3.40 star(s) 59 Votes


New Member
Jul 6, 2019
I've buged my game i got the study folder then my laptop died when i opened the game up and loaded my save did the bit where i toke the study folder to Vera now it's night and i can't sleep at all and when i reload the save to when it was day i can't movie time forwood


Sep 20, 2021
I restart a new game but am still stuck in the same place. What's more, the pass button is not working this time. Now I am tired of this buggy game. If someone seeing this hasn't paly this game yet, I highly recommend you CLOSE this thread.


2022-02-02 215604.png
Nov 20, 2019
what is the deference with incest patch 1 and 2? what do they do? also im supposed to meet josie at her apartment but when i go she is not there even when her icon says she is
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New Member
May 1, 2020
Darkpianis,帖子:7456715,成员:1383204 said:
经过一些测试后,我认为游戏的问题在于保存系统本身,就我所得到的而言,游戏有两种不同的进度跟踪方式,第一种是所有人都进行保存和加载的常规系统,另一个系统是一个隐藏的跟踪器,它显示或隐藏某些事件或位置,以通过显示您将在游戏后期解锁的位置或选项来防止错误。这在游戏的完整常规会话中运行足够流畅,当您从头开始重新启动游戏(alt+f4 或任何常规关闭方法)时,麻烦就来了,因为“常规系统”会保存您所在的屏幕、时间和钱,但不能保存的是事件和可解锁的隐藏跟踪器。因此,您可以玩游戏的唯一方法是在 A SINGLE countinuos 中运行,



我测试这一切的方法是重新执行第一个任务,直到你第一次可以提前计时器,这会在你的保存中解锁该选项,同时这会解锁睡眠选项。但是您会丢失在上一次运行中解锁的所有地方,例如您朋友的房子或老师的房子。在这种状态下,您将被软锁定,直到您重新启动游戏并在新的游戏槽中再次解锁它们。这一切都意味着,为了玩游戏,你必须在一个会话中完成......嗯,这是你可以做到的,但我不能,因为我已经失去了 3 个小时左右的时间来测试和试图“修复”或至少了解游戏中的主要问题是保存系统本身(或者这就是我认为的)。



所以,最后,继续做好工作,如果可以的话,解决问题,如果你需要游戏音乐,告诉我,我可以做一些循环或其他事情,至少可以消除沉默。早安/晚安或对所有 xD 的任何东西。到目前为止,我很喜欢这个游戏,但请解决问题 =D 和平!
yes, just like you said,just wait till it fixed.


Apr 26, 2019
im in the same situation, i saved and quit the game, loaded back and i cant do the quests even i cant sleep
this version is all bug
Well after some test I found in the discord of the game that for some reason Unity Has two folders where places two stages of our saved games.

The first is in the main folder of the game "C:\FolderwhereYOUinstalledthegame\Afterglow v0.2.5d winx86_64\Afterglow_Data\Saves".

In there the game will save the quest state and the INGAME progress, money, etc.

The Second folder, and the location that has given problems to us is in "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Soft Moan\Afterglow"

In there the game will save the HIDDEN progress of the game, the locations that you have unlocked, lab, home of your friend, home of your teacher. I guess that the system is in that way in order to prevent that we access places out of order, but this solution has a huge problem, the second folder, for some reason, restarts every time we close the game, so, in short, you WILL have problems with your save files if you (for whatever reason) close the game and then re-open it.

So, if you want to experience all the game. DO NOT CLOSE IT even for once. Also try to avoid sleeping in your bed if you want to advance time, instead use the option in the upper corner of the game. AND ONLY USE THE BED in the last hour of the day, if you need to change from day to day- Example: Monday to Tuesday. This is because you can be soft locked in the same day, because the bed bugs itself and only skips time in the same day.

If you want to look only the new stuff, Try deleting: "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Soft Moan\Afterglow" and then use the save file that comes with the game.

And that's it. I wish all good luck. The game has great renders and the story is fun enough to give it a try.

PS: if you can't leave the room in the tutorial section of the game or doesn't found your ID, you must restart your play-trough inside the game until you can leave by clicking in the bed, the closet, the computer and nightstand.


Apr 26, 2019
how do you forward time when stuck?
Depends of the moment, if you are stuck at the beginning of the game, you should restart, if you are stuck in later parts of the game the sad truth is that you will need to re-do the progress until that part, because you could do the prologue and unlock the option to forward time but then you lose the locations that you have previously unlocked. Again, My advice is that you play the game in a single run. That prevents this error from happening. The devs are already working in fixing the issue, but in this moment the only solution is that.
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3.40 star(s) 59 Votes