
Jul 21, 2017
Hey, Megan is my fave... but I don't think that's QUITE what people are saying. I think the argument is more this: for being the 100% always happening romance... Megan is a bit dull. At least in their opinion. And I can see where they are coming from. Mel has her drama baked in... with Peter mainly, but she's also quite hot... and the most sexually active character in the game by number of scenes with the MC. She is also more adventurous or at least comes off as more so than Megan does. Her sex scenes are usually a bit more exciting too, with some of them having Megan nearby, which adds a bit of taboo to the whole affair... or even something like the shower scene adding variety.

Edit: And I forgot to add... and that's why they would want the choice. To them Melissa is just SO much more interesting a character and she has more scenes. It creates some ludo-narrative dissonance from them.
It goes back to something I said a while ago about how each of the ladies fits a certain "role" in the story, and so they're made to look a certain way and act a certain way all so that they can perform that role. Megan's the sweet, somewhat naive, girl-next-door type. The ingenue, the damsel. And she's got to be pretty vanilla as a result. Which, you know, just doesn't do it for some people. I don't have a problem with it, but I can see why some folks would. That being said, it's not that people don't understand that "This is the one the writer is throwing at you, deal with it," just if you're being offered alternatives (which we are) what's wrong with liking the alternatives better? I don't think anyone other than the most deluded are under the impression that the plot is just going to suddenly take a 180 degree turn (though given the recent influx of uber-drama, it just might) just because some folks don't like the idea of being railroaded into "dating the needy chick."
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New Member
May 16, 2018
This game is really good. So sad towards the end. Had to think for a while what to do. Can't wait for the next ep.
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Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
Do the people who don't want anything to do with Megan realize they are playing the wrong game. There is no point in bitching about something that the developer has baked into the plot. It ain't going to change.

The game just doesn't work if the MC doesn't desire Megan. Even his desire for Melissa is played against his desire for Megan. In fact, I believe that the pairing of Megan and Melissa with the MC was the main impetus for even creating this game. And even playing strictly with Megan as the sole love interest, which I have done in one path, shortchanges the player. The relationship between the three is the central plot. Take Megan out, and you don't have a game worth playing.

Wishing the game were something else will only lead to frustration.
I can't speak for other critics, but my own criticism is meant constructively to address one key point, if a game doesn't allow the player to play their version of the adventure, it has a lot less appeal, success, players, and longevity than a game which does. More choice means more patrons and customers and that in turn means the developers themselves have more choices and options (more resources) going forward either in this game or in others.

I can't help but make that observation, (helpfully meant), given that my career is in Marketing. (Marketing does not mean advertising, and all forms of 'Promotion" are only one of the 4 Ps of marketing). Spotting ways that anything can have more potential, a larger or more profitable market, and be more successful is simply second-nature for me.

As to your rationale, trust me when I tell you there can be a lot more tension and story in trying to maintain a friendship with a girl you like, but not romantically, if she decides she'd like to be more than friends, while you actually prefer her best friend. So really, the story would work just the same in every other regard. You're still having to be just as cautious and concerned for her feelings, conflicted and feeling guilt, etc. There's every bit as much chance of it all going apocalyptically wrong, just without having to pretend you are somehow attracted to the least attractive girl in the entire setting.

Now certainly, one can play other games. Indeed, I have done and this one was not my priority. Dating my Daughter, Milfy City, Dreams of Desire, College Life, Parental Love, and about a dozen other games all got played first, and completed before I played this one. If those other games were updating faster (and all their devs say they'd like to, apart from Big Brother of course) or there were just a few more then I might never have played Acting Lessons at all.

I simply say that if there were an option to have a platonic relationship with Megan, this would be a more appealing game to myself (and several others judging from comments), get talked about more, and be higher up that priority list. That's simply good for the developer and the game alike.


Mar 10, 2018
Am I the only one who felt less concerned by the end of ep6 than the end of ep5 ?
Maybe it's because I felt powerless towards what was going to happen to Megan in ep5, while at the end of ep6, even if you are basically powerless, at least you can actually do something for someone...
I don't know about you but this is how I see it ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
Only played the very first release before playing the latest update, the guy who wrote Liam should get a massive pat on the back with a big hug, I have never been so emotionally invested in a bro character in a /weg/, especially when it came to most hated character model in the scene, for once he was well written in such a human way, I shed a manly tear few times. Also loved the fact that you get Deja vu with Rena, can't wait to see how that unfolds.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2018
Am I the only one who felt less concerned by the end of ep6 than the end of ep5 ?
Maybe it's because I felt powerless towards what was going to happen to Megan in ep5, while at the end of ep6, even if you are basically powerless, at least you can actually do something for someone...
I don't know about you but this is how I see it ^^
I was extremely worried by the end of both episodes after finishing them. After a day or so, to let all of what happened in episode 6 sink in, I was much less worried, given all that had taken place in that Act. Yes, we had no clue as to what was going to happen to Meg at the beginning of the most recent update, but it gives us confidence that this shouldn't be "The End".
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May 12, 2017
Do the people who don't want anything to do with Megan realize they are playing the wrong game. There is no point in bitching about something that the developer has baked into the plot. It ain't going to change.

The game just doesn't work if the MC doesn't desire Megan. Even his desire for Melissa is played against his desire for Megan. In fact, I believe that the pairing of Megan and Melissa with the MC was the main impetus for even creating this game. And even playing strictly with Megan as the sole love interest, which I have done in one path, shortchanges the player. The relationship between the three is the central plot. Take Megan out, and you don't have a game worth playing.

Wishing the game were something else will only lead to frustration.
I undestand perfectly that the story with Megan is the main ingredient of this game and I'm not arguing the devs choices.
I'm just saying I find Megan too naive and shy and even for the appearance I put her only in third place.
Instead, in my personal opinion, Mel is someone I'd like to ask out for a dinner. I dislike her nose ring, but the rest of her appearence is beautiful for me. Even her attitude is intriguing: adventurous, wild and strong. She is like a cold queen that only needs to be melted to become nice, and also needs someone to save her from her problems (Step-father).

I think this is just a debate of personal tastes about the girls and not about the game. Acting lesson is a very good game, with an addictive story and well-built characters.
Both the Megan path and Megan and Mel path are well written and enthralling.
Even if I don't like too much Megan, I found the story with her believable and real and all the romatic steps with her are in the right times.

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
I simply say that if there were an option to have a platonic relationship with Megan, this would be a more appealing game to myself (and several others judging from comments), get talked about more, and be higher up that priority list. That's simply good for the developer and the game alike.
I hear you. That is a worthy opinion. But that is not the game the developer has written. I'm sorry that this lessens the appeal of the game for you, but it's not going to change.

By the way, from what I've read from the developer, I don't think he cares about the marketing aspect of this game. He has written a game that has touched him in a personal way, and he doesn't really care if that sells.

Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
In other words, anyone who played the game avoiding every choice that would gain you points with Megan, in the hopes that you could pursue other girls and keep Megan as a friend, has been frustrated. That frustration is because that is not what the developer intends for this game to be. Sorry!


Sep 17, 2018
In other words, anyone who played the game avoiding every choice that would gain you points with Megan, in the hopes that you could pursue other girls and keep Megan as a friend, has been frustrated. That frustration is because that is not what the developer intends for this game to be. Sorry!
I'm totally agree with you. But the author has created, like any great artist, a deep controversial mood in the gamers (readers). Messy (like various villainess or bad girl in literature) has more personality than Megan. She has scene of sex with more best renderers. The author push your mind in the basical choice between I MUST (Megan has saved the life of MC and represente the "pure love") and I WILL (Messy is a sex top level). Here is an adult forum. It's normal to prefere sex top level female protagonists, I guess.. :)


May 25, 2017
I see a lot of people saying Megan is to plain or vanilla...but seem to forget that's how a lot of girls are, especially the naive, girl next door types.

That's why the other females are so appealing. If Megan was so great and interesting, what would be the point in pursuing any of the other side options?

Though, I'll be honest, I do prefer Melissa. But, I also think it's a thing where the MC wants someone nothing like his ex, but ends up potentially being just like her.


Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
I see a lot of people saying Megan is to plain or vanilla...but seem to forget that's how a lot of girls are, especially the naive, girl next door types.
It simply jars a bit, interfering with the suspension of disbelief, because the narrative makes her out to be so pretty and hot, when even her defenders are agreeing she's a little plain and more just the girl next door.

Newsflash here: I never settled for the girl next door in my life (though I did spend 8 years with a woman I felt I 'owed' for her help and support at a tough time). Sure, there are people who settle down with the first girl they meet, or their school days sweetheart, or the girl next door ... but they aren't a majority. Considering that this is one game that doesn't just give us choices over our actions, but even an early choice as to what kind of person we are (athletic jock, charismatic charmer, or brainy well-read) it feels like an exercise in cognitive dissonance to then have no rationale written in to the actual game for what makes Megan so appealing to all types.

Personally, I'd like the choice to be platonic, and repay what she did with friendship, just as I would Liam. I already said that I believe it would massively increase the overall strength, appeal and replayability of the game. I'm not saying it was the creator's intention.

Most of the biggest commercial successes were not the original intent of their creators. Ebay was built by a programmer for his girlfriend, and he originally just showed it off as an 'advertisement' of his developer skills, never intending ebay to be a 'product' or business. (In fact in the early years of eBay, it had a link to the developer's site where you could buy the entire software to build your own auction platform with the same code - no kidding.) Google's creators, Larry Page and Sergey Brin came up with their unique algorithm while at Stanford Uni, and originally just intended to sell that intellectual property. They pitched it to every search engine of the time, from Yahoo to Excite and all turned it down. It was Jerry Yang of Yahoo that wrote them a cheque for 200k made out to non-existant 'Google' to found their own company. Even after that, they originally tried to monetize by selling the technology, a search engine for intranets, and it was years before they copied the advertising model from GoTo.com and suddenly succeeded in a way they'd never intended or predicted for those first years... So yeah, my suggestion was well meant, is based on extensive knowledge of the internet, the gaming industry, and the adult industry in terms of marketing, and the fact it isn't what was intended is why someone like a marketer has to bring it up and suggest it. XD

However, back to the feedback, even if the developer prefers his own art over greater success (and I'm not at all judging or belittling that if so), just having some actual in-game inner monologue or something that explained how/why Megan was so amazing (rather than have it assumed from the first moment she appears on screen) would make thing better.

I think it's fine that people are explaining how the attraction is partly that she's so different from Ana - but the character acts the way he does toward her long before he knows her personality. It's fine how people are saying it's his reaction to a profound gratitude toward her for saving his life (like he views her as an 'angel') ... those are both fine rationales ... so how hard would it be to write in a few lines into the game that say so? Because ultimately these things are only how our own minds try to explain it, and it isn't actually in the game anywhere.


Jul 21, 2017
It simply jars a bit, interfering with the suspension of disbelief, because the narrative makes her out to be so pretty and hot, when even her defenders are agreeing she's a little plain and more just the girl next door.

Newsflash here: I never settled for the girl next door in my life (though I did spend 8 years with a woman I felt I 'owed' for her help and support at a tough time). Sure, there are people who settle down with the first girl they meet, or their school days sweetheart, or the girl next door ... but they aren't a majority. Considering that this is one game that doesn't just give us choices over our actions, but even an early choice as to what kind of person we are (athletic jock, charismatic charmer, or brainy well-read) it feels like an exercise in cognitive dissonance to then have no rationale written in to the actual game for what makes Megan so appealing to all types.
I'm not the writer, but I can only imagine that PinkCake's intent here is to evoke those feelings of protectiveness, while at the same time highlighting Megan as a sort of bastion of stability. It seems that even if the player doesn't necessarily find those things to be all that important, the Main Character does. We're introduced to Jonas as this guy who's quit his job because he's got himself a nice little nest egg. He's not rich, but he's well enough to do that he doesn't have to worry too much about money. He's secure on that front. Stable. He was in a relationship with a woman he cared for. And it was secure. It was stable. So much so that to her it was stagnant and she grew bored with it and felt the need to inject some fake drama. It just gives off the impression that to the character (and thus maybe the writer is doing a little soapboxing here) stability is the key factor. Why is Megan the most suitable girlfriend candidate? Because she's the one who comes with the least baggage, the least inherent craziness. And that that colors his opinions on her physical attributes as well. We're all sitting here going "Well, she doesn't look all that hot," but people's opinions on attractiveness are bound up in lots of things beyond just the physicality of it.
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Walter Victor

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 27, 2017
There are 4 choices in the first episode, when the MC is talking to Liam about Megan after leaving the hospital.

The top two are:

She is pretty - "Well, yeah you're right. She's very pretty."
She is special - "Well, yes there's something special about her. I can't really wrap my head about it."

Since that latter choice gives a Relationship Point to Liam, I suspect that is the one most players choose. At any rate, either one of those replies is sufficient to start an attraction. Add in gratitude and (a little later) the opportunity to be her white night, and that is more than enough to build a close relationship on.

As the story progresses, Megan may seem naive and vanilla, but she exhibits a strength of character and open mindedness and actual wisdom that many here seem to be either overlooking or ignoring. After all, it is Megan who suggests the arrangement with Melissa, and encourages Melissa, even when it looks like the MC might be selecting Melissa over her. Megan also insists on maintaining her friendship with Rena when all indications are that Rena's jealousy won't allow it. There are several other instances where she exhibits her strength of character.

There is a LOT more to Megan than naive and vanilla.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
I see a lot of people saying Megan is to plain or vanilla...but seem to forget that's how a lot of girls are, especially the naive, girl next door types.

Though, I'll be honest, I do prefer Melissa. But, I also think it's a thing where the MC wants someone nothing like his ex, but ends up potentially being just like her.
I agree that too many people overlook Megan. As the Good Dr has seen fit, Rena and Melissa are always wearing makeup but Melissa doesn't. IRL I find girls that wear too much makeup are unappealing, but of course it makes them look better in pictures. What do Rena and Melissa really look like under all that plaster??? On the other hand Megan has a beautiful, natural look that I prefer IRL.

That said, Melissa is still my girl...:heartcoveredeyes:


Aug 29, 2017
I join to the players who request another end to Chapter6. Game was promising a wonderful threesome for the Main characters... not to ruin totally the story with such a bad ending. I will quit the game also if this will not be changed.
I know what you mean, prior to chapter 6 each chapter gave the feeling that something epic with real consequences and real passion was around the corner. Then during the entire play through of Chapter 6, suddenly the feeling of choice and consequences felt more like an illusion. Especially at two particular points during the chapter, which at least during my play, were made completely meaningless due to the choice options at the end of the chapter.

(Not to mention the abrupt changes during the chapter, in which no explanation was given, just quick story changes)

Overall Chapter 6, gave the feeling that the author/developer suddenly stopped caring about the game he started with and instead if the ending of chapter 6 was any indication. My guess is the author/developer is probably just trying to wrap up the few remaining chapters as simply as possible.
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