So I promised to run some AI examples and well, here we go. The results vary in quality but honestly, I wasn't hunting for perfect examples or refining prompts for them, just a "what does the AI make of them with the bare miniumum/current descriptions". For these I used NovelAI (all of these are raw outputs with no touch up) and each character's Index appearance with the following prompt guides stuck in front of them:
So without further ado....
Keep in mind all of these are raw outputs using the limited prompt structure and just the game descriptions, a serious effort to actually make a consistent prompt would have less defects and then get some touch up work as well. For example adding the elements I've had to exclude or adding tanlines. When I have a little time I'll post an actually properly made prompt example with touch up work. For now have an example of a piece I'm using as overpainting/touch up practice from one of my own prompts. AI on the left, current WIP on the right.