
Mar 5, 2019
Hey, do you guys know if there is a french patch around here ? I have friends that can't read english and I really don't want them to miss on this diamond...

I would translate it myself, if needed, I guess.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2018
Dr Pink Cake seems to have a really hard time understanding that creating an emotional rollercoaster of a story is a good thing IF you give the player a choice to avoid final catastrophes. Haven't played this game yet but just the bullshit disclaimer doesn't bode well.

"Are you in a dark place in your life?"

"No, but i am not the one who kills off his characters without giving the player a choice in a game that is supposedly about choice, you are, lol."

Maybe he should spend some time thinking about a valid critique instead of turning around and creating some infantile "disclaimer"
As good as "Acting Lessons" was, the unavoidable *SPOILER* was complete bullshit. It has nothing to do with someone "having a tough period in their life". Killing off your Main Characters, just to create a cheap emotional thrill, is not good writing. Think "Die Hard" would be a classic if John McLane stumbles and falls off the Tower halfway through? Don't think so. But maybe i am just immature, lol.

By the way: The fact that people were upset was a giant compliment. How many games exist where you give a fuck about someone dying? Yeah ...

His production values are absolutely amazing. If it weren't for his immature attitude in this matter I would be a Patreon, but oh well, it's his choice.
This discussion probably belongs in a different topic, but here we go.

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If this is the "right" interpretation, built upon a series of focused and subtle elements carefully sprinkled by The Doc, or just a bunch of stuff thrown into a wall and overthought by the one now writing remains to be seen, as BADIK progresses. I, for one, am optimistic.


Oct 16, 2017
This discussion probably belongs in a different topic, but here we go.

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If this is the "right" interpretation, built upon a series of focused and subtle elements carefully sprinkled by The Doc, or just a bunch of stuff thrown into a wall and overthought by the one now writing remains to be seen, as BADIK progresses. I, for one, am optimistic.
Hm you may have a point there. I would have to play the game again to give it a fair consideration, but i am loath to do that considering how upset it left me off when I played it the first time, and this time it would be even worse because now I can't even enjoy the first Chapters since I already know how it's all gonna turn to Horseshit.

Maybe I am just not in his target audience and leave it at that. Considering this game is still rated so high I seem to be in the minority. Most of you don't seem to be bothered by this cheap "thrill through emotional overdose" bait-and-switch manipulation (or "great, insightful writing", however you wanna look at it). Sometimes I wonder why that is. I could speculate but I would probably insult a lot of people so I'll just leave it to the experts to give it a positive spin. In essence it's like some people who are adrenaline junkies and jump from buildings, other people are emotion junkies (Usually it's mostly women; that's why it fascinates me that this flies in a erotic game clearly aimed at a "male" audience)

If the Doctor at any point feels like going back and gives it an Alternate "Happy" Ending (even if just to please little old me) I am fully prepared to give this game 5 Stars. Until then I am not going back, for the same reason I don't jerk off to Silence of the Lambs. (thankfully that movie doesn't have a bunch of hot-babes running around naked in the first half)

@N7: At least put a "tear-jerker" tag on it, even if you don't want to spoil his "brilliant plot twist". If someone is reaching that low to create an emotional impact, we should at least be honest about it.
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atticus chen

Sep 3, 2018
I can't believe I'm saying this but somehow a porn game giving me a bit of a closure to one of my relationship. The story with Ana hit me hard since I'm in the same spot as the MC...well she didn't cheat on me per se but it was one of those long distance relationship thing.
We have been dating for more than 4 years before I have to move to a different country for a better future that I've always dream of......and we start having a long distance relationship for another 3 years before she decide to call it off. She said we lost the "spark" in our relationship, that she can't wait for me any longer. I didn't explode to the news instead I was implode.
We are still friend, but I'll be lying if I said in the back of my mine I didn't blame her for not waiting for me, I just want to become a citizen first before I pop the question, I thought she was THE ONE, I thought she was mine, and I was her.....I'll be lying if I said I don't have any feeling for her every time we met.
So at the end of the story when the MC talk to a psychiatrist about his relationship with Ana, it feel like I've also talk to a psychiatrist about mine.........

Meh enough of my rambling, this is by far my favorite game here, tho that didn't say much cuz i only play this game and being a Diks so far lol.


Oct 16, 2017
I can't believe I'm saying this but somehow a porn game giving me a bit of a closure to one of my relationship. The story with Ana hit me hard since I'm in the same spot as the MC...well she didn't cheat on me per se but it was one of those long distance relationship thing.
We have been dating for more than 4 years before I have to move to a different country for a better future that I've always dream of......and we start having a long distance relationship for another 3 years before she decide to call it off. She said we lost the "spark" in our relationship, that she can't wait for me any longer. I didn't explode to the news instead I was implode.
We are still friend, but I'll be lying if I said in the back of my mine I didn't blame her for not waiting for me, I just want to become a citizen first before I pop the question, I thought she was THE ONE, I thought she was mine, and I was her.....I'll be lying if I said I don't have any feeling for her every time we met.
So at the end of the story when the MC talk to a psychiatrist about his relationship with Ana, it feel like I've also talk to a psychiatrist about mine.........

Meh enough of my rambling, this is by far my favorite game here, tho that didn't say much cuz i only play this game and being a Diks so far lol.
Look on the bright side: You learned a life lesson and pretty cheap too, most guys need a divorce and lose half their shit before they learn this: Monogamous Relationships don't work long time and that goes triple for Long Distance Shenanigans.

Of course she cheated on you. She was stringing you along (not hard since you're not there anyway) and explored other options. And then when she made the decision to upgrade one of them to Boyfriend Status she officially broke up with you. Sorry, but anyone who thinks long distance relationships work is simply delusional.

The Reality is Girls play the field as much as boys do. Actually even more so because they can have sex whenever they want (if they are half-way good looking) and since their sex drive is at least as high as a boys, expecting them to be this little innocent being is ridiculous. Of course most can hide it very, very well because there is a giant social stigma attached to being viewed as "a slut".

How do I know this? Because when girls have the feeling that you are "in on this" they actually talk freely to you and believe me most grown man would blush at the shit your average 20 year old pulls on a regular basis.

If you're smart you use this "Tragedy" as a wake-up call and don't do what most idiots do and run straight ahead right into the next trap. When you're 35+ and have seen the world and made all your experiences (and, yes, played the field) THEN you can make an educated decision to marry someone. (Even then it's probably dumb) Most guys just hitch their wagon to first girl that says "yes" and they are willing to bend over backwards with both eyes closed tight, just so they can keep their disney fantasy alive.

As far as i am concerned, you dodged a bullet, dude. Could have been far worse. Imagine you actually married her ...
Think a Ring would've changed anything? Wake up. She would have made the exact same decision only a few years later because getting divorced is an additional hurdle. And the end result would've been exactly the same. Only she would've "stolen" even more years from you and left with half your shit to boot.

Look, i get your pain (even if i am a cold-hearted bastard) but growing up is painful. For everybody. Your decision now is if you use this opportunity to grow or to retreat back into you little denial-shell. Only if you chose the second way is this truly a write-off. You'll just circle back and a few year later you are right where you started.

And please, whatever you do, don't stay friends with her, just because you hope she'll on day change her mind. It rings on your door and she stands there, you almost can't see it because of the pouring rain but she is crying and then she falls into your arms and says it was all a big mistake and you are the one and she'll marry you.

That's pathetic. It's not gonna happen and if it does happen: Run as fast as you can.
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atticus chen

Sep 3, 2018
Look on the bright side: You learned a life lesson and pretty cheap too, most guys need a divorce and lose half their shit before they learn this: Monogamous Relationships don't work long time and that goes triple for Long Distance Shenanigans.

Of course she cheated on you. She was stringing you along (not hard since you're not there anyway) and explored other options. And then when she made the decision to upgrade one of them to Boyfriend Status she officially broke up with you. Sorry, but anyone who thinks long distance relationships work is simply delusional.

The Reality is Girls play the field as much as boys do. Actually even more so because they can have sex whenever they want (if they are half-way good looking) and since their sex drive is at least as high as a boys, expecting them to be this little innocent being is ridiculous. Of course most can hide it very, very well because there is a giant social stigma attached to being viewed as "a slut".

How do I know this? Because when girls have the feeling that you are "in on this" they actually talk freely to you and believe me most grown man would blush at the shit your average 20 year old pulls on a regular basis.

If you're smart you use this "Tragedy" as a wake-up call and don't do what most idiots do and run straight ahead right into the next trap. When you're 35+ and have seen the world and made all your experiences (and, yes, played the field) THEN you can make an educated decision to marry someone. (Even then it's probably dumb) Most guys just hitch their wagon to first girl that says "yes" and they are willing to bend over backwards with both eyes closed tight, just so they can keep their disney fantasy alive.

As far as i am concerned, you dodged a bullet, dude. Could have been far worse. Imagine you actually married her ...
While what you said are true for most case,it is a little different from mine. Asian parents (Chinese) are strict when it come to dating, and sometimes they don't mind their kids dating, but it almost forbidden for any sexual relationship till they get married. Personally for me I don't have any sexual experience beside kissing till I came to the State (I move on, after we broke up). Also I know for a fact that she didn't cheat on me because we have the same group of friends, and my bros would never lied to me (Bros b4 Hoes), like I said earlier she just lost the "spark" in our relationship.

Edit: Oh and I have move on, but first love will always be in your memory doesn't matter how painful it is lol.
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Oct 16, 2017
While what you said are true for most case,it is a little different from mine. Asian parents (Chinese) are strict when it come to dating, and sometimes they don't mind their kids dating, but it almost forbidden for any sexual relationship till they get married. Personally for me I don't have any sexual experience beside kissing till I came to the State (I move on, after we broke up). Also I know for a fact that she didn't cheat on me because we have the same group of friends, and my bros would never lied to me (Bros b4 Hoes), like I said earlier she just lost the "spark" in our relationship.
Oh, Ok. I can't speak for the Asian (Chinese) Society. What I said was for the Western Society. No Idea about other parts of the world. Use your best judgement.

But the fact remains: She did break up with you, so everything is not well and it probably hasn't been for a long time. As i said long-time long-distance Relationships don't work and i can't imagine that's different in Asia. Sure if a society is repressive enough that might prevent the partners from actually cheating. That still doesn't mean they don't resent it.

I am also doubtful regarding this whole "BrosB4Hoes" thing. 1. I know of several cases where they guy she cheated with was actually his best friend. And 2. it also ignores the fact that women are extremely skilled in hiding shit. They pay way more attention and also they need to learn to hide their sexual feelings/actions or risk being labeled "slut" or "loose". And i can not imagine that's any better in a more repressive society than it is here.
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atticus chen

Sep 3, 2018
Oh, Ok. I can't speak for the Asian (Chinese) Society. What I said was for the Western Society. No Idea about other parts of the world. Use your best judgement.

But the fact remains: She did break up with you, so everything is not well and it probably hasn't been for a long time. As i said long-time long-distance Relationships don't work and i can't imagine that's different in Asia. Sure if a society is repressive enough that might prevent the partners from actually cheating. That still doesn't mean they don't resent it.
Lol while I cant speak for all, the most popular kind of parenting style in China are call "tiger parenting", they literally map your career for you after you are born and they expect you to follow it.


Come for porn, leave in tears. Riveting game, great story telling, real connections between characters. LOVE IT!
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Deleted member 456595

This is a masterpiece

I've played this game about 4 times already


New Member
May 21, 2018
aw the moment i had o choose to save one in the fire... man i wish there was an ending with him living happily with both megan and melissa..


Mar 3, 2019
An absolutely wonderful game! Beautiful characters, great storyline, and VERY moving. Truly a landmark game! Melissa is gorgeous!!! Liam is hands down the best character of any game I have played. And that ending (well, I have only played it once so far, but I did NOT see that coming).

Love this game!
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Apr 18, 2018
God i hate the forced death, I came for a porn game not some tragic drama, Let me have my fun.

The game needs the tragic tag or something, I am so pissed right now.
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Deleted member 1299911

Man the feel's from this one, Great story and beautiful women.
I give this one a 9.5/10.
The story is so well done and i'm so looking forward to his next VN.
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4.60 star(s) 818 Votes