VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Alexandra [v1.0] [PTOLEMY]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    TylerDurden 69

    Characters: 5/5
    Story: 4.5/5
    Well this one is good expectedly, i mean beautiful girls, gangsta' family, nothing could go wrong.
    Just small requests would be the renders looks kinda dull need some brightening.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game(V0.88) has a good start but since lately, it seems that the devs is trying to stretch the story more and more and suddenly it becomes less captivating.

    I'm not even sure if I would recommend this game...
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a really good VN with story focus.
    So dont download this if you just wanna masturbate.
    That said, I really liked it thus the 5 stars.

    Short summary:
    The MC works his way up a crime syndicate with the help of the daughter of the big boss. (Also there are many side chicks you can have realtions with if you want to)

    The story is this games main selling point. There is an everpresent underlying mystery about the MC going on while he climbs the rank of the criminal organisation. The stakes get higher the further the story progresses. The main cast has good character development and the side characters have their moments to shine as well (only if you chose to pursue them that is). The characters feel real and the story flows naturally, you dont ever feel you are in a certain scene just because.

    The scene setting is done well. The locations look great and mostly like real places. They dont have a stock sky, garbage tier brick wall and eye cancer trees in the background. Transitions in the car are used for exposition and character development and not just there because of story.

    The renders are good but not outstantding

    The pacing is slow in the beginning but good once it gets going

    The sex scenes, in my opinion of course, should be longer, Also there are not very many if any in the beginning.

    Why the fuck are there game over screens in the beginning when you kill people?

    Some "Yes or No" choicecs don't seem to do anything.

    Also for the lenght there arent many choices. I feel that sometimes its nice to have to click the order in which you do things, just so you clicked something to create a sense of accomplishment when you're done (maybe thats just me though)

    What other people said:
    I've read some reviews/commetns and almost didnt download this because I've seen some comments and also reviews giving this 2 star ratings (A 2 star rating based on erotic content would be fair if you just want a porn substitute, which this game is not) because they say the MC is a sub or a simp. As far as I can tell from playing v0.88 this is not the case. As simping implies trying to get/impress a girl but never getting her, which is a weird thing to say about a person who regulary fucks the woman he wants so I don't really get that point. AS for the MC being a sub.... there is literally a girl in the game wo wants to be his sub if you want her to be.The sexual relationship between the MC and Alexandra is not Sub/Dom based.
    Maybe they dont like the MC because he is sociapathic cold blooded killer that doesnt give a shit about everything except his main love interest, which he protects. If it kills you that Alexandra calls the MC "puppy" the dont play this or you will, in fact, die many times!
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Was playing Haley's Story, which is quite good by the way, and it had a crossover to this game, so I figured I'd try it out. Not a good idea as this game is really for Subs.
    Alexandra seems to be a locked in main love interest, cause destiny or some shit. She is the worst LI I've seen in an AVN. Spoiled, whiney, entitled, princess.
    Also throws you into the middle of a forced lesbian relationship that has been going for years, and doesn't give you an escape, you are just Mr. Third wheel all the sudden.
    Real tragedy is almost all the side girls would be better girl friends, but they get almost no time, so it's hard to tell.
    If there is some option to dump the Queen Bitch, and her Cunt girlfriend, at some point, the game might have a happy ending, but there is less and less choices as the game progresses.
    Also lots of bad game overs at the beginning which also sucks.
    So unless you are a Sub, or enjoy watching the MC get bossed around and treated like crap, probably want to pass on this, and play Haley's Story instead. The MC in that one is easy going, but doesn't really take shit from anyone. As it should be. ;)
    Ptolemy other game, Intimate Relations, has some love interests that can also be bossy bitches at times, but not nearly as bad, and a bit more freedom of choice. That one is worth a play. (y)
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    There are way too much spoilers at the start for me, title of the game, showing their future in a flash, obvious flirting by both the players character and alex right from the get go, it feels like all the mystery has been taken out of the game making it very obvoius and easy given you know they will end up together.

    Normally the MC is the character you play as but here its clear the MC is alexandra as she does all the thinking in the game, the player just does whatever she says(usually badly).

    The players character while hes not a simp he does get treated like a pet the majority of the time and is happy to go along with it like a good puppy which dosent suit the rest of the players tough guy kill anyone character, he has a few other contradictions aswell maikng the character feel all over the place.

    The main story(being a gangsta) you would think would be quite entertaining but the player is dumb and can barely do anything on his own, add to that its mostly just day to day grunt work makes the game very boring at the start(and for quite some time after that) but it does start to get a bit interesting much later on.

    There is not much nudity or sex and what there is is quite standard, there is also a much bigger focus on mental health and physical health than nudity or sex for some strange reason, honestly its more of a story game with added sex than a porn game.

    Choices are limited to do the obvious thing and get with a girl or do the other thing and dont, all but one choice(which didnt change the story just gave you another way to have the same outcome) dont do anything major.

    Im only going to include in the review women you are forced to be with either romantically or forced to be friends with which include obviously alexandra(a huge tease) and a crazy(no sane player would want to spend time with) but i will point out the rejection of the crazy does make for the most interesting interaction of the game(sadly it does not last and you will be forced to be with her in the end making the rejection choices pointless).

    Story 2/5 (mostly boring and predictable)
    Sex 2/5 (standard and not very much)
    Characters 2/5 (not very interesting and not people you would want to date)
    Art 4/5 (good)
    Choices 1/5 (none that matter)
    Kinks 1/5 (one side girl, the rest all standard)
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A good example of typical VN

    Pros :
    • Even tho the MC involve in the mafia, the VN does not really lean in that heavily on the mafia life. Sure we still do errand for the 'familia' and all that but the choice does not really matter. The choice that does matter is the choice of the MC personal life outside the 'familia'
    • The girls looks pretty. Overall the characters looks great
    • The scenes are animated! nice.
    • The background, the environment, etc looks great
    The dev update the VN often, but only a small amount per update. I'm not a fan of this kind of approach because i have to download 4 GB everytime the update comes up.

    Had a great time playing it, could not wait for more

  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It looks good but it is not.Basically it is a cinematic novel your decisions are useless is what I felt when a crazy drug and tries to stab the protagonist and if you hurt him, the end of the game hurts it could be better but I remain mediocre and passable: v
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: This review is opinion-based and not a technical review.

    Awesome game, just that, good renders, the characters are good and have flaws and qualities, witch makes them more human, the story is also really good so far, at least for me, my one personal problem is we don't talk to the girlfriend(Liz? sorry i'm bad with names) about having other relationships, I don't think she would have a problem with it since Alex is okay with it.

    Yeah that is pretty much it, really good.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics are good not excellent but better than most of the 3dcg game however I cant say the same thing for the animations. Dev needs to work on the animations a lil more. and a hell of a lot of scripts to read.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.84]

    I like Ptolemy's stuff.

    Art's very good. Some minimal 3d render software wonkiness but very high-quality nonetheless.

    Love the writing. Voice and fluency are easy to read, narrative is pretty believable and coherent. Scenario's been done but this is by no means a bad rendition. I fuckin love the characterization, and am going to feel salty if bad things happen to enjoyable people.

    Porn's enjoyable if a bit vanilla; I'm enjoying a story with some boobs thrown in and that's always good. Poly relationships get extra points in my book.

    Minor gripes with what I feel is psuedo-branching plot; all the 'right' choices were easy and intuitive and the 'wrong' ones seemed little more than overproduced fancy gameovers.

    TLDR: Ptolemy does what Ptolemy do.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1490985

    Okay, this one is easily in my top 5. Amazing, lovable characters; interesting story; and hot girls. What’s not to love? PTOLEMY always amazes, I look forward to seeing where this game goes in the future, seeing as how where it’s been is phenomenal.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game.

    Really nice story and characters! I really like the models too!

    I've been really enjoying how nice and engaging this game is for the last 3 days, and how it makes me care for most of its characters - that's a big win in my books.

    Give this game a try and you will not regret!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    - Great renders of characters models
    - Great polishing of female character models
    - Enjoyable story that I actually wanted to read
    - People not just throwing themselves at the MC because he is there
    - Interesting and complex characters that have interesting quirks to them that makes you want to know them better.

    - Not a con for me but, sex scenes are not abundant
    - Could use a few more choices at night or free roam such as sleep by yourself, or with your girlfriend etc. That's searching though as for me its a complete game.

    Absolutely loved this game and frankly I have been searching for a new game for awhile that would make me want to actually read and know the story. Rather than just skipping non sensical text to get to the scenes. The main character is complex and fighting his demons and trying to keep under control or unleash the beast. I love that you as a player get a say and choice and how he acts. I have certainly enjoyed the development (and look forward to future development on NPCs) of all the characters in the game. Overall its a great story that will captivate you if you actually take the time to read it. Its not a quick FAP so if that is what you are wanting this game is probably not for you.

    However if you are the type that wants a complete adult game with real emotion, in depth characters, Strong renders, and a complete story there are not many games on here that will compete with this one.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favourite games on this site. The first time I played it I couldn't believe how long the story line is/how much content there is in the game. It is epic. With automated forward speed on normal I spend probably over 20 hours playing. The main love interests are fleshed out characters. The side girls are cute and sexy and some of them are also really interesting. I really like the mafia story.
    In general I'm exited for every new release.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I have looked over this game for months because i thought it was going to be the same as every other game like this..... boy was i fucking wrong , and at the same time glad i waited because of how much content i could base this review on.

    this is a slow burning game but the story and charater intergration keep you hooked..

    not to mention the humor in some parts is fanastic ( *clair* if you know you know hahahaha)

    fair play and this is why i shall for this day on never judge a VN from its cover

    massive respect to the team behind this, its a winner in my books

  16. 5.00 star(s)


    An uncut raw diamond. I'm giving it full stars just because it has some if not the best engaging storyline. This is an AVN and yet I play it for the story. Perhaps it is the sparse use of adult material, or just that the story makes you want to read on, just can't put a finger on it - still a diamond. I wholeheartedly suggest supporting this developer. I've used my quota of patreon support for this year so I'll be having this as my top pick for 2021 support.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Had my doubts about this game initially but it's got a pretty good story, nice renders, and no engrish. MC is pretty... well let's just say he's lucky he's living in a porn game. Despite that tho, good game overall. Looking forward to future updates
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    1st of all i really didn't like this MC + FMC, other characters like Dmitri looks far better, same for other FMC, i dont understand why would they choose same boring character again and again,

    As for Story, Its the only thing that kept me playing, played kinda similar story based game, sometimes its good to play other than insect.

    Render looks good to me, (i've seen worse -_- ) some places they really didi good job on rendering. Appreciate their hard work. but seeing same face again n again ,,,,, it became too much boring , if i'm being honest.

    to me thats a huge DISAPPOINTMENT .....
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This one hit me like a Diamond covered in dirt. By the title and description i was expecting an average Visual novel. But WOW! As the story went forward the "diamond " Started to show. The story is deep, Compelling and kept me interested and guessing as it was told. The visuals are great and The models unique and beautiful. I cant wait to see this story come to its conclusion. Will definitely watch this title. Another great story by Ptolemy.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really dont understand why yesterday was the first time I played this. Dont know what to say about this game...apart from the fact that I think its made me develop a fetish about being called "puppy". I want so much more of this story, tho am scared can see how it can easily go ways I do not want, tho am now waiting on pins and needles for next update (hoping is gonna be biggest one yet). Story so far is...well I have replayed it 4 times gonna be a 5th after writing this...never thought I'd see a dev romanticise a polygynous relationship to this degree, where I actually had rl feels and enjoyed it. Just one person missing, the shorty, must have shorty (please)...Hopefully dev can figure out a way Alex brings her in, if not no biggie story awesome as is, in future hope for more early game choices in game. This is on of those game for romantics (in hiding) where erotic seens are a bonus but do not make the game, the story alone is worthwile, I would read if it were a book. Renders are good not the best but still better than 90% other things I've seen, and thank f@#k there is rollback feature one thing a lot of devs do annoyingly forget...thing that makes me drop a lot of games five mins in...also can save anywhere, am unfortunately getting to used to rpgm devs to lazy to take advantage of renpy and unity.

    I know times are hard at present but if you can show the Dev some love and support please do, sure anything would be appreciated in these times