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Hello friends.
Last week seems to me not as productive as the previous one. We have not managed to fully set up the work for the beginning of the assembly process (it's being worked on), also the work in the first two blocks has slowed down, but I'm glad that there is only a little bit left. I'll try to speed up the completion of these tasks next week. To finish rendering until the 1st star, we're mostly missing just animations, and this is, as you know, a lot of frames, since there can be a dozen or more animations in a scene.
I've changed the GENERAL PROGRESS table a bit, now adding percentages for each blocks and an overall percentage. You can see the actual figures of the TOTAL progress at the link
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There you can clearly see the stage of development of the next version of the game. It lists all the work that needs to be completed, as well as a brief description of it.
Any questions you may have, ask in the comments and I will answer them.
What's been done this week:
+I continue to work on checking scenes up to 2nd star.
+Checked 1 story scene for 2nd star. Marked missing frames and necessary corrections.
+Corrected and finalized 2 scenes (1 story scene and 1 FreeRom scene). Story scenes up to 1st star fully finalized.
+Artists and I continue work on more fixes, this work is ongoing.
+Rendered and prepared for further processing 2 scenes (1 story scene and 1 FreeRom scene). However, an important thing to mention, almost all renders for scenes are ready, but a scene is not considered fully rendered until all animations in that scene are rendered as well. So there are still scenes with animations left, which means the progress of this block will slow down a bit.
+Rendering work continues.
+Processed 11 scenes (7 story scenes and 4 side character scenes).
+Processing work continues.
+Color correction of 11 scenes (8 story scenes and 3 side character scenes) is done.
+Color correction work continues.
+Launch a full time focus on the assembly of scenes into code has not yet been possible, but preparatory work has been finished. Starting next week, there should be increase in figures.
+Work on assembling scenes into code continues.
Also in this post I wanted to attach pictures of the new locations for the first time. But there are too many pictures, so today I'll show one of them and next week I'll make some more posts to show the rest.
The interiors have been completely redesigned, the back lights have been removed, quality light has been set up, new sources of decorative lighting have been added, hidden lights have been added, textures and colors of walls and floors have been changed. In general, you'll see everything on the images. I myself would like to live in such locations. *This locations without backgrounds and post-processing - they will be added later.
Elena's room DAY (BEFORE/AFTER)
Elena's room NIGT (BEFORE/AFTER)
I hope you like the changes
With great gratitude, Super Alex.