So I have been playing this game quite a lot myself and ended up wondering what the game was mostly missing in my eyes.
And I came to the conclusion that it was an incentive to keep playing because of the lack of challenge and consequences.
Especially after you're done unlocking everything, there's not really much to keep you playing actively.
So I have been thinking, what would you guys think about unlocking survival components for the main character?
Instead of being a passive god managing the girls, I felt it would add challenge and more interesting gameplay mechanics
if the MC also had his own needs to manage (which would pretty much turns the game into something closer to The Sims).
Let's just imagine the MC's tab on the phone with like 6 gauges or so:
-Hunger -> need to cook and eat. Low hunger -> MC can't run anymore, only walk.
-Bladder -> need to use restrooms. Low Bladder -> can't craft, can't gather.
-Sleep -> need to use bed to regen and sit to freeze the gauge. Low sleep -> MC faints (force sleep where you stand for X hours)
-Cleanliness -> need to shower. Low Clean -> Decrease the girls' mood when interacting with them.
-Fun/Mood -> need to gather or H. Low Fun/Mood -> same effect as "Deep Darkness", thus making the girls tired when interacting with them.
-Temperature -> sensible to climate, need to manage body temp with drinks etc or interacting with a fireplace/fan. Any affliction (cold/heat) -> Can't H.
(Other than Temperature, I imagine all those gauges to be very slow so the game doesn't turn into an annoyance. MC should be able to last 2-5 days without sleeping for example)
Unfortunately, I am no programmer at all and I have no idea if these are even possible to mod into the game or not.
But when I see talented modders like
EroShane who clearly appreciates the game and want it to last.
I felt like it wouldn't hurt to throw this idea, just in case someone shares a similar feeling and might be able/interested to
make it real.
What do you guys think? C: