people dont want to see a repeat of 0.210v
The current vote results say you're wrong on that. There are enough people who wanna see old fart content, and as I've mentioned in my previous post L&P should probably give them what they've been waiting for the past 2-3 years. Not everyone is playing the child know, there are people who play this game for adult content.... Like, I get why he wants to cut out routes, and some of them are pretty much useless for the story, but the problem here is not too many routes, it's L&P's way of developing the game. 400 renders used to be an entire PD, now he's stretching a single event out to 400+ renders.
Most scenes could easily be done with 100 renders, some scenes like the gym with Vicky+DeShawn even less in my opinion. Even if he were to cut out both sidejobs, the museum guys, Bennett and Janitor Clark, this game would still need 40 more years of development.