4.20 star(s) 57 Votes


Active Member
Nov 15, 2016
Currently the sentence means "let the desire for life live long"
for it to translate to "lust for live" the word used should be "begær" like: "Lad livs begær leve længe"
"Lust for life" would translate into "have lyst til livet". Implying you want to live life to the fullest with all that brings. While my English can be broken at times, I'm pretty sure I got my danish to at least a mediocre level.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
"Lust for life" would translate into "have lyst til livet". Implying you want to live life to the fullest with all that brings. While my English can be broken at times, I'm pretty sure I got my danish to at least a mediocre level.
Well, let's be honest - it's impossible to master Danish to anything above a mediocre level...
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Life's pretty Straight without twisties
Nov 16, 2016
Leave her in, she stood by her decision to make porn till the end, and her widower is still standing behind this... removing her would be an insult...

oh, and unrelated, isn't "livslyst" in the intro a single word?
thats a 3 letter word its danish in english translation it reads as Zest For Life


Jul 30, 2017

First let me say its a great game and a lot of work was put into it :)

Second i think the UI could use some improvements. Sometimes the actions are above the text and sometimes below. I figure you thought placing them under the text makes sense since you use them after reading the page so you would naturally be at the bottom of the page. However I find it that when im going through the same actions i tend not to read the passages and just click through stuff to get where i want.

What im trying to say is that i end up pressing "Page down" a lot.

So i thought about it for a bit and came up with the solution. You see the results in the image.
I created second bar on the right that contains all the actions you can take at the moment. You can toggle the bar on and off.

When it comes to the code there is a new Passage in twine that is basically a giant switch statement driven by a single variable that changes the possible actions and their results.

For now i did it only with the horse girl fight and since implementing it for the whole game is a lot of work, I wanted to run it through you guys to see if you think its a good idea or if it could be done better. Or if it should be done and shared at all.

For now the changes are only in my local copy i dont intend to distribute it in any way without the authors permission.
If you want to use my code PM me and ill send it to You.

PS.1 I also changed the passage and image size but that is just my personal preference. I find it easier to read when its wider.

PS.2 After importing game to twine 1 and running it again. I get a bug with the main camp, I get a lot of new lines (it correspond to number of daughters i have send to houses) The result is a lot of space between daughters in the camp and the end of the text. Any idea how to solve it?


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
Hello guys,

as usual I been too lazy to grind the game again and to mess with the sugar variables, so I made it a bit easier (Starting with lots of HP, Energy, Ressources). File attached.

Dear Beornwahl,

let me thank you for that nice and funny game. I'd like to give you my opinion in a short form :)

* Cheats would be nice (since you usually restart your game each update - I'm a lazy gamer, so I spent 1 hour searching, reading and understanding your code just to save time ingame later :) )
* The Cat-girl encounter in the plains seems a bit strange since we learn from desert cat-girl she is the last one?
* It would be awesome to have buttons top *and* down to skip unwanted / not interesting events and stuff (maybe even a "disable this event" check-box? Like the wood woman in the jungle I meet about 300 time through my quest to establish the piggy village).
* I don't understand why I need to fight the monster girls again, I just defeated them. Maybe there could be a chance they still resist? And a perk to decrease that? And maybe the peaceful ones could stay that way (Mice and Bunnies, Cows, ...). Also Girls born by Matriarch (and raised in love and obedience for the player should have a low to none chance to raise their hand... claw... paw... whatever against their father.
* Armor seem to have little to no effect? Can't find the calculation for player resistance neither.
* Why all girls so aggressive? Couldn't there be a chance (perk !?) to make them willingly follow you?
* Also I would love to have a proper heal. Can't heal up against a nymph? Meh.
* And a fair chance to avoid fights you don't want would be welcome. Like offer 2 Food to distract the monster...?

Just my cents :) and thanks for the fish... :p

Edit: * Wouldn't it be nice to have some statistics? Like how much food is produced per week, how much consumed, and stuff like that? Just so the player has a help to decide what to do next (need more food, build farm before village...)


Life's pretty Straight without twisties
Nov 16, 2016
How to get dragons 1 Meet tiamat keep visiting her 2 DO not build minitor thing Till After tiamat complet


Mar 28, 2017
How to get dragons 1 Meet tiamat keep visiting her 2 DO not build minitor thing Till After tiamat complet
Meet Tiamat, i build temple but now i cant meet tiamat again. I keep exploring plains but no second encounter with her


May 5, 2017
@Beornwahl In the hunting camps in the desert village, when you assign girls, they do get assigned but can not be seen in the hunting camps.
I've found and fixed the bug. Will release fix in next 1.1.4 update.

And thanks for taking the time to report it!
Big fan of the game, but I've discovered a problem recently in 1.2

I am having the same issue. Both of the desert huts are not showing the girls assigned to them, and are described as empty. The girls aren't kicked out of the village but they can not be assigned to multiple huts. I can't tell if the huts are adding to food because I have multiple villages providing food.


Game Developer
May 7, 2017

First let me say its a great game and a lot of work was put into it :)

Second i think the UI could use some improvements. Sometimes the actions are above the text and sometimes below. I figure you thought placing them under the text makes sense since you use them after reading the page so you would naturally be at the bottom of the page. However I find it that when im going through the same actions i tend not to read the passages and just click through stuff to get where i want.

What im trying to say is that i end up pressing "Page down" a lot.

So i thought about it for a bit and came up with the solution. You see the results in the image.
I created second bar on the right that contains all the actions you can take at the moment. You can toggle the bar on and off.

When it comes to the code there is a new Passage in twine that is basically a giant switch statement driven by a single variable that changes the possible actions and their results.

For now i did it only with the horse girl fight and since implementing it for the whole game is a lot of work, I wanted to run it through you guys to see if you think its a good idea or if it could be done better. Or if it should be done and shared at all.

For now the changes are only in my local copy i dont intend to distribute it in any way without the authors permission.
If you want to use my code PM me and ill send it to You.

PS.1 I also changed the passage and image size but that is just my personal preference. I find it easier to read when its wider.

PS.2 After importing game to twine 1 and running it again. I get a bug with the main camp, I get a lot of new lines (it correspond to number of daughters i have send to houses) The result is a lot of space between daughters in the camp and the end of the text. Any idea how to solve it?
Interesting! A way to bypass all that awful writing! We could try to make it an alternative version on the next update?

You could then design it the way you prefer with passage and image size (which other folks have mentioned to desire changed). Maybe an even bigger text. Who knows.

I'll add it to the front page if you're interested.

Hello guys,

as usual I been too lazy to grind the game again and to mess with the sugar variables, so I made it a bit easier (Starting with lots of HP, Energy, Ressources). File attached.

Dear Beornwahl,

let me thank you for that nice and funny game. I'd like to give you my opinion in a short form :)

* Cheats would be nice (since you usually restart your game each update - I'm a lazy gamer, so I spent 1 hour searching, reading and understanding your code just to save time ingame later :) )
* The Cat-girl encounter in the plains seems a bit strange since we learn from desert cat-girl she is the last one?
* It would be awesome to have buttons top *and* down to skip unwanted / not interesting events and stuff (maybe even a "disable this event" check-box? Like the wood woman in the jungle I meet about 300 time through my quest to establish the piggy village).
* I don't understand why I need to fight the monster girls again, I just defeated them. Maybe there could be a chance they still resist? And a perk to decrease that? And maybe the peaceful ones could stay that way (Mice and Bunnies, Cows, ...). Also Girls born by Matriarch (and raised in love and obedience for the player should have a low to none chance to raise their hand... claw... paw... whatever against their father.
* Armor seem to have little to no effect? Can't find the calculation for player resistance neither.
* Why all girls so aggressive? Couldn't there be a chance (perk !?) to make them willingly follow you?
* Also I would love to have a proper heal. Can't heal up against a nymph? Meh.
* And a fair chance to avoid fights you don't want would be welcome. Like offer 2 Food to distract the monster...?

Just my cents :) and thanks for the fish... :p

Edit: * Wouldn't it be nice to have some statistics? Like how much food is produced per week, how much consumed, and stuff like that? Just so the player has a help to decide what to do next (need more food, build farm before village...)
*It seems you've gat the cheats all covered, matey! But I agree, I usual play with (or make for personal use) cheats meself.
*The encounter in the plains is not actually a cat-girl (sorry to split hairs - cat-hairs!) but a Lamassu, the plains being heavy in Mesopotamian influence contra the cat-girls Egyptian.
*In regards to a skip button Polip1339 has worked on something that might help. Interesting stuff, really.
*The re-defeating of monster-girls is indeed not entirely artistically justified - it was simply easier to code. There also needed an action to apply the function, the dominance fight seemed alright, and so I can't really remove it or make it possible to circumvent the action without rewriting an awful amount of code. Sorry.
*Battle code, and armour, was never my strong suit (or interest for that matter). And looking through the code you're clearly right. The code only takes armour into account when finding out what battle description to use - not in regards to health! I'll start fixing it, and it should be done by next update. Cheers for the heads up!
*When you say all girls are aggressive, do you mean monster-girls? Right now the plan is to add more 'events' where you meet willing creatures, also from races that are usually hostile. But this is some time away.
*I can buff the heal, but in return it should only have a limited number use, which will take time implementing (don't hold your breath). I will, however, put it on the to-do list.
*Good point. I always thought that the current escape chance needed a rework. Again, it will take time.
* All the statistics were part of the Domain page, which was cut shortly after release due to numerous bugs. It's been on the to do list ever since, but is not my strong suit (holy Dickens, what is my strong suit?!?!).

Thanks bunches and bunches for the feed-back! Lots to work on!!!


Jul 30, 2017
A way to bypass all that awful writing!
I didn't mean it like that :D The writing is great and obviously a great deal of work was put into it. Its just that when you read something for the nth time it just doesn't matter how good it is :p

I'll add it to the front page if you're interested.
My question is whether you're interested. I just edited one passage as a proof of concept. I can do the rework for the existing passages but most probably i wont maintain the mod for the future updates. I was asking if you want to add this to the main build. Since the right toolbar is toggle-able you could even use both solutions at once if you so prefer ;)

If you don't want to add this to the main build i don't see the point of me rewriting the code.

What im trying to say is :
If you want to add it to the main build i can refactor the existing code but you would have to keep using the convention in the future updates.
If you're not interested i won't bother since it would be only for version 1.2 and would soon be outdated :D

Damn i read what i wrote and I have a feeling im not really clear :D


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
Big fan of the game, but I've discovered a problem recently in 1.2

I am having the same issue. Both of the desert huts are not showing the girls assigned to them, and are described as empty. The girls aren't kicked out of the village but they can not be assigned to multiple huts. I can't tell if the huts are adding to food because I have multiple villages providing food.
I can't see the bug in the code at first glance. But I've tried to do some overwrites.
Would you mind testing the function of the first hunting hut in contrast to the second in this test version:


Game Developer
May 7, 2017
I didn't mean it like that :D The writing is great and obviously a great deal of work was put into it. Its just that when you read something for the nth time it just doesn't matter how good it is :p

My question is whether you're interested. I just edited one passage as a proof of concept. I can do the rework for the existing passages but most probably i wont maintain the mod for the future updates. I was asking if you want to add this to the main build. Since the right toolbar is toggle-able you could even use both solutions at once if you so prefer ;)

If you don't want to add this to the main build i don't see the point of me rewriting the code.

What im trying to say is :
If you want to add it to the main build i can refactor the existing code but you would have to keep using the convention in the future updates.
If you're not interested i won't bother since it would be only for version 1.2 and would soon be outdated :D

Damn i read what i wrote and I have a feeling im not really clear :D
In the main build you say... it certainly looks more streamlined...
How much work is needed? Can it be done overall'ish, or do I have to edit every single passage that contains choices, if the latter, then I'm SKEPTICAL!

That would be writing and knowledge but if you need help coding i could do that. Just tell me which changes you need done ;)
If you can figure out what is the problem with the Domain passage that would be great. I believe the problems revolved around it being exceedingly poor math...


Jul 30, 2017
In the main build you say... it certainly looks more streamlined...
How much work is needed? Can it be done overall'ish, or do I have to edit every single passage that contains choices, if the latter, then I'm SKEPTICAL!
Every passage would need to be edited but i can deal with that, you would just have to use the new way of adding actions.

If you can figure out what is the problem with the Domain passage that would be great. I believe the problems revolved around it being exceedingly poor math...
I can look into that tomorrow.


Active Member
Apr 22, 2017
Dear Boerwahl,

thanks for reply and clarification.

(for me all cat-girls are cat girls, like all in-game cows are same... there could be more (cow-, cat- ....)races, (cow- ...)tribes... when your finished with your plans and get bored. :D

For the armor I thought about something like this:
If ($damage - $playerDefense) > 0 set $playerHP = $playerHP - ($damage - $playerDefense)

set $playerHP = $playerHP - ($damage - $playerDefense) could become positive by high defense stat (Example defense 20, incoming damage 19 = + 1 HP and heals you what wouldn't really fit... . So I suggest to have a pre-check about that, the if condition. If damage higher than defense change HP, else just do nothing.

Bonus is, statement works without new variables. Could be shorter maybe but it's been a while I was working with html so pls don't lough about syntax ;) take it as a general idea... I would like to replace the statement but I got no time to test it, will report back when I found time for a test.

About the aggressive girls, yes, I meant the monster ones. Like strolling in the fields, meeting a cow, I just have the feel there should be a chance she is just happy to meet (or hungry) and follow you into your stable (I understand that this means extra coding, don't worry, if you understand and like the idea, put in on your "when the game is finished and still I want to put some extra into" list). Just a suggestion / idea.

Heal probably fixed automatically when armor is fixed :) ... player won't get that bad damage and won't need a bigger heal.

For the statistics. As far as I see the maths are $Food -= ($MonsterChildren*1) and set $Food -= ($Children*2)
If player runs out of food (or winter) it will use same amount preserved food.

So for statistics it would be enough to have a new variable $Consumption shown at the side?
Set $Consumption = (MonsterChildren + ($Children*2))
Not sure if html can handle it without () so I added them :)



May 5, 2017
I can't see the bug in the code at first glance. But I've tried to do some overwrites.
Would you mind testing the function of the first hunting hut in contrast to the second in this test version:
Test version did not seem to change results. I tried removing people from the village in an attempt to reassign people to other locations but it appears that once they are assigned to a hunting hut they can not work at any other location, in fact they don't even come up as an option. i used save before and after building the huts but to no success. In simple terms, nothing appears to have changed.

Thank you for your quick replies and help to bug-fix, it's more down-to-earth than most game developers I've talked to.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
I couldn't figure out the one with no one showing in the hunting huts but I think it was mountains or desert where the 5th house shows empty, then all of the girls are actually in house 4. Was an easy fix, was just pointed to show them in the wrong house. Forgot to fix it in my compressed 1.2 version, oops.
Sep 11, 2017
Just making mention of a minor bug but apparently bunny/24sex and bunny/24sex1 are .gif files yet the game is trying to search for .jpg images instead. Presumably that's causing the files to not open during the sex scene when triggered.
4.20 star(s) 57 Votes