For the password box, as far as the passwords go...
There's two:
"98431" = "Harlot" and "Idol" costumes for all three girls.
"32549" = "Harlot","Idol","HyP Suit" for all three girls.
(Yes, "32549" does everything the other one plus.)
From the status screen is the only way to change clothes. You can't click on the clothing item itself in the items menu. Gotta use status screen.How, exactly?
Trying to clean the bathroom, have casual clothes, can't figure out how to change clothes, though
There's an outdoor masturbation thing in Sex XP acquisition... So maybe that, or maybe you can indeed get naked... I mean I'm still in Chapter 3 from hinted 12 chaptersI see exhibitionism tag... can you get naked?
Wait, what? But in the picture its look that the character can change the clothes. And even if it only in status, why can't i do part time on the public bath?It's done in "status"
Just noticed they made a new acct last monthCircle Poison banned on Twitter? lol
likely a bug. im having the same problem as wellso, is it good to assume the rock paper mechanic is broken as theres no prediction viewed ?