This isn't just a slut here, (She's a chick that slept with you and while you were sleeping, cleaned out your house and stole all your shit). When you meet her again, she's dating your friend, and refuses to apologize or explain herselfand gets all bitchy about it.
The part that irked me about this is that the player doesn't have any choice in the matter. Sure, the MC exposes her backstabbing ass to the shit-for-brains wannabe Andre the Giant, but he's eventually convinced to tone it down and just sit there at the table drinking with her like nothing happened. Who da fuck does that ??

And don't get me started on the cliffhanger from the previous chapter... that felt more like a very painful figurative kick in the balls from a very vengeful ex to me than some sort of a plot twist or whatever it was supposed to be.
I would especially like to mention the psychological component of the plot. It makes you think about the meaning of life, in general, the game left a very pleasant impression.
Sounds like a fair argument, but storywise and from a realistic POV speaking, MC's so-called 'depression' is greatly exaggerated, IMHO. Dude acts like a damn teenager with no life experience who just got cheated on and/or dumped by his girl for a random guy and is now sharing the pain with the player, instead of trying to get his life back on track and move on like any reasonable adult would do in his place.
I'd argue here that becoming an introvert and constantly thinking about what that bitch did to him instead of trying to move on as fast as possible and be with other women to forget her won't fix anything, on the contrary, it'll only make shit worse. That's exactly what happened in his case, and all the times when he wakes up at night in spartan mode ready to kick a woman's ass are a ridiculous thing to write in the script.
That's exactly how you'd expect an army veteran with serious PTSD to act, not a supposedly normal guy who trusted the wrong bitch and got screwed in the process for that, both literally and figuratively.
there are some things in the game that are so bad it almost made me stop playing
I agree. There was too much time and resources spent on the personal trainer shtick, a lot more than it should've been. The unavoidable interaction with THE cunt, not the ex, they never were an official couple, who almost laughs in his face after what she did to him and acts all innocent about it like it wasn't anything serious, just the MC blowing shit out of proportion, was funny, cringe and facepalm-worthy at the same time for me personally.
I'm pretty curious to find out how the dev will redeem that cunt for a lot of players to even accept interacting with her again and what he has planned as a sweet payback for those of us who want to go down that road, but reporting her ass to the cops is something the
brainiac MC should've done the next sec he found out she cleaned out his house of all the valuable possessions he's had, instead of whining like a lil bitch about being betrayed and becoming a hermit for the 'plot'.
Admittedly, something like this is a pretty bad experience to go through, but life goes on, so he should finally move on after 1y since the incident with the cunt happened. The guy had at least a few women almost throwing themselves at him, according to his own admission, but being the very 'smart' lil idiot he is, he refused their advances cuz, apparently, wallowing in self-pity and crying like a lil bitch about being robbed and dumped by some bitch sounds like a better idea than enjoying all the pussy that comes as an extra benefit of being a pretty known PT. Ridiculous.