the Bald Drunk guy in the Park. Some guys from Aiden's group were taller even with Sophia in heels and also at the art class some boys were almost as tall as Sophia and I believe Xavier was taller. He has also recently made Dylan and Sam taller than before ( maybe because of patreon who knows ).
Among the women Patricia looks taller than Sophia in some scenes or of the same height and same is the case with Nathalie
So i believe L&P never really took all the characters heights into consideration while making the scenes, so there might be inconsistencies and wrong judgement Regarding the height. Either this or everyone in this town has great genes and they are all pretty tall.
( I would have posted a lot more the pics too but that would be a hassle and since it's openly available anyone can see for themselves. In the pics with Liam and Morello she is wearing heels)