
Oct 27, 2019
Is there a save with fully leveld up AI´s ? :)
WHaiiii would you want fully leveled AI's from someone else... the skills don't transfer to characters..... your characters don't get the skills those AI's had in that game, they'd all be square one... I mean if you just want to watch random girls mess around with developed ai's okay... but... kinda defeats the purpose of you cultivating your own girls to level and independence.
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Oct 31, 2019
Trainer from ching chong website
I create a notepad so you guys can understand the function of the trainer
My ching chong is a bit rusty so yeah

I upload it to a different website


Oct 27, 2019
Great, so is there an Guide on how to train the Girls ? :/
my advice on guiding you is... at least with the english translation some of it is straight forward... she learns herself. She learns through you, and the other girls... my main girl got the lifestyle Driver. Which means she's autonomous and independent, she collects materials and food on her own... reason why is cuz she seems to have worked on her instinct a lot... a previous playthrough she came to me talking about injuring herself and feeling useless and not able to do things by herself... this go-round she aced her independence \o/ ... some of the shit they do is on their own exploration so you couldn't 100% control it... unless you sit there and toss books on stats to level them up. Eroshare divulged information here about the stats.
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Jul 11, 2017
Hello there. Since i got no reply(a few pages before) I found it out by myself....because of the free mode. When you reached the new island, it seems this is the end. Then you have to start a new game and now the free Mode is available. But for me there is no great Difference to the normal Mode. So far i can see only from the Beginning that the map is fully open. Is this the only new one? because then for mi it is no use.
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New Member
Nov 2, 2019
Anyone know what the character traits (desires?) do in terms of gameplay? For example. if i have a girl who have intelligence, Endurance and Loyalty will she more likely to harvest and collect items than if she doesn't have that trait? Did combined trait will work better than single trait for certain purpose?
I'm intrigued by this as I love how trait works on other illusions games, but i'm in the dark with this one.
Anyone figured these out yet?
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Sep 17, 2019

after install BR1.3 this^ is still causing Crashes on my SteamMaschine handkurbel Pc
I deletet this and now it starts again.
*edit: I think it was the Mod Setting (F1) that dont work for me ,ever i set something in it my game crashed.
Dieses ModFenster kann ja auch im GameStartfenster aufgerufen werden- dort dann alles zurückgesetzt , und mein Spiel startet ich wollte doch eine unzensierte Frau treffen_:(
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New Member
Nov 1, 2019
eeh.. i got some performance issues, hoping theres someone here that can has a clue if this can be fixed

all of the ingame options except for shadows and texture quality have no visual effect, and none of them have effect on performance
all of the mod menu options have no performance effect
the launcher performance/quality presets do nothing aswell
when im in main menu im gettin 130fps (should be 1300 from whats on the screen)
in editor (havent played the actual game yet) im gettin unstable framerate that flies from 60 to 30 making the game constantly stutter (even with vsync is off)
when i change the pose animation to the last one (the static one), the framerate "stabilizes" at around 70-80

here be comparisons: (the first 2 show the disparity on basic character animation, the last is the static animation)
also when the cursor is moved outside the game window, the framerate gets boosted (to unstable 80 with basic animation, and to stable 120 with static animation)
(the mod option to reduce game quality whilst not in fucus has no impact on this, in visual quality or in affecting the fps)
the game will also stutter every second if i have framerate budget of 120 available, and i set vsync to play the game at 30fps

is there maybe some config file or option that i missed? or is this simply OnUpdate hate fuck unity coding
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Dec 2, 2017
This one seems to be about character building the girls though... If you don't become intrigued by the growth of the girls and their progress into their self-realization, then yeah, I can see the game not being of much interest. However, at 80+ hours, the girl's dialogue has still yet to repeat itself on my first long form playthrough. I am taking my time in each section and unlocking everything while completing all side tasks... I am impressed by this one, I feel this is Illusion's best game so far as an actual game.
There is something missing, the build up girls was the main part for the other illusin games just with a different setting like school and so on. For AI-Syoujyo, i did hope that it would be a little bit more like ' Lost in Blue '. A bit more adventure, a bit more story, reasonable surviving with consequences, H containing pregnancy + birth, and way more effort to get closer to the girls (not the just, lets do it > yes thingy). At least in my opinion, it would make it a masterpiece and i would for sure play this way more than 10 hrs.


Oct 27, 2019
There is something missing, the build up girls was the main part for the other illusin games just with a different setting like school and so on. For AI-Syoujyo, i did hope that it would be a little bit more like ' Lost in Blue '. A bit more adventure, a bit more story, reasonable surviving with consequences, H containing pregnancy + birth, and way more effort to get closer to the girls (not the just, lets do it > yes thingy). At least in my opinion, it would make it a masterpiece and i would for sure play this way more than 10 hrs.
yeah well... when they announced it coming so soon at near the end of october... I didn't have that kinda expectation XD. True masterpieces is what we all want... it's a time passer for me. Interesting and hopefully as people really dig into the moddable parts it becomes much more interesting xD. Otherwise, if I had the damn resources and you know, not limited funds, and the crew to do the job... if we all had that, then masterpieces would be drowning this world xD


Aug 6, 2018
If someone could unlighten me, I'm a bit confused, What's the difference between R1.3 and V2.0?
Which one is latest version?


Jan 18, 2018
If someone could unlighten me, I'm a bit confused, What's the difference between R1.3 and V2.0?
Which one is latest version?
R1.3 is Better Repack [BR] version from ScrewThisNoise and V2.0 is FlashBangZ version.
Both are similar at this point because there's not much out there yet but BR always looked a fair bit cleaner to me and it has an updater for those that don't have a fast connection and don't want to download a full zip each patch.


Aug 27, 2017
hello there i have some questions

1. can somebody point me where is located last girl ?
2. how do i upload custom BGM to game (to play it on radio in-game) which folder is it ?

Ty in advance and have nice day :)
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