1. Give the son a NORMAL sized dick.Funny, I think it's hot AF. Big titties, pregnant sex with creampie, twice? Sign me up.
What would you change?
2. Show the dreams the mom was having.
3. Give her a masturbation scene or two. And stop it with the talking in her sleep cliche.
4. Fuck off with the tongue-in-cheek side story about the son developing a hentai game.
5. Fuck off with all of his internal monologuing. That's time that could be better spent doing hers.
6. Going back to #3, give her more intimate and private moments alone before you let the cat out of the bag and turn the whole damn thing into a giant vanilla milkshake.
It was so cringe and poorly written how the son found out, then just straight up tells his own mother, "I've always wanted to fuck you." Like she's some chick he knew from school and not the woman who raised him. And her reaction is a plain ass, "Why didn't you ever tell me?" Like, dude, WTF. How do you write that, read it to yourself and think, "Yeah, this sounds about right. For incest." Hate when people do mother-son stories and try to depict them as equals instead of just letting the mom be the pervert for five minutes.
Oh yeah, and the cunnilingus/analingus scenes were horrendous. Showing her body and facial expressions while she's getting head from her son would be 10x hotter than zooming in on her crack so much that you only see a hole and a tongue for three lines of dialog and then it's over.
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