
Nov 12, 2016
Thanks! Regarding the twin bugs, I think those will be sorted out in which will be released soon.

Yeah, I think someone trying to minimize changes is certainly harder haha. Though whether that's a sex change or other changes is up to the player I think.

What sort of things would you like to do in the layers if more were possible? I'm thinking of ways to add more interaction now, and I'm open to ideas.
I've been thinking about this one for a while...So to increase interaction you need to populate the levels and to populate those level you need to give those inhabitants a purpose. The only populated place at this point being the surface and the base mechanic of the game is trying to force the player to not go back there because of the corruption cost.

The habitation option could give the flavour of the populated spaces and the types of interaction (from being a tribe slave, being experimented on or exploited by succubi and incubi. Interaction could be forced by curses (needing sexual release for exemple) or a similar "job" mechanic found on the 7th (?) floor. Shops of corrupted foods and water could also be a thing. The purpose here is to find and create situation to trigger various perks. Eventually it could give flavor to a curse like "In the limelight" where you use your cellphone to broadcast shows to level you travelled earlier?

So mainly, my best idea at the moment would be expand on the habitation element.

Also, twin curse still talks about removing your penis even if your character and twin don't have one while using the " Maybe you spread your legs and I'll fit myself right in between " option.


Jul 11, 2018
Also, twin curse still talks about removing your penis even if your character and twin don't have one while using the " Maybe you spread your legs and I'll fit myself right in between " option.
Um, wouldn't that option be referring to scissoring?


Jul 11, 2018
Yes. What I'm saying is that this pops up even though none of the twin have dicks
Pfft, yeah that looks like a misstep lol. Maybe that one should be grayed out or something FloricSpacer

Edit: Wait, does that mean the scene actually worked, but both of them have dicks so this happens? Or does the scene not actually happen? I don't think I've ever gotten this option so I've never tried it.

Edit again: I ask because my twin and I are both women with the futa curse (though I did start male and took the gender reversal curse several times) so I would think I should have gotten this option...
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Nov 12, 2016
Edit: Wait, does that mean the scene actually worked, but both of them have dicks so this happens? Or does the scene not actually happen? I don't think I've ever gotten this option so I've never tried it.
Nope. Started male, flipped female. Twin is female.


Sep 30, 2021
i remember playing a game like this, but with more focus on the transformations. can't seem to find it, though. The game also had special transformations/feats/titles (i'm not sure what kind of thing it was) that you got when getting the right combo of transformations. anyone know what game that could be?


Jan 26, 2020
Okay, something that's making me want to avoid layer 3 on any playthrough at all costs is this neat litytle thing that keeps happening. I don't know if it happens to anyone else, but this fucking plagues me so here we go.

Every. Damn. Time i go to layer 3 there's like a 50% chance a slackslime will show up. I cannot do anything to slackslimes, so that's an immediate three days of food and water wasted. this wouldn't be a problem, i could just stock up more to deal with that.

But then every. Single. Time a slackslime captures me there's a solid 70% chance a tentacle beast will show up, costing me another day of resources. going into layer 3 with lots of resources and getting hit by this doesn't really bother me too much, but trying to get out and having this happen is a literal death sentence a lot of the time, and i keep having to reload a save from the beginning of the game to deal with it.

This is, suffice to say, problematic.


Jul 11, 2018
Okay, something that's making me want to avoid layer 3 on any playthrough at all costs is this neat litytle thing that keeps happening. I don't know if it happens to anyone else, but this fucking plagues me so here we go.

Every. Damn. Time i go to layer 3 there's like a 50% chance a slackslime will show up. I cannot do anything to slackslimes, so that's an immediate three days of food and water wasted. this wouldn't be a problem, i could just stock up more to deal with that.

But then every. Single. Time a slackslime captures me there's a solid 70% chance a tentacle beast will show up, costing me another day of resources. going into layer 3 with lots of resources and getting hit by this doesn't really bother me too much, but trying to get out and having this happen is a literal death sentence a lot of the time, and i keep having to reload a save from the beginning of the game to deal with it.

This is, suffice to say, problematic.
Sounds like you need a light source. If you also want encyclopedic knowledge, I'd buy a phone; it doubles as a light source and encyclopedia. Alternatively, you could buy a flashlight or a f8ck ton of torches.

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this: the game tells you what dangers you can expect on each layer (except for nine, which is currently not implemented), including how to avoid them if applicable. In the layer hub menu (the one where you can select whether to go up to the previous layer or down to the next layer), the option "learn about the threats on this layer" will bring up a description of any threats on the layer. And the threats aren't a chance thing either; for example, the slackslime encounter happens "every 5 consecutive days you spend in the caves without a source of light" and the tentacle beast on the same layer just shows up every 6 days you spend on the layer. This kind of thing isn't limited to one layer, either; the bandits of layer 1 show up whenever you're carrying at least 150 dubloons' worth of relics through layer 1 and your party is 3 people or less total, the dune-devouring borer of layer 5 shows up every 9 days you spend on layer 5 while carrying at least 11 days worth of water, and the tax drones of layer 7 will charge you anywhere from 3 to 0 dubloons every day you're on layer 7 depending on how rich you are. You can also see this information in the layer notes on the left-side menu. Unless you can't see jpegs or something, which could be a problem since that's how the information's presented.
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Jan 26, 2020
Sounds like you need a light source. If you also want encyclopedic knowledge, I'd buy a phone; it doubles as a light source and encyclopedia. Alternatively, you could buy a flashlight or a f8ck ton of torches.

Edit: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this: the game tells you what dangers you can expect on each layer (except for nine, which is currently not implemented), including how to avoid them if applicable. In the layer hub menu (the one where you can select whether to go up to the previous layer or down to the next layer), the option "learn about the threats on this layer" will bring up a description of any threats on the layer. And the threats aren't a chance thing either; for example, the slackslime encounter happens "every 5 consecutive days you spend in the caves without a source of light" and the tentacle beast on the same layer just shows up every 6 days you spend on the layer. This kind of thing isn't limited to one layer, either; the bandits of layer 1 show up whenever you're carrying at least 150 dubloons' worth of relics through layer 1 and your party is 3 people or less total, the dune-devouring borer of layer 5 shows up every 9 days you spend on layer 5 while carrying at least 11 days worth of water, and the tax drones of layer 7 will charge you anywhere from 3 to 0 dubloons every day you're on layer 7 depending on how rich you are. You can also see this information in the layer notes on the left-side menu. Unless you can't see jpegs or something, which could be a problem since that's how the information's presented.
thanks for pointing this out. i didn't really pay much attention to the descriptive text because i've played too many longform text games and i just skim writing until something catches my eye now; burn-out, i guess. i read through every single layer except nine and every single enemy, but i really dont remember seeing anything about the enemies showing up under specific conditions.

i should really kick that habit of skimming, but honestly with my poor eyesight coupled with my bouts of apathy and lifetime of reading, i just can't will myself to read through long descriptions of text. it all starts to blend together.

again, thanks for pointing this out, i really need to try to kick this.

alternatively, if the creator of the game could highlight relevant info for those of us just after that instead of three paragraphs of description and flavour text, that'd be great. highlighted red or blue or something, maybe? something non-intrusive that doesn't take readers of the flavour text out of things. or maybe make that an option or something.


Jul 11, 2018
thanks for pointing this out. i didn't really pay much attention to the descriptive text because i've played too many longform text games and i just skim writing until something catches my eye now; burn-out, i guess. i read through every single layer except nine and every single enemy, but i really dont remember seeing anything about the enemies showing up under specific conditions.

i should really kick that habit of skimming, but honestly with my poor eyesight coupled with my bouts of apathy and lifetime of reading, i just can't will myself to read through long descriptions of text. it all starts to blend together.

again, thanks for pointing this out, i really need to try to kick this.

alternatively, if the creator of the game could highlight relevant info for those of us just after that instead of three paragraphs of description and flavour text, that'd be great. highlighted red or blue or something, maybe? something non-intrusive that doesn't take readers of the flavour text out of things. or maybe make that an option or something.
Fair enough; the closest it comes to emphasizing those parts is putting them in bold.


Jan 26, 2020
so, i think i might have brought it up, but i'll ask for it.

the curse that expands breasts and/or genitals just does both, and we have no choice or option to pick one or the other. i'm trying to play the game as a hung futa with average breasts, but instead i have triple J-Cups and a massive schlong. can it be changed to give us the option? like breasts, penis, and a third option to do both?


New Member
Sep 24, 2020
Any chance of having our twins installed with duplicate prosthetics relics in the future? Like Moonwatcher and Grasp?
Toke those amputating curses for knowing those prosthetics replacements, wanna have our twins the same treatment.


May 11, 2020
Bug Report:

The "wacky wombs" curse always defaults to anus despite choosing other options. This isn't apparent until you save and then attempt to reload. During the initial play time you can still see different descriptions like vagina, throat, etc. but if you reload a save it will change any and all "wacky wombs" to anus. Tested on both brave (chromium) and firefox. Attempted to remove and re-add the curse (via debug menu) but this did nothing besides remove it and then add it again as "anus" regardless of choice in the menu.

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