I won't lie, the animation was cool and all but the story didn't get anywhere. Idk if it's normal but the amount of time between each update and the content we get seems so minuscule in comparison. I hope I don't hurt your feelings dev/s, Ik you prbbly put a lot of effort in it. However, I've been waiting to play this update for such a long time. I though we'd finally get some character development for Alenja, maybe some interesting choices and yet here we are. Not witnessing Alenja's adventure at all.
If the animations takes you more time than actually blossoming the story, I rly hope you'll consider putting them on hold but I'm not the mjority or maybe I'm? Idk, you should prbbly do a poll on patreon to know if your subs prefer having animations or advancing the story. I won't lie for me, multiple renders from multiple pov, with some sexy lines, inner thoughts, sfx... are enough. I don't rly need animations. It's a great plus but I'd always favor more content.
If I want sexy animations I'll just look up artist like amazonium3d, Nyl2...
I hope I'm not being hurtful man, but I think you can feel my frustration. I think You should probably ask your subs abt it bc maybe some feel the same way.
Maybe you could do 1 animation every now and then if some ppl rly like them.
Like I stated in a previous com. Your game has a lot of potential, bc of its originality, Like have you seen a female protag game where we can make her into a baddass magic warrior or a slutty bitch depending on choices (yeah I'm still hoping that we'll get at some point meaningful choices). Personally I haven't, the thing that drags you back are :
1- The story strays a lot from Alenja and maybe that wouldn't be a problem if the updates were super long or regular but that's not the case.
2- You're way too focused on one type of content (monsters/rape). Sure, it may attract some but it also repulses some other. Oh and b4 you assume I'm not saying you don't do othertype of content. I'm just saying that doing so in a row gives the impression that you forget abt the other side. 0.19 alrdy had monster scenes, now this one too. Again this correlates with how long you take to update and how little content there is to enjoy.
My humble advice would be to either invest in a better machine if the problem comes from rendering, stop dev for a while and focus on stepping up your rendering game. Or sacrifice a bit of quality and animations. A lot of popular games don't have animations. Instead try including more story oriented choices, relationships...