I remember trying the 0.1 of this months ago, so I decided to take another look at it today and see how it has progressed since then. Here are a couple of things I took note of during my playthrough of the current (0.6) version:
- The render uses stunning models, but are rendered with a lack of quality, thus making them very grainy. How much grain seems to vary a little from render to render, and the renders in the later scenes seems to have a slightly better quality, so at least it seems to be going in the right direction. Even so, a remake of the earlier renders would do wonders for the game, as the early scenes technically are more important, since they are what most players will take notice of.
- The storyline definately seems (very) inspired by other games in the same niche (most notably Dreams of Desire & Harem villa), a fact which earlier posters in this thread has also pointed out.
- Progress happens WAY too rapidly. In most other games I have played, I will have to play for over an hour (likely more than that) to corrupt a girl enough to have sex with her. In this game, I could go from nothing to full sex, within 5 minutes, if I skipped dialogue. The days needs to be longer, or something else, cause if this is the pace of every corruption, I can enslave 10 different women fully in less than an hour, and that isnt exactly challenging. Let us work a bit for it, that makes the reward all the better :evilsmile:
- Dont tease me with impregnation pleads if it ain't happening, that's just mean for people like me, who are into this kind of shit (okay, kind of a joke point, since I assume this will be implemented in a later version, but still, I feel a little cheated here :FeelsBadMan
Hopefully we will get the chance to impregnate the girls for real at some point, cause if we don't, then I (and many others, cause I ain't the only one who enjoys this) will feel pretty unsatisfied afterwards. *Looks at dick* "Down boy, false alarm!"
- Pointing out a character relation in the name of the character isn't just unwise (Patreon is watching us, don't turn your head or they will know), it's pretty distracting. I don't want to see the name "Jessica (Sister)" or "Emma (Mom)" every time I talk to her. Once is plenty enough to establish her relation, and I can remember it perfectly fine on my own. If you worry so much about me forgetting who she is, then give me a menu for that stuff, then I can pull it out and check it there, without distracting from the rest of the game.
Thats pretty much what I can remember, for now at least. This seems like a sapphire (not quite a diamond) in the rough. I will return in a few months and check on the game again. Hopefully some of the earlier renders will be remastered by then, and we can hopefully see some changes to slow the progression system a little. Oh, and hopefully we will be able to knock up some bitches by that point as well :FeelsGoodMan:
Game plot not very original to put it mildly, renders uses good models, but rendered in somewhat poor quality, progress happens way too fast and needs to be slowed down in some way, the game is cock-teasing impregnation and every character does not need to have their relation to you in their name, like "Emma (Mom)", 'cause that stuff doesn't look very polished and is distracting.