
New Member
May 16, 2022
If you want to be able to get back to the surface without having curses there is a way although it can make the game too easy, there is also a good ending if you get enough doubloons or relics without having a lot of curses or drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food.
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Jun 16, 2021
Wow this game looks great. Any plans on adding a mode that includes bad curses and bad ends like in the show?


Nov 2, 2018
putting curses onto you companions dose not seem to work it breaks the game..... also i like more interacting with and transforming companions..maybe they choose to take on a curse


Jan 3, 2018
Might want to start a discord and farm content off that. Right now, you don't have much going on besides the framework. No real interactions.
My suggestions:

A) flush out the living arrangements on each floor. Settle on your theme and then get your members to write up interactions for your npc characters in those areas.

B) You don't really got a main story going on which is fine since the idea is to climb lower, but that leaves a lack of interaction with the world. Get a main story or have quests for each floor. And i really hate farm quests... so please none of that unless it leads to interactions other than kill this get this.

C) Too damn hard to play normally. Create difficultly modes even if there's just 2. Normal as base where game over is game over and easy where you can just pretend it didn't happen.

D) would like to see more interactions based on character appearance

E) ways to lower stats via relics or some other method like a shop on the surface or something.

F) Probably already happening, but make relics useful please.

G) Different play styles. RN it doesn't matter what you do its submit or kill them / use specific relic npc combination.

H) always love more fetishes, but future goals so ignore this.


Jul 31, 2020
Hmm, I see what you mean regarding weight and stuff like that. I'll add warning to relics that would have clear gameplay effects that aren't implemented and consider doing it for others as well.

And I agree about companions, so I've been especially hard at work in the next update adding content with them! I've written ~40 new short conversations where companions react to the Curses you've taken and 2 new sex scenes with them. One for Lily if you get the spade tail and one for Cloud if you take both submissiveness Curses.

I'll try and get more of them in the game for the next update too, since that's something a lot of people want, and I agree it seems like something important for the game.

Regarding gender reversal + sex switcheroo, they complement each other. So if you start female, then take 5 levels of gender reversal and sex switcheroo, then you'll look like a typical man.

For the sexual hijinks one, there's currently only 1 event written for it, but a framework to add more. I'll try to add more eventually.

For all of the pregnancy combos, those are good points. I'll try and improve the pregnancy system to incorporate some of those, though it can get a bit complicated to implement haha.

Actually, to start with, I just added the L2 corrupted water, so that now it references the number of babies you have in the birth scene! So that will be present in the next update.

Hypno happytime influences the robot rehabilitation scene on L7.

Lightweight currently doesn't influence any scenes. I might make it cause the tentacle-fucked status to last longer due to increased susceptibility to aphrodisiacs though...

Dom/Sub/Sado/Maso influence how a variety of scenes with companions play out which are gated on being either dom/neutral or sub/neutral. I'm also adding some scenes in the next update that depend specifically on having these Curses, such as a few sex scenes with Cloud if you are submissive enough.

So, Managed Misfortune is really complicated to change haha. I see that it definitely does have some shortcomings, but I'll see what I can do to improve it. You also can't use it with the twin curse for sure. Conjoined also shouldn't work with it.

So, you're kind of correct about the vector pipe. But in practice, you definitely wouldn't be able to build any sort of mech suit like that during your expedition, so that won't have any effect on gameplay. But it is far from the only Relics that would theoretically break physics.

Can you not duplicate Managed Misfortune? You should be able to. And that's a good point about duplicating the Daedalus Mechanism.

Regarding L8, I'm nerfing the difficulty a bit in the next update due to common feedback about the difficulty of the layer I've gotten.

What version are you playing on? I think I fixed the 500 doubloon robot bug in, but I may not have fully fixed it...

That's a good point, I'll consider adding an option to the Curse to choose one or the other if you have both.

Sorry you had a frustrating experience. :confused: I hope I'm able to address at least some of your concerns in coming updates.

The Maw of Kimaris is an oversight when I initially added it and will require a rework, so I'll add that to my todo list.

I'll try to implement Granted Granite soon.

Hmm, the current check for Glory's Grasp only account for one limb, so that will require a rework too.

I've added a disclaimer to the Ring of the Devourer for the next update!

Even if you have a full team, you're combat effectiveness still suffers if you're totally helpless and need to be protected, but you're right that it should be mitigated by the Daedalus Mechanism, so I've changed that for the next update. The Daedalus mechanism can compensate for both legs being gone and will remove all movement and combat penalties associated with missing legs if you have it equipped in the next update.

Haha, this is simultaneously hilarious and also unfortunate to hear lol. It sounds like there was either some misunderstanding or something was bugged, since they shouldn't be that much of a problem!

Your injury lasting for 88 days actually isn't a bug I think. The burns caused by the drifting swallower last indefinitely unless you heal them, so you probably want to use a medkit! Rather than making it truly indefinite, I just set the duration to 99, so I'm guessing you traveled 11 times since getting the injury? I'll change the wording of the alert there to say "indefinite injury unless you heal it" or something similar to make that more clear.

I suspect that injury is probably hurting you quite a lot by increasing travel times, so then that causes you to run into more flies, which results in more time wasted...

Or maybe it's a bug? In the programming sense, not the mayfly sense haha. Do you have a save you can share on the Discord server? If you do, we can check it out and see if there's an issue for us to fix.

If it truly gets too frustrating or you believe you've found a gamebreaking bug, you can also add extra food/water to your inventory from the Adjustments menu in the Use Items and Relic page. That way you can at least feel a little less frustrated by compensating for the bug. Though I'm not sure exactly the issue that happened here, so that may not be an appropriate solution.

Hmm, foraging currently works as more of a continuous thing you do, except for going to the river on L3/Oasis on L5. Was something like that, when you fill you flasks on L3/L5, more of what you were thinking? I'm not sure I'm picturing exactly what you mean here.

What do you mean by trigger disabler? Do you mean like content warnings?

More dialogue options and actions with party members are coming soon! There should be many more interactions with party members coming in the next update!

Nice guide! That certainly isn't the only way to play, since I've seen at least 2 other builds that I'd consider just as optimized as that, but it's a nice guide for a easy playthrough.

Yeah, actually when I changed things so you could install the Moonwatcher in an empty eye socket, I also noticed a bug with installing it at the workshop. So that's broken in the current release, but should be fixed in the next update.

Thanks! I'm glad you see potential haha. I'll try and polish up the diamond to make a great game. I was fortunate enough to start from a good base, but now it's my responsibility to make it into a full game I think.

Which layers is it impossible to survive on? I think every layer has counterplay, and I'm nerfing the Inanis Ego in the next update due to feedback on their difficulty.

How do you think stats like that should be implemented into the game? It doesn't seem like it would quite fit with how the game works now and I'm not inclined to add even more numerical systems haha.

Oh! Good catch! That was totally broken and I didn't even realize it! I just fixed that now, so the Grimoire will be totally fixed in the next update!
Trigger disabler meaning like bugs or something in particular. As for what I meant with time things, like, each action such as searching for relics takes say an hour of time and gets a random pool. And foraging could also take a block of time. Maybe the relic searching thing could be like a chance to not get anything too, and have enemy encounters in those times of exploration.

Potentially maybe make it so you have to explore a bit to get to the next floor too, unless the manual just gave that and I was dumb.

Glad about the more party members! I also do think there should be a larger enemy variety too, and NPCs aside from party members to interact with (there's always talk about getting to lusty and corrupt making you just a whore on the surface but I never see it actually happen), maybe an actual brothel to make money or something, things like that. For random encounters I'm thinking something similar-ish to degrees of lewdity when you go through the city. Maybe even a map like that for different floors, just not quite as detailed (that would be a whole lot of work I think on your part so it's just an idea really of what I would do). If there was a map system, maybe moving through spaces could trigger enemies and also take time before the day ends

Anyways that's all I got for now, thanks for replying


Game Developer
Apr 27, 2020
Just so everyone knows, I have a lot of content ready for 0.9.7, including almost all of the remaining Curse taking scenes, ~40 small conversations where companions react to Curses, and new larger sex scenes with Cloud, Cherry, Khemia, and Lily unlocked by taking or giving them certain Curses. There are also a variety of small improvements based on the feedback I've received here.

I'm currently looking for ideas for new companion sex scenes to add, so if you have a certain scene idea, please join the Discord server and post your idea there. If it's a good idea I'll try to add it to the game. That's also where I tend to be most active regarding the game development and discussion.

This is very good base for a game, it just needs more content and it will be great.

Also , does creepy doll do anything or is just guaranteed game over?
Thanks! I'm currently working on adding more content for the next release, which should be soon.

The creepy doll actually has a lot of content associated with it. Including unique solutions to a bunch of encounters, multiple stages of transformations, and a bad end if you use it too much. One person was really interested in it and so contributed a lot to that Relic in particular. I believe it only triggers if you don't have companions with you though.

I Managed to get to the desert layer without cheating only to get locked from going up or down due to how long the travel time was combined with the events it wasn't possible to stockpile enough food or water due to limited carry weight and the inability to discard or drop my items combined with the few companions I had.

You could simply have a single starting trait/choice instead of numbered stats that let you choose a more physically exceptional or mentally powerful/persuasive character or a tanky damage soaking character.

If you plan on adding quests/events your player character could deal with them in different ways depending on relics/starting stats/traits or combinations of both.

The biggest charm of this game is character progression/customization to me personally if i were to suggest any changes it would be letting our player character interact with the environments, items and characters more through curses/traits/training.
Hmm, I'll consider adding traits, but only if I can think of how to do it in a way that meshes well with the existing content.

And yeah, if I add quests, ideally they'll have multiple solutions.

I'm glad you like the character progression and customization so much too!

During the expedition? Definitely not. But up on the surface, at the relic workshop? The workshop definitely should.

Speaking of which...

Replace phone with both vector pipe and romer stones, and you pretty much get how I feel. The corruption cost when going up pretty much means that in most builds, you are never gonna make it back to the surface, nor would you want to. This is even worse for those that want to get some money, since the combined corruption cost of everything means that unless you make yourself into some monstrous abomination that gets killed on sight by other humans, you are either perpetually poor or stuck in the abyss. Not even the build above could make it back to the surface without some additional curses.

Which sucks. Because this waste so much potential content on the surface that its not even funny.
You could:
Stay at the Inn for a couple of days (Why can't I do that? I've got the Inn ticket, and its an Inn...)
Part time jobs (Work at relic workshop, at the Inn, or maybe just helping newer divers get started.)
Go on romantic dates and/or sex with High affection Companions
Wait out the duration of a pregnancy (Yourself or Companions)
Actually interact with your children, or the children of your companions (if their children aren't also yours)

Speaking off, Money. God the relics right now pay so little, that it just exacerbates the issue. Want to live a happy rich life on the surface with your spouse? Too bad, pick either: Suffer horrendous fates of the lower layers, Be a monstrous abomination marked for death by other divers, or live a poor life on the surface. Its just depressing. And I don't actually want depression in my hentai game, I get enough of it IRL.
So... I think you're dramatically overestimating how much can be done in the workshop on the surface. They can make changes, but those changes don't include building a mech suit with all sorts of crazy sci fi tech powered by the Brave Vector. Something like that would be a Relic of its own. In fact, in Layer 9 there will be (spoiler).

And to be honest, part of the point of the game is to pressure the player into taking more Curses than they would be comfortable with typically. There's certain Curses that people would happily take, but for most people, those aren't enough to fund a full expedition, so that leads to the interesting choices of which Curses are most acceptable. If a player could beat the whole game without any hard choices and sacrifices, then it wouldn't be interesting imo.

I guess what I mean is, this game isn't supposed to be a pure wish-fulfillment fantasy, but a tough expedition into inhospitable circumstances. It's possible to thrive for sure, but I'm averse to adding things that make it trivial. Though it is possible to account for your creativity with the adjustments options for sure.

I disagree that most builds won't be able to make it back to the surface. I think most builds can, as long as they don't totally overcommit by getting every Relic or something. They'll just need to take a few Curses that they would rather not take, but are considered acceptable costs to return to the surface.

Regarding content on the surface, I'm not totally opposed to adding more of it. For example, in the latest build I'll expand a bit on a few of the interactions with the NPCs on the surface. However, I don't think I'm currently planning to add an enormous amount of content on the surface, since he majority of my time will be focused on content in the Abyss. The surface is meant to be a kind of base camp you start and end your journey at (maybe with a few stops in between), but it isn't meant to be a place where most of the game takes place. Understandably, I think the strong point of this game is the exploration of the Abyss haha.

Also, by design, you can only spend 1-2 days on the surface mid-dive, so that in order to stay on the surface you'll need to choose to settle there.

I may be open to changing these things if I get enough feedback on them, but right now I don't think I'm inclined to changing them as I focus on content within the Abyss instead.

I see what you mean about the game being too depressing. Would you say that is primarily because you couldn't accomplish what you wanted to accomplish without paying costs you didn't want to pay? I want the game to provide some pressure, but I don't want it to be depressing. :(

Thank you for your perspective though! And those are some good ideas for the Surface if I do plan to expand it more at some point!

I played the game, and I was impressed.
However, I was frustrated by a bug I had where I couldn't transfer curses to companions using the wonder, as this pop-up appeared:
"Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: State.variables.playerCurses[State.temporary.j] is undefined."
The same bug also appeared for copying curses in the other wonder later.

I know you said you were going to add more reactions to curses from companions (which would be great), and I was wondering if you could also add specific reactions from transferring or forcing curses as well. I imagine some of them would like specific curses and react accordingly.
This should be fixed in

I'll add a few scenes for transferring Curses, but my focus isn't on them as much since they're a bit more niche and specific compared to a player taking a Curse. However, if you have any specific ones you wanted to see, then I can try to add those in particular as a higher priority. :)

If you want to be able to get back to the surface without having curses there is a way although it can make the game too easy, there is also a good ending if you get enough doubloons or relics without having a lot of curses or drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food.
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Good catch! I've changed this in the next build, so you can only get up to 200 dubloons of cash through the debt, not 20,000 haha.

Wow this game looks great. Any plans on adding a mode that includes bad curses and bad ends like in the show?
What do you mean exactly? There are certainly some Curses that people would think are pretty bad already, especially in some of the lower layers. Layer 8 in particular has some pretty nasty ones imo. The next version will have scenes for those, so that should emphasize how bad they are to take haha. There will also be even worse dehumanizing Curses in layer 9.

And some of the forced habitation options, like layer 7 and layer 8 are de facto bad ends, I think. Is there something else you had in mind?

putting curses onto you companions dose not seem to work it breaks the game..... also i like more interacting with and transforming companions..maybe they choose to take on a curse
Fixed in

This is the most cheerful abyss I've ever seen.
Haha, you might have a different definition of cheerful than I do. And I think some other members disagree with you. :)

Might want to start a discord and farm content off that. Right now, you don't have much going on besides the framework. No real interactions.
My suggestions:

A) flush out the living arrangements on each floor. Settle on your theme and then get your members to write up interactions for your npc characters in those areas.

B) You don't really got a main story going on which is fine since the idea is to climb lower, but that leaves a lack of interaction with the world. Get a main story or have quests for each floor. And i really hate farm quests... so please none of that unless it leads to interactions other than kill this get this.

C) Too damn hard to play normally. Create difficultly modes even if there's just 2. Normal as base where game over is game over and easy where you can just pretend it didn't happen.

D) would like to see more interactions based on character appearance

E) ways to lower stats via relics or some other method like a shop on the surface or something.

F) Probably already happening, but make relics useful please.

G) Different play styles. RN it doesn't matter what you do its submit or kill them / use specific relic npc combination.

H) always love more fetishes, but future goals so ignore this.
There is a Discord that's fairly active! I'd recommend joining if you're interested!

A) Good point, I'd like to flesh out the endings more for sure. And I can also try to add some way to interact with people, especially on some of the upper layers.

B) I'll certainly avoid farm quests, but I'm also unlikely to add a central narrative. I can try to add smaller quests and stories though.

C) There is already an easy mode, right? I'll consider adding an even easier mode where game overs can't trigger though.

D) Good idea! Actually in 0.9.7 I've added some new reactions from NPCs on the surface that vary based on the player's appearance. I've also added a bunch of reaction scenes from companions for when you take certain Curses, so you can feel like they're reacting to your changes.

E) What do you mean exactly? Not sure I understand this one.

F) Yeah, I'm trying to make more of them useful, but a lot of them I don't have idea for how they'd be useful exactly, beyond their selling value. I could add more interactions where you gain affection from companions if you promise them the Relic? Do you have any Relics in particular you want to see useful functions from?

G) That's a fair point, but I'm not sure the best way to add that haha.

H) There are quite a few already, so I'm not even sure what I would add lol, and this would be more of a long-term thing I think.

Trigger disabler meaning like bugs or something in particular. As for what I meant with time things, like, each action such as searching for relics takes say an hour of time and gets a random pool. And foraging could also take a block of time. Maybe the relic searching thing could be like a chance to not get anything too, and have enemy encounters in those times of exploration.

Potentially maybe make it so you have to explore a bit to get to the next floor too, unless the manual just gave that and I was dumb.

Glad about the more party members! I also do think there should be a larger enemy variety too, and NPCs aside from party members to interact with (there's always talk about getting to lusty and corrupt making you just a whore on the surface but I never see it actually happen), maybe an actual brothel to make money or something, things like that. For random encounters I'm thinking something similar-ish to degrees of lewdity when you go through the city. Maybe even a map like that for different floors, just not quite as detailed (that would be a whole lot of work I think on your part so it's just an idea really of what I would do). If there was a map system, maybe moving through spaces could trigger enemies and also take time before the day ends

Anyways that's all I got for now, thanks for replying
Ah yeah, I see what you mean then. I don't think I'd be able to add a trigger disabler easily, but I can try to add a content warning to the beginning of the game.

Hmm, that time system would basically require a rework of all of the systems in the game right now, so I'm not inclined to make the change unless I think it's much, much better. What reasons do you have to prefer that sort of system over the current days-based time system in the game?

And while you can just go through a floor without interacting with anything, that's usually not a good idea anyway, so I'm not sure I want to change that.

More NPCs to interact with is a good idea too! It's something I'm considering adding for the surface and first few layers. I think you can probably expect some of that in the future. I don't know if I'll add a brothel to the surface though, since the focus will be on things in the Abyss right now. Besides the brothel are there any specific ideas for NPCs you'd really like to see? I'll consider them and maybe implement them.
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Jan 3, 2018
Just so everyone knows, I have a lot of content ready for 0.9.7, including almost all of the remaining Curse taking scenes, ~40 small conversations where companions react to Curses, and new larger sex scenes with Cloud, Cherry, Khemia, and Lily unlocked by taking or giving them certain Curses. There are also a variety of small improvements based on the feedback I've received here.

I'm currently looking for ideas for new companion sex scenes to add, so if you have a certain scene idea, please join the Discord server and post your idea there. If it's a good idea I'll try to add it to the game. That's also where I tend to be most active regarding the game development and discussion.

Thanks! I'm currently working on adding more content for the next release, which should be soon.

The creepy doll actually has a lot of content associated with it. Including unique solutions to a bunch of encounters, multiple stages of transformations, and a bad end if you use it too much. One person was really interested in it and so contributed a lot to that Relic in particular. I believe it only triggers if you don't have companions with you though.

Hmm, I'll consider adding traits, but only if I can think of how to do it in a way that meshes well with the existing content.

And yeah, if I add quests, ideally they'll have multiple solutions.

I'm glad you like the character progression and customization so much too!

So... I think you're dramatically overestimating how much can be done in the workshop on the surface. They can make changes, but those changes don't include building a mech suit with all sorts of crazy sci fi tech powered by the Brave Vector. Something like that would be a Relic of its own. In fact, in Layer 9 there will be (spoiler).

And to be honest, part of the point of the game is to pressure the player into taking more Curses than they would be comfortable with typically. There's certain Curses that people would happily take, but for most people, those aren't enough to fund a full expedition, so that leads to the interesting choices of which Curses are most acceptable. If a player could beat the whole game without any hard choices and sacrifices, then it wouldn't be interesting imo.

I guess what I mean is, this game isn't supposed to be a pure wish-fulfillment fantasy, but a tough expedition into inhospitable circumstances. It's possible to thrive for sure, but I'm averse to adding things that make it trivial. Though it is possible to account for your creativity with the adjustments options for sure.

I disagree that most builds won't be able to make it back to the surface. I think most builds can, as long as they don't totally overcommit by getting every Relic or something. They'll just need to take a few Curses that they would rather not take, but are considered acceptable costs to return to the surface.

Regarding content on the surface, I'm not totally opposed to adding more of it. For example, in the latest build I'll expand a bit on a few of the interactions with the NPCs on the surface. However, I don't think I'm currently planning to add an enormous amount of content on the surface, since he majority of my time will be focused on content in the Abyss. The surface is meant to be a kind of base camp you start and end your journey at (maybe with a few stops in between), but it isn't meant to be a place where most of the game takes place. Understandably, I think the strong point of this game is the exploration of the Abyss haha.

Also, by design, you can only spend 1-2 days on the surface mid-dive, so that in order to stay on the surface you'll need to choose to settle there.

I may be open to changing these things if I get enough feedback on them, but right now I don't think I'm inclined to changing them as I focus on content within the Abyss instead.

I see what you mean about the game being too depressing. Would you say that is primarily because you couldn't accomplish what you wanted to accomplish without paying costs you didn't want to pay? I want the game to provide some pressure, but I don't want it to be depressing. :(

Thank you for your perspective though! And those are some good ideas for the Surface if I do plan to expand it more at some point!

This should be fixed in

I'll add a few scenes for transferring Curses, but my focus isn't on them as much since they're a bit more niche and specific compared to a player taking a Curse. However, if you have any specific ones you wanted to see, then I can try to add those in particular as a higher priority. :)

Good catch! I've changed this in the next build, so you can only get up to 200 dubloons of cash through the debt, not 20,000 haha.

What do you mean exactly? There are certainly some Curses that people would think are pretty bad already, especially in some of the lower layers. Layer 8 in particular has some pretty nasty ones imo. The next version will have scenes for those, so that should emphasize how bad they are to take haha. There will also be even worse dehumanizing Curses in layer 9.

And some of the forced habitation options, like layer 7 and layer 8 are de facto bad ends, I think. Is there something else you had in mind?

Fixed in

Haha, you might have a different definition of cheerful than I do. And I think some other members disagree with you. :)

There is a Discord that's fairly active! I'd recommend joining if you're interested!

A) Good point, I'd like to flesh out the endings more for sure. And I can also try to add some way to interact with people, especially on some of the upper layers.

B) I'll certainly avoid farm quests, but I'm also unlikely to add a central narrative. I can try to add smaller quests and stories though.

C) There is already an easy mode, right? I'll consider adding an even easier mode where game overs can't trigger though.

D) Good idea! Actually in 0.9.7 I've added some new reactions from NPCs on the surface that vary based on the player's appearance. I've also added a bunch of reaction scenes from companions for when you take certain Curses, so you can feel like they're reacting to your changes.

E) What do you mean exactly? Not sure I understand this one.

F) Yeah, I'm trying to make more of them useful, but a lot of them I don't have idea for how they'd be useful exactly, beyond their selling value. I could add more interactions where you gain affection from companions if you promise them the Relic? Do you have any Relics in particular you want to see useful functions from?

G) That's a fair point, but I'm not sure the best way to add that haha.

H) There are quite a few already, so I'm not even sure what I would add lol, and this would be more of a long-term thing I think.

Ah yeah, I see what you mean then. I don't think I'd be able to add a trigger disabler easily, but I can try to add a content warning to the beginning of the game.

Hmm, that time system would basically require a rework of all of the systems in the game right now, so I'm not inclined to make the change unless I think it's much, much better. What reasons do you have to prefer that sort of system over the current days-based time system in the game?

And while you can just go through a floor without interacting with anything, that's usually not a good idea anyway, so I'm not sure I want to change that.

More NPCs to interact with is a good idea too! It's something I'm considering adding for the surface and first few layers. I think you can probably expect some of that in the future. I don't know if I'll add a brothel to the surface though, since the focus will be on things in the Abyss right now. Besides the brothel are there any specific ideas for NPCs you'd really like to see? I'll consider them and maybe implement them.

E) Lower curse values via some relics or some shop on surface. I'm not too familiar with made in the abyss, but I don't think you need to adhere too strictly to the world.

G) Like rn, there's no combat system. If there was one, you could make playstyles based on combat and relics help with this. Relics that help with beauty can help a seductress class and so on. combat, healing, buffing, etc. That, or you could make a puzzle game where some equipped relics trigger certain events. Or relics increase stats that events trigger when you have enough of. Which i think is the best.
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Jul 11, 2018
Ok so I'm not sure if this one's been fixed yet but, for some reason, when Cherry gives birth I can no longer actually do anything; all the typical layer options lead to Cherry's birth scene again (I'm playing I had to manually extend her pregnancy timer. Has that one already been found/resolved or is this the first time anyone mentioned it?

edit: Oh yeah, and the same thing happened with my twin's pregnancy.


Dec 5, 2018
Ok so I'm not sure if this one's been fixed yet but, for some reason, when Cherry gives birth I can no longer actually do anything; all the typical layer options lead to Cherry's birth scene again (I'm playing I had to manually extend her pregnancy timer. Has that one already been found/resolved or is this the first time anyone mentioned it?

edit: Oh yeah, and the same thing happened with my twin's pregnancy.
Seems like companion pregnancies are broken in, the same thing happened to me with both Saeko and Lily too
Feb 11, 2020
I don't know if others have mentioned this, but the curse section in the Appearance window is a mess. It's fine at the beginning, but as you accumulate more, it becomes a wall of text with its content a jumbled mess. You might wanna try organizing it somehow.
In fact, if it's possible, how about making it so that curses that synergize with each other combine when you get them all, making a new curse that describes the full effect of all curses involved.
You know, like:
DoS: Takes away a portion of all pleasure obtained the normal way and makes it so you get pleasure from hurting others.
DoM: Takes away a portion of all pleasure obtained the normal way and makes it so you get pleasure from others hurting you, instead of pain.
Sadomasochism: Takes away all the pleasure obtained the normal way and makes it so you only get pleasure when hurting others or others hurting you.

It was mentioned in their description that this is what would happen if you get both, so why not make it more official? It'll even clear up some of the wall of text.
Moreover, there are several other curses that work similarly together, whether directly mentioned in their descriptions or not.

Also, it might be a good idea of look into making changes to the whole adventure you have based on the curses, cause so far, other than a single conversation on the surface, there have yet to be any changes to anything regardless of which and how many curses you have. Though I understand this would be a huge undertaking, so no pressure.


Jul 31, 2020
Just so everyone knows, I have a lot of content ready for 0.9.7, including almost all of the remaining Curse taking scenes, ~40 small conversations where companions react to Curses, and new larger sex scenes with Cloud, Cherry, Khemia, and Lily unlocked by taking or giving them certain Curses. There are also a variety of small improvements based on the feedback I've received here.

I'm currently looking for ideas for new companion sex scenes to add, so if you have a certain scene idea, please join the Discord server and post your idea there. If it's a good idea I'll try to add it to the game. That's also where I tend to be most active regarding the game development and discussion.

Thanks! I'm currently working on adding more content for the next release, which should be soon.

The creepy doll actually has a lot of content associated with it. Including unique solutions to a bunch of encounters, multiple stages of transformations, and a bad end if you use it too much. One person was really interested in it and so contributed a lot to that Relic in particular. I believe it only triggers if you don't have companions with you though.

Hmm, I'll consider adding traits, but only if I can think of how to do it in a way that meshes well with the existing content.

And yeah, if I add quests, ideally they'll have multiple solutions.

I'm glad you like the character progression and customization so much too!

So... I think you're dramatically overestimating how much can be done in the workshop on the surface. They can make changes, but those changes don't include building a mech suit with all sorts of crazy sci fi tech powered by the Brave Vector. Something like that would be a Relic of its own. In fact, in Layer 9 there will be (spoiler).

And to be honest, part of the point of the game is to pressure the player into taking more Curses than they would be comfortable with typically. There's certain Curses that people would happily take, but for most people, those aren't enough to fund a full expedition, so that leads to the interesting choices of which Curses are most acceptable. If a player could beat the whole game without any hard choices and sacrifices, then it wouldn't be interesting imo.

I guess what I mean is, this game isn't supposed to be a pure wish-fulfillment fantasy, but a tough expedition into inhospitable circumstances. It's possible to thrive for sure, but I'm averse to adding things that make it trivial. Though it is possible to account for your creativity with the adjustments options for sure.

I disagree that most builds won't be able to make it back to the surface. I think most builds can, as long as they don't totally overcommit by getting every Relic or something. They'll just need to take a few Curses that they would rather not take, but are considered acceptable costs to return to the surface.

Regarding content on the surface, I'm not totally opposed to adding more of it. For example, in the latest build I'll expand a bit on a few of the interactions with the NPCs on the surface. However, I don't think I'm currently planning to add an enormous amount of content on the surface, since he majority of my time will be focused on content in the Abyss. The surface is meant to be a kind of base camp you start and end your journey at (maybe with a few stops in between), but it isn't meant to be a place where most of the game takes place. Understandably, I think the strong point of this game is the exploration of the Abyss haha.

Also, by design, you can only spend 1-2 days on the surface mid-dive, so that in order to stay on the surface you'll need to choose to settle there.

I may be open to changing these things if I get enough feedback on them, but right now I don't think I'm inclined to changing them as I focus on content within the Abyss instead.

I see what you mean about the game being too depressing. Would you say that is primarily because you couldn't accomplish what you wanted to accomplish without paying costs you didn't want to pay? I want the game to provide some pressure, but I don't want it to be depressing. :(

Thank you for your perspective though! And those are some good ideas for the Surface if I do plan to expand it more at some point!

This should be fixed in

I'll add a few scenes for transferring Curses, but my focus isn't on them as much since they're a bit more niche and specific compared to a player taking a Curse. However, if you have any specific ones you wanted to see, then I can try to add those in particular as a higher priority. :)

Good catch! I've changed this in the next build, so you can only get up to 200 dubloons of cash through the debt, not 20,000 haha.

What do you mean exactly? There are certainly some Curses that people would think are pretty bad already, especially in some of the lower layers. Layer 8 in particular has some pretty nasty ones imo. The next version will have scenes for those, so that should emphasize how bad they are to take haha. There will also be even worse dehumanizing Curses in layer 9.

And some of the forced habitation options, like layer 7 and layer 8 are de facto bad ends, I think. Is there something else you had in mind?

Fixed in

Haha, you might have a different definition of cheerful than I do. And I think some other members disagree with you. :)

There is a Discord that's fairly active! I'd recommend joining if you're interested!

A) Good point, I'd like to flesh out the endings more for sure. And I can also try to add some way to interact with people, especially on some of the upper layers.

B) I'll certainly avoid farm quests, but I'm also unlikely to add a central narrative. I can try to add smaller quests and stories though.

C) There is already an easy mode, right? I'll consider adding an even easier mode where game overs can't trigger though.

D) Good idea! Actually in 0.9.7 I've added some new reactions from NPCs on the surface that vary based on the player's appearance. I've also added a bunch of reaction scenes from companions for when you take certain Curses, so you can feel like they're reacting to your changes.

E) What do you mean exactly? Not sure I understand this one.

F) Yeah, I'm trying to make more of them useful, but a lot of them I don't have idea for how they'd be useful exactly, beyond their selling value. I could add more interactions where you gain affection from companions if you promise them the Relic? Do you have any Relics in particular you want to see useful functions from?

G) That's a fair point, but I'm not sure the best way to add that haha.

H) There are quite a few already, so I'm not even sure what I would add lol, and this would be more of a long-term thing I think.

Ah yeah, I see what you mean then. I don't think I'd be able to add a trigger disabler easily, but I can try to add a content warning to the beginning of the game.

Hmm, that time system would basically require a rework of all of the systems in the game right now, so I'm not inclined to make the change unless I think it's much, much better. What reasons do you have to prefer that sort of system over the current days-based time system in the game?

And while you can just go through a floor without interacting with anything, that's usually not a good idea anyway, so I'm not sure I want to change that.

More NPCs to interact with is a good idea too! It's something I'm considering adding for the surface and first few layers. I think you can probably expect some of that in the future. I don't know if I'll add a brothel to the surface though, since the focus will be on things in the Abyss right now. Besides the brothel are there any specific ideas for NPCs you'd really like to see? I'll consider them and maybe implement them.
I can see why you wouldn't want to add it. You don't have to, but I like ones like that more because there's more interactions and possibilities you can fit within a day, like encounters and such or events. And sure that can be accomplished with days but it feels more fluid to maybe have a set bit of things you need to budget time for and you may not get to do other things. Also you could add a day and night system with night being more dangerous

As for specific npcs, Blaidd. Sue me he's cool. (thats a joke btw)

And I get not adding a brothel yet that makes sense. But could make like, other adventurer/diver npcs you meet as random events. Maybe people you don't hire end up in other parties sometimes and you can see what they do. Stuff like that.

oh and maybe a dismissal system to unhire people or put them on standby
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Jan 3, 2018
I can see why you wouldn't want to add it. You don't have to, but I like ones like that more because there's more interactions and possibilities you can fit within a day, like encounters and such or events. And sure that can be accomplished with days but it feels more fluid to maybe have a set bit of things you need to budget time for and you may not get to do other things. Also you could add a day and night system with night being more dangerous

As for specific npcs, Blaidd. Sue me he's cool. (thats a joke btw)

And I get not adding a brothel yet that makes sense. But could make like, other adventurer/diver npcs you meet as random events. Maybe people you don't hire end up in other parties sometimes and you can see what they do. Stuff like that.

oh and maybe a dismissal system to unhire people or put them on standby
Defiantly a dismissal or standby system.


Jan 3, 2018
Thinking about it, Probably best to use a combination of stat checks and key item events would be the best.


Game Developer
Apr 27, 2020
E) Lower curse values via some relics or some shop on surface. I'm not too familiar with made in the abyss, but I don't think you need to adhere too strictly to the world.

G) Like rn, there's no combat system. If there was one, you could make playstyles based on combat and relics help with this. Relics that help with beauty can help a seductress class and so on. combat, healing, buffing, etc. That, or you could make a puzzle game where some equipped relics trigger certain events. Or relics increase stats that events trigger when you have enough of. Which i think is the best.
I'm not trying to strictly adhere to anime, more like trying to adhere to the image CYOA this game is based on, but I am open to changing things.

Yeah, a combat system has been suggested, but it would be quite complex to integrate with all of the existing content, so that's not something I'm actively working on right now. I wouldn't exclude the possibility of adding it in the future.

Ok so I'm not sure if this one's been fixed yet but, for some reason, when Cherry gives birth I can no longer actually do anything; all the typical layer options lead to Cherry's birth scene again (I'm playing I had to manually extend her pregnancy timer. Has that one already been found/resolved or is this the first time anyone mentioned it?

edit: Oh yeah, and the same thing happened with my twin's pregnancy.
Seems like companion pregnancies are broken in, the same thing happened to me with both Saeko and Lily too
Do either of you have saves that show the broken pregnancies? I'm unable to replicate this bug. You can attach the save file here or send it in the Discord. That would greatly help with sorting out this issue!

Just wondering, are there any scenes for Khemia, or have they not been implemented yet?
Currently only the conversations with him. In the next version I'm adding 5 Curse reaction conversations with him and 1 sex scene after you transfer the Curse Power Dom to him! I'm also considering adding a few other convos with him, but those 6 are the ones I've completed so far and are already in the Github.

I don't know if others have mentioned this, but the curse section in the Appearance window is a mess. It's fine at the beginning, but as you accumulate more, it becomes a wall of text with its content a jumbled mess. You might wanna try organizing it somehow.
In fact, if it's possible, how about making it so that curses that synergize with each other combine when you get them all, making a new curse that describes the full effect of all curses involved.
You know, like:
DoS: Takes away a portion of all pleasure obtained the normal way and makes it so you get pleasure from hurting others.
DoM: Takes away a portion of all pleasure obtained the normal way and makes it so you get pleasure from others hurting you, instead of pain.
Sadomasochism: Takes away all the pleasure obtained the normal way and makes it so you only get pleasure when hurting others or others hurting you.

It was mentioned in their description that this is what would happen if you get both, so why not make it more official? It'll even clear up some of the wall of text.
Moreover, there are several other curses that work similarly together, whether directly mentioned in their descriptions or not.

Also, it might be a good idea of look into making changes to the whole adventure you have based on the curses, cause so far, other than a single conversation on the surface, there have yet to be any changes to anything regardless of which and how many curses you have. Though I understand this would be a huge undertaking, so no pressure.
That's a good idea. There are some interactions like that which depend on the state of your character, but there probably aren't enough of them yet, so I'll look into adding more of those.

I'm also likely to clean up the spacing of the Curse section of the appearance page, maybe by making each Curse description a new line.

And in the next version there are many more scenes where people react to the Curses you take. There are ~40 new short companion reaction conversation, and a few NPCs on the surface will vary their dialogue based on how inhuman you look.

Did you have any ideas for what impact the Curses would have on your adventure? Or would people reacting to the player mostly be what you were thinking?

I can see why you wouldn't want to add it. You don't have to, but I like ones like that more because there's more interactions and possibilities you can fit within a day, like encounters and such or events. And sure that can be accomplished with days but it feels more fluid to maybe have a set bit of things you need to budget time for and you may not get to do other things. Also you could add a day and night system with night being more dangerous

As for specific npcs, Blaidd. Sue me he's cool. (thats a joke btw)

And I get not adding a brothel yet that makes sense. But could make like, other adventurer/diver npcs you meet as random events. Maybe people you don't hire end up in other parties sometimes and you can see what they do. Stuff like that.

oh and maybe a dismissal system to unhire people or put them on standby
Haha, Blaidd is cool, but I'm unlikely to add any new NPCs for now, especially while the existing ones need more time spent on fleshing them out.

That's a good idea to maybe have some other random NPCs you meet as random event. Maybe they just have a short conversation with you or something like that. I'll consider adding that soon!

Defiantly a dismissal or standby system.
And a dismissal system is a good idea. You can lose companions by dropping their affection really low, but you might not want to do that haha. This should be doable, so I'll think about how to best add that.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2017
Do either of you have saves that show the broken pregnancies? I'm unable to replicate this bug. You can attach the save file here or send it in the Discord. That would greatly help with sorting out this issue!
I cheated in some resources to get this, but didn't do anything else.

Here you go. Clicking any interaction causes Twins preg dialog to appear.



Jul 11, 2018
Do either of you have saves that show the broken pregnancies? I'm unable to replicate this bug. You can attach the save file here or send it in the Discord. That would greatly help with sorting out this issue!
Here's one. Fair warning, I did basically just cheat my way through the game, but I do this with all twine games. Your game is great (though I would personally prefer a bit more futa content).
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