alright got a couple bugs and other stuff to report
aqua's buff spell boosted by combo counter doesn't quite work the way it's supposed to. in the fight against
shadow? in the tomb i had stacked 40+ combo and used it all on aqua buff spell while not under confusion. it said in the pre cast estimate that it'd be active for over 14(?) or more turns. but after casting it only lasted for 4 turns... that sucked majorly for me as you can imagine. when i tried this a second time my dumb ass didn't wait for confusion to wear off... and it correctly was applied to an enemy for 10+ turns...
shadow(?) fight bugged in the usual manner with the boss' shield count locking in as 'stunned' but still allowed them to attack. made the fight drag a long time for me since yunyun and chris were down and only kazuma and aqua were still standing... aqua really needs her resurrection skill. i had to kill the boss using items and combo counter kazuma create element spells... easily a 30+ min fight due to that.
MP growth via willpower with roxy training doesn't seem to increase the MP like it did with bath meditation.
graphic stuff, not a bug really per definition i don't think. i did notice a LOT of lag during the new dream scene with bae even on low res mode.

fucked with high res too, but that caused strobe light on lowest level type frame skipping... or maybe better said send me a new potato.... >_> minor lag and small frame skipping during the heist 'movie' scene. job well done otherwise that's pretty innovative ngl.
#5 not a bug, but building materials drop at a lower rate than fortune stones do. might need fixed or it's drop rate increased depending on location (like bandit hideout, etc). but another idea could be every 3rd time kazuma works construction he is gifted (or steals) some materials. and adding onto that idea could be something to have a choice for night construction, either kazuma could work hard and earn some ever so often or he could opt to steal some and not even work that day. with steal option having a 5 or 10% chance of getting caught (without lurk skill) and more debt added onto him and days to jail count reduced instead of extended.
that all said props to you for the new quest system for kazuma and the gang. i like it quite a bit. also when's that qol improvement with affection count appearing on the main girls menu?
edit: please consider adding in a crap ton of equipment in the next update. kazuma needs a bow that isn't garbage, the archwizards and goddess of the toilet needs some staff equipment. and we could really use something that gives mana regen per turn. god know i do not want another 30+ min boss fight that bugs on me without mana regen... i hate relying on consumable items like that.
edit 2: might be an idea to give vanir's mask cosmetic +5 dodge rate for kicks. (normally i'd say luck increase, but i think his crit rate is pretty balanced as is)