
Jul 21, 2017
Can anyone help with the frequent CTD's? Tjis game crashed so frequently it's damn near unplayable for me. My PC is no potato mind you. 17-8700, 16GB and RTX2070 with updated drivers. Using the R2 better repack.
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Oct 25, 2019
Is there any way to change the button to start sex? My mouse wheel is damaged and I can't start sex help please


Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Hey there!
since a few Days ingame the Count numbers by chiping Items are disapeared= View attachment 461149
I´m using now the mod from Eroshane looks good, I dont use VSync, and the Fps in Loading Screen going up to 200Fps!!
Formerly max 60 its just faster loading a save as before. Ingame my Fps are around 20. down to 6 up to 40.
In Game sind das durch den Eroshane .zipmod ca 10-15% mehr Fps als vorher die mini Zahlen kommen von meiner relativ alten Graka- Gts450(2013).
Thanks to all in this Forum giving Tipps for Tweaking Gamesettings and this thinks.
for all Newbees !
Please read this Tread since Side 50(ca) ,after that you could ask a Question they may be all answered somewhere.
Going to be cranking out a v1.0.3 beta soon... Already recoded it twice today... Finally figured out how to mod the clip plane and messing with culling features now (anything clipped is unloaded from memory until you get near again). I had my own FPS up to 121 for a moment, then the sunset and two girls ran up to me and I dropped down into the 90s... LOL!
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Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
Can anyone help with the frequent CTD's? Tjis game crashed so frequently it's damn near unplayable for me. My PC is no potato mind you. 17-8700, 16GB and RTX2070 with updated drivers. Using the R2 better repack.
Check back in a few hours... I'll have a strip down optimization mod going up... I released the first the day before yesterday I think, maybe yesterday, I already have coded the 4th iteration... so v1.0.3 beta will be out sometime this evening...

If you go back a couple pages I have the mod and some teaser screenies...
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Nov 2, 2019
It acts entirely logical if you're japanese
*chuckles* That might be true. :D

Thanks for reminding me of the shortcut.
If you aren't doing this you are pretty much doing it wrong from square one... She cannot "date" you by herself...
Uuh mine did. I never have her in toe (never saw a point to it) and suddenly after speaking with the Merchant, there she was and wanted to make love. Right there in front of poor Shan. :O

But the nearest completed stat I have now is Tsubomi's (old trans screwed up her name) Instinct since a full/capped stat is a 9999 score. As you can see I am not a fan of vigilance but due to that I can never have an actual wife toon... Chastity is about to pass out and Astarte is about to get sick... LOL!
Interesting... yikes how long did you let it run? That must have taken ages. Lil' Ifalnas stats took 21 ingame hours. :D
Thanks for the explanation though.

BTW: I tried your mod, from what I can see, I get around 10% improved FPS (33-34 instead of 30).
1070GTX @1440p, naturally all details cranked to the max.
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Active Member
Sep 7, 2019
*chuckles* That might be true. :D

Thanks for reminding me of the shortcut.

Uuh mine did. I never have her in toe (never saw a point to it) and suddenly after speaking with the Merchant, there she was and wanted to make love. Right there in front of poor Shan. :O

Interesting... yikes how long did you let it run? That must have taken ages. Lil' Ifalnas stats took 21 ingame hours. :D
Thanks for the explanation though.

BTW: I tried your mod, from what I can see, I get around 10% improved FPS (33-34 instead of 30).
1070GTX @1440p, naturally all details cranked to the max.
What about framerate stability though? Should be a lot less stutter and random issues... I just finished compiling another C# dll without any errors. Things are looking good on getting the next one out asap...


New Member
Jun 30, 2019
Hey all,
Just wondering if there is a better penis mod for the female futa ?
All I have currently is the mosaic orange looking thing on my female pc.
Though I want to play this character, the orange mess is not doing it for me.

Thanks for any tips etc in this regard.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2018
Can anyone help me with this?
In the top right corner it says NEXT let's go to a different island by
and nothing else, what do I do? Is there only one island?
Also is there only 2 people in the whole island? The shop clerk that walks around and the default person?
Lastly are all the positions mostly in the house with the jaccuzi, horse, stocks, etc.


New Member
Nov 10, 2019
Ahhhhh... Okay yeah... #1, this game slams my OCed i7 octo @ 4.99Ghz when decision refresh time comes around. The black or missing shader issue is a lack of memory issue. Most people with integrated graphics are experiencing issues as it seems the game itself hates you... LOL! Seriously, I dumped my old Titan card for an OCed newer one with little improvements. Maybe overall 30% gains but far less noticable than you would expect. Moved the game to one of my Samsung EVO 860 1TB SSDs and only noticed a small improvement, mostly in load times, but not throwing a lot of FPS my way. Manually setup my internal FPS limiter to 300, which gave me +5 stable fps or so commonly but again, not much. I've got a Cyberpower Fang III Black Mamba gaming PC, with an ASUS Z390 PRIME gaming motherboard, OCed Intel i7 8th Gen octocore CPU, OCed ASUS/Nvidia Cerberus GTX 1050Ti, 32GB DDR4 Ripjaws RAM, dual radiator liquid cooled system with 8 induction and 8 exhaust case fans and a GIGAbyte ODIN Pro 1200w PSU pushing all that... AND I STILL GET QUIRKY BEHAVIORS! I see people with even newer PCs that would OUTPERFORM MINE (which was ordered, built, modded for designing Unity Engine based games no less!) that are having problems with glitchiness and random troubles like big FPS drops, freezing, lag, ugly aliasing, etc...

The game is just buggy AF... I am sure that in time more integrated graphics fixes will come around, but just consider the reality... Most guys that are working on the mods and patching game engine framework issues, poor optimization, etc., are going to have at/about my computer or better (one they sold their souls for, unless they are very wealthy individuals, as my base cost was just over $6K then I have invested a lot into it since, likely about $3K more little by little, and I couldn't afford it to be honest, I just paid this thing off 6 months ago or so after 3 years of payments). They are going to optimize the game to run respectably on higher end machines first. As they do they may drop mods that turn down/off some effects since they were already in there modding them anyway, it's simple and requires no time to make a copy and edit a file you just edited and make a stripped down version. However, I have no way to test on board graphics compatibility or troubleshoot such... The only thing I have integrated graphics on in the house is my work Tablet/PC, which is totally incapable of running this game.

I am sure that there will be folks working on it, hate to be a Debbie-downer, but realistically, I cannot really offer significant help. I can try killing as many graphical processes as I can without making the game unplayable then letting you test that file and see if it helps or is too low graphics etc, then adjust it up from there until it starts to break things again, but since we are in contact through a forum, the back and forth will likely be a few days apart between one version and the next, since you will also need time to test and comment back on issues, and whatnot... LOL!

Wish Illusion wasn't so anal about outside Japan support... Would make all of this MUCH simpler...
It's all good honestly the main issue really is the game itself if so many people have to do this much work to make it decently playable...guess ill just wait it out. But some tips from earlier posts helped me out if you haven't done them already. For instance going to settings/system/display/graphic settings and changing the ai syoujyo.exe to high performance created a huge difference for me and im sure your computer is waaaay more powerful than mine lmao but best of luck to you though!


Jun 19, 2018
Can anyone help with the frequent CTD's? Tjis game crashed so frequently it's damn near unplayable for me. My PC is no potato mind you. 17-8700, 16GB and RTX2070 with updated drivers. Using the R2 better repack.

#2,575 have a I7 4790k @4ghz, msi gaming x 1070, 16gb ram 1866 ddr3. monitor 1080p (TV 32 size)

I maked a lot of test, but i'm not a programmer and i don't know how solve the problems that i found.

I tested BR v 1.3-R, run well, 60 fps with lows to 40-45 fps, but stable ( i searched mods in the repack and i found one that help a lot for stability, is one in graphics setting that fix shadows %, and the other is a mod for lights) tested @ 1080p all settings on and only 1/4 render.

then i tested BR v 2.0R. 48-50fps with downs to 24-30 fps, cuts,lag and it's goes not well. (texture mods, HD skins and others setting than improve visual effects but made my experience worst.

Then i finally found a ISO of the game and i downloaded-
I install clear game, tested first with all patch in order -25 october -31 october 11 november.
and then with clear game and only 11 november patch.
In both cases, after clean install i apply HF patch AI 1.0 by manlymarco (he does hf for Koikatsu)

Well, conclusions, game run better for me than repack 2.0 @ 1080p because its a clear installation and dont have many mods.
And with the clear installation i missed the shadows mod to down shadows in the world, or maybe apply hard shadows for distant object, i readed that smooth shadows uses more resources from CPU and hard shadow only affects vga. Then i tried work with nvidia panel, disable AA (better antialisng 1.4 mod), and other setting from game and aply vga configuration. (this worked with AA2 and koikatsu) and work good but movement was rare.

Then i came to the conclusion that the problem was not the game, was my PC that not had the power or requeriment for the game @1080p with all settings, i frecuently read VN and usually at 1280x720 runs well, so i tested with 1280x720 , 1367x768 and 1600x900, on 1280 and 1367 game runs good but no look so great, and with 1600x900 looks good but text was blurry. At 1600x900 with all settings on, render normal runs smoothy without fps down (40-50% cpu, and 80-100% vga use), but with blurry text. the game is graphically heavy.

I search again in BepInEx folder- Translation- en- Text- Main (and i found the damm file that i want) UI and UI_resizer.

Ui_resiser have the text sizes
MapScene/MapUI(Clone)/CommandCanvas/MenuUI(Clone)/CellularUI/Interface Panel/StatusUI(Clone)/Content/AgentContent/Flavor/Reliability/Text=ChangeFontSizeByPercentage(1.0) (mine)
MapScene/MapUI(Clone)/CommandCanvas/MenuUI(Clone)/CellularUI/Interface Panel/StatusUI(Clone)/Content/AgentContent/Flavor/joshi-pow/Text=ChangeFontSizeByPercentage(0.65)

i modify some lines and tested, and work, text is bigger in screen :) but i don't know how change font to make better readable and less blurry (with Vn is usual try a lot of font and choose the bigger or better readable and i need help. i dont know where o wich files modify font tipe, i liked the font and size of better repack 1.3 but i dont know where search, i want copy font and size of BR 1.3-r to apply to my clean installation or to repack 2.0) if you or someone will help me with this i really apreciate. If you need help with test for graphics settings tell me how can i help, i'm not a programmer but i can follow instruction

so download iso game, 11-08 patch and hf patch 1.0, and install in the same order - game, oficial patch and hf patch (test without mods or with default configuration) and play with Cpuid Hwmonitor or some program that keep real temperature and use of CPU and vga, maybe temp are to high and cause crush, otherwise cheeck on internet more stable drivers for your vga, with a 1070 i have 376,09 and never want update because the posterior cause stuttering and i had AMD for 10 years, so i know that with new releases nvidia underperform olds vgas. 2070 are on the market, so test the best drivers for your pc, new is not always better.

and my screen of what you need to check in your pc 11.jpg 11.jpg

my cpu reach 60-62º and no problems
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Nov 8, 2019
Hey, so ive been playing a bit and im struggling a little.

Does anyone have a guide to max out girls quickly?
And or a save file with items which can be given to the girls to max them out quicker ?

Also though ive activated 4 and put them all in the house i can only ever find one and only after i wait a while...any ideas how to get them all to show up and stay put lol The call phone feature does nothing :?

I have 4 girls but they all hate me which is kind of defeating the fantasy island feel lol

Thanks :)


New Member
Nov 23, 2017
Im not sure if this has been discussed previously but what mod do i have to get rid of to fix this Render Problem.png


Nov 8, 2019
:ROFLMAO: That said you should find a "mod that changes yourself" instead of maxing the girl's stats ... Don't be angry, it's a joke!
LOL all joking aside how do you play this game lol and is there a cheat to fast track , as ive played for hours and the girl just lies in bed (might be dead) and i cant equp the tools ive made and im literally just wasting my time.
The translation is very poor (why is this?) and i rarely have a clue what to do as the info is jibberish.
Any ideas? :?


New Member
Apr 25, 2018
I download ver.R2 by ScrewThisNoise , but the mods folder is not working.It's sad "[Error :Sideloader] Failed to load archive "AI_UncensorSelector_Base.zipmod" with error: System.NotSupportedException: Encoding 932 data could not be found. Make sure you have correct international codeset assembly installed and enabled."
I missing something ?
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