trying to do Kayla, went off and had sex with Ivy, but when i click on Kayla she just tells me to fuck off... any work arounds or fixes?
**EDIT** NM, I'm an idiot... i misread the walkthrough and thought i had to have sex with Ivy then go talk to Kayla who'd give me the tattoo quest, but it's actually Ivy who gives that quest... Basically what i get for clicking straight through dialogue XD
But does anyone know a fix for a dialogue glitch? when i was at the doll house in the room with like 5 dolls (for me at least) i got excited and clicked on the collection button while Willy was picking up a doll and now it says Trophy Doll over his head no matter what's going on. I can kinda live with it, but it makes reading his dialogue a bit tricky sometimes