An idea how to keep food and shower mechanics without the grind:
Abstract it. Assume MC is eating regularly. At the end of each day reduce his cash by 20 (or whatever you think appropriate) - if not enough in the account, next day he's "hungry" and has all the downsides it brings with it. This way the player doesn't need to go and eat all the time - but he can if he chooses to or if it's a part of some event or something. In this case no money is taken, the assumption being that whatever the daily cost is covered it.
Also abstract it. Just assume MC showers regularly. If you want the player to shower from time to time (because random events are triggered by it or something), he can get the "dirty" status after using the gym (or, well, doing other activities

). It will last until the end of the day (because we assume MC showers before/after sleep) or until the player does it manually.
Also, I think replacing navigation with icons for each room would be an improvement. Apparently I'm not the only one confused by it, and also the corridors aren't all that pretty. And as an upside, should there be a need for additional rooms, it would be easier for you to add an icon than to add additional confusing corridors.